Well, first of all my name is Lissa.

BUCKLE BUNNY- A girl who fucks and goes down on cowboys, cowboys, and yes cowboys. The name is said to have come from the buckle print on their forehead from going down on the cowboys. A more detailed definition may come later.
--December 24, 2004--

A is for age: 17.75 yrs... but hell, im still legal here n Illinois!

B is for booze: bacardi silver & Southern Comfort *Aaron, honey, u have to share!!!*

C is for career: rodeo cowgirl

D is for dad's name: Jim

E is for essential items to bring to a party: money, and gotta bring home a hottie

F is for favorite song at the moment:

G is for girlfriend: i am not gay

H is for hometown: Bismarck

I is for instruments you play: clarinet n flute

J is for jam or jelly you like: grape

K is for kids: noooo nooo noooo, i dont want any

L is for living arrangements: wif my dad then maybe my baby :D

M is for mom's name: Rose

N is for name of your best friend: John *well he was* maybe Nikki, Bonnie, Neen, Rach???

O is for overnight hospital stays: 2

P is for phobia[s]: cows LOL, and being alone, especially at night.... i hate being alone *tear*

Q is for quote you like: Save a horse, ride I cowboy!

R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Andy, and it was the worst I've ever had

S is for sexual position: standing up n da shower

T is for time you wake up: 6ish

U is for unique trait: do the things i do wif my tongue count?

V is for favorite vegetable: none

W is for worst trait: i dunno, Brock says I'm a ho, maybe thats it

X is for x-rays you've had: too many ta count

Y is for yummy food you make: homemade cheesy fries and brownies *yum* remember that time, neen, that u n i drank a gal of milk n ate a pan of brownies??

Z is for zodiac sign: Aries


Please note, all information on this site is Copyright � 2000-2005 Lissa Taylor unless otherwise noted. If I have used one of your graphics (there are very few on here that I didn't make, if any) then please let me know, and I will happily link it to you. For any questions, comments, or concerns, please email me. Thank you for viewing my site. I hope you enjoyed, and please, come back again.

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