The dark corners of the world have seen the birth of the monster terrible monsters. Evil and powerful, they must be fought. Since ancient times, humanity has been menaced be a vicious and horrifying scourge: dragons. A dynasty of Dragon slayers is dedicated to their mission to rid the world of Dragons, and so these enemies have been locked in endless combat.
Near the quiet mountain village of Brize, the ancient feud claims the brave Dragon Valor. The victorious dragon attacks the village and claims another victim, Elena, a young daughter of the slayer family. Her brother, Clovis, manages to survive the attack and a burning desire for vengeance spurs him on to take up the fight again�
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Dragon Valor

Rating 8, Medium level animated violence
One player
One memory block
Analog controller compatible
Vibration function compatible
Option controller SLEH-0004 (Arcade stick)
Two discs
Type: Action RPG
Battle System: Full active
Platform: Sony Playstation
By Namco
Legends tell of a formidable, magical creature the Dragon. Their cold scaly skin, malevolent eyes and teeth like ivory daggers could strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest of men. Generations of Dragon-Slayers have dedicated their lives to hunting and destroying these fearsome beasts. Hence, the dragon-slayers and the dragons are mortal enemies, locked in an eternal battle for survival.
DRAGON VALOR takes you to a huge 3D world of magical lands, dark, imposing dungeons and monstrous adversaries. Only the bravest will survive.

Okay, right. Right. Here I am just making notes of the characters I have seen so far. If you wanna ignore it, go ahead. It's just so I can remember later. Yeah.
Clovis Celia
Arlen Shalya
Felippe Jeanne
Anna Mihael
Clovis Carolina
Gerome Sarah
Clovis Carolina
Kodel Fannah
Phillip Jeanne
Anna Mihael
But these are only the characters that I have played so far. I think that there may be a way to have a different character after Kodel, since Fannah must have been there for a reason. Just for experimentation, I didn't listen to Carolina during Chapter 1, so I have a theory that if you listen to her, then take Kodel's story instead of Arlen's, you will get a different character. Also, I think that there may be a different character after Gerome, since when you rescue Sarah, you have a choice "Reassure her" or "Scare her" and I think that this may have different results. Of course, I chose "Reassure her" and I got Anita. This gives the game a lot of replay value.
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