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The Horses

The horses from the low Andalusia have been always admired from ancient times. The existence of excellent pastures in the marshes, as well as a good climate, collaborated in the breeding of those horses, that have aroused always so much admiration. There was a constant preoccupation by the selection and breeding of those horses, with the purpose that they were effective in wars an entertainments.

Royal Andalusian School of the Equestrian Art

Near El Puerto de Santa Mar�a it is found Jerez de la Frontera(a city), to which the 'Royal Andalusia School of the Equestrian Art' belongs. That 'Royal Andalusian School' was established in Jerez de la Frontera in 1,973, due to the initiative of "Alvaro Domecq Romero" ( a famous rider first, and then horses� breeder). The preservation and promotion of the classical an cattle breeding-ins, the preservation of the prestige of the horsemanship from Jerez de la Frontera, the horses' breeds, as well as the education of riders, are the main aims of that 'Royal Andalusian School'.

The show offered by this 'Royal Andalusian School' is called 'How do the Andalusian horses dance?'.

How do the Andalusian horses dance?

How do the Andalusian horses dance?.

It is an unusual show, based on the rhythm and discipline, as well as the music and the beauty.

Riders and horses are the main protagonists of a fantastic equestrian ballet, based on a choreography which comes from the accelerations of the classical and cattle breaking-ins, with typical Spanish music and costumes, in the 18th century fashion.


* Watching the trainings, as well as visiting stables, passages, shop, and museum of "El Guadarn�s"(a famous place related to the horsemanship).

* Special night events during the "Horse' fair"(in Spanish, "Feria del Caballo"), the summer, and other events which take place in the city (Jerez de la Frontera).

* Tourist offers for groups of people: private 'How do the Andalusian horses dance?' shows for groups (of people) who go to that zone.

Carthusian Horses

The Carthusian people created one of the most beautiful horses' breeds, which still exists. We could say that never a breed like that achieved so much prestige: kings, princes, or Lords who were awarded of the quality of the Carthusian horses, went to Jerez de la Frontera so as to buy them. The descendants of the Carthusian horses' inherited the "papilllo" and the "verruga"( two parts which serve to identify the Carthusian horses), physical defects first, and then, 'the marks', searched by many people( who wanted to buy an authentic Carthusian horse).
After 'the Sale of Church Lands' a great deal of those houses ere sold in 1,938 to many stockbreeders from Jerez de Frontera , but that breed is still kept alive, constituting the purest Spanish breed. Nowadays, there exist in the township of Jerez more than forty horse' breeds, dominating a type of horse created by the mixture of the Arabian and the Spanish horses, strong, beautiful and resistant, with great aptitudes for the "doma de silla", the "enganches", and the "rejoneo"(three disciplines in the horsemanship world).
Interesting links

Learning Spanish among beautiful horses: InterFor

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