Information Station
Greetings. My name is Bleu, and I am the all-knowing woman from Breath of Fire.
And I am Liete, the all-knowing woman from Grandia. We will be your hosts for this section, or as LightSoul calls us...'The know-it-all flight attendant chicks'. I still don't understand the name.
LightSoul chose us to host this section because it contains a lot of knowledge.
He also said it was because we're hot behind our backs. I wonder what that means?
LightSoul's Eden was created late in the year 1999, and had the address And it sucked.
Interesting fact: Before the changes in Geocities, the account was under the name light_soul. After the change, it was changed to lightsoul_dash.
At the time the account was used only to upload fan artwork. Later, LightSoul's Eden was created.
LightSoul's Eden, version 1.0 had been opened. It was terrible. LightSoul had zero knowledge about HTML (which remains the same to this day) and the page was created with the now-retired Geocities Geobuilder.
It was basically a title, some original artwork and links to the early RPG page and art page.
Later, LightSoul thought the original art might not be a good idea and so used his terrible HTML skills to change the graphics to fanart of his favourite RPGs. (By now Geobuilder had disappeared without notice)
LightSoul, being the terrible HTML user that he is, tried to change the page further but to no avail. The arrival of Yahoo! PageBuilder answered the cry for help.
LightSoul's Eden version 2.0 was created. It showed the introduction to the original character, LightSoul, with a grim picture, and large links to the RPG page, art page, the now-dead recipes for disaster page and other sections.
With this change, LightSoul decided to finally start work on the RPG page. Thus, he opened character pages for the fabulous game, Breath of Fire II.
When working on the first page starring the dogman Bow, LightSoul became disgusted with looking at the same picture of a dog named Bow holding a crossbow. So, he began to insult the character.
Thus, the character interview became a main part of LightSoul's RPG page.
After some work on the RPG page, LightSoul worked on the index page again, and created LightSoul's Eden version 3.0. This version was the actual 3.0, not the current one. This was the classic 'speech bubble' version.
This version had a drawn head shot of LightSoul with picture links around it. When moused over, these pictures would turn into speech bubbles with graphics. It had links to the RPG page, art page, detective dramas, the then-active digimon page and others.
The growth of the RPG page continued. LightSoul was spurred on by his few fans to continue his work. LightSoul's RPG page changed from the bland original style (still embodied in the RPG Lite page) to one that used graphic banners taken from scans.
Further on, LightSoul tried to take advantage of Geocities' new page layering to make a new main page. However, his attempts failed, and the original page had been almost completely destroyed in the process.
In a quick attempt to fix the gap, LightSoul created LightSoul's Eden version 4.0, a very cheap version using bland grey buttons, and a terrible banner. This version contained links for many sections, including the babble page, the verdict and others.
The expansion of the RPG page continued. Along with the standard character pages, came other sections such as the help pages.
After a month with an agonisingly ugly title page, LightSoul finally got around to changing it. Thus, LightSoul's Eden Version 3.0 (actually version 5.0) was created from the ashes. Though it was actually version 5.0, versions 1.0 and 4.0 were ejected from the actual counting.
Shortly after this, LightSoul's RPG page was also made-over, with sharper and more organised links.
Soon afterwards, the RPG page was changed again to centre the links, once again, organising them more. By now, LightSoul's Eden had many sections, and also some that still remained to be opened.
LightSoul's Eden is still growing strong. It may be neglected at times, and some unopened sections may remain that way for a while, but LightSoul makes it his business to keep his few fans entertained with dumb jokes.
The newest section of the RPG page, the BATTLE! Arena is what LightSoul hopes to be the new light of the page.
LightSoul has already placed his hopes into the character pages, but he has few games left to go. Thus, the BATTLE! pages, starring the newest characters on the block, the Double Dare judges, hope to become the funniest section of the page.
LightSoul recently made his ninth RPG idea, Exoscars, available for public viewing, and he believes it is one of his best ideas. He may one day make another of his ideas, Born to Fight, public, once he has worked on it more.
Now, for some more useless information, here are some fun facts about the character pages. These are some running gags from the pages.
The most common running gag is the LightSoul Dash. It is LightSoul's most powerful attack, but has been toned down so that he doesn't go around killing everyone.
The LightSoul Dash has appeared in, or been mentioned in the interviews with Magus, Gadwin, Gala, Amada, Gabocha, Edge, Gadget, Cid (FF4), Gilbert, Meg, Tetsu, Luca Blight and Bo.
The Super Miracle is another running gag in the interviews. It originated from Final Fantasy VIII, where a boy claimed his special attack was the Super Miracle Kick.
The mention of Super Miracle has been in the interviews with Laramee, Gadwin, Sydney, Fu So Ya, Justin, Sue, Milda and Noel.
A not-so-common gag is the use of a mouse trap. Apparently, the clasping of a mousetrap to fingers is comical.
The mousetrap has been shown in the interviews with Eon, Lebrante, Clemett and Levant.
'So bitter is her distress' originated from the Granstream Saga instruction booklet. It conveys a sense of loneliness.
The saying has been said in the interviews with Arcia, Jack and Levant.
Along with these, there are recurring characters. These characters pop up now and then for intended humorous effect. These characters are Jean (Breath of Fire 2), Gengen and Hans (Suikoden 2) and in a few rare cases Barney (Barney and Friends). Are there any questions at this point?
The main focus of this page these days is humour. The Warren, Battle, Detective Drama (and other works), and the Babble pages are focussed directly on humour. The RPG and Verdict sections are sort of half/half.
At the moment, the most insane portion of the site belongs to the Phone Bandit, which is located under the Detective Dramas section. Please take a look if you have the time.
I'm so tired...I think I'll nap for a millenium or two.
For now, we are done. We hope we have either managed to enlighten or bewilder you. If either has been done, then our jobs are, too.
Got dat right! You gals did a bang up job. Now...
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