The mists of time blur the past, but it is said that long ago the Spirits bestowed their blessing upon humankind. As a symbol of their benediction, the mystic ones gave the Spirit Stone to their chosen people, the Icarians.
It is also said that the light of the Spirit Stone illuminated the world. Under its calming power, all people lived serenely in peace.
But the tranquillity was not to last. As humans flourished, their internal struggles increased and peace began to weaken. At the height of human prosperity, the peaceful era suddenly failed. The Spirit Stone shattered, scattering into seven fragments hither and yon. The Spirits vanished, and the fate of the Icarians was lost in time.
-The Story of Creation, as told by Angelou

In the far Eastern corner of the Messina Continent lies the small port town of Parm. This once-sleepy village is coming to life in the throes of a booming industrial revolution. Young Justin matches the town�s awakening with his own spirited energy. He yearns for adventures, just like his father�s. As a keepsake, he always carries his father�s amulet, the Spirit Stone.
One day, Justin and his friend Sue hike out to explore the Sult Ruins, a forsaken place north of Parm. While rummaging amid fallen towers and crumbling battlements, Justin spies something strange in the depths of an ancient shaft. Just then, a mysterious voice floats in the air�
�Welcome, he who holds the Spirit Stone.�
Stunned for a moment, Justin quickly becomes as alert as a fox. Could the voice be summoning him? Will it say more? Will the secret speaker appear?
Reaching in his pocket and raising the Spirit Stone high, Justin watches�and waits. The Spirit Stone begins to feel warm, and suddenly a surge of power races through Justin. With his father�s amulet, he might hold the key to the secrets of the ancient Icarians�and a civilisation lost in the swirling haze of time. At last, a magnificent adventure beckons. Justin vows to follow it, wherever it leads.
He is ready. If the voice will just speak again�
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Rating 11+
One player
One memory block, five save slots
Two discs
Analog controller compatible
Vibration Function compatible

Type: Traditional RPG
Battle System: Active time battle

Developed by Game Arts/ESP Inc
Published by Ubisoft

Platform: Sony Playstation, Sega Saturn
To Liete's Page
�Welcome, he who holds the Spirit Stone�-Liethe

The legendary Japanese RPG, at last on your PlayStation.
Join Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gameplay. With cast polygonal worlds to explore and extensive character interaction, Grandia features innovative gameplay with a unique magic combination and character development system and a choice of two battle modes; classic turn-based or automatic.
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