The Code of the Woosters

The Code of the Woosters, by P.G. Wodehouse, is a hilarous book about the adventures of Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves.

About this page


The Russian Wodehouse Society
has a page devoted to The Code of the Woosters that gives a brief plot summary, some facts about the book, a listing of characters, and some pictures of a few of the covers of the book.
has customer reviews of The Code of the Woosters and sells the book for $9.
has a customer review which lists The Code of the Woosters as one of the five "books you can't do without".

ex libris reviews
has a page which gives reviews for many of Wodehouse's novels, including The Code of the Woosters.

Note: These are just some sites that came up when I googled this book. I have not explored any of the content on these last two pages, so don't hold me responsible for anything offensive that may be contained on either page.

Note: I tested this page on a PC, Mac, with Internet Explorer, and with Netscape, with the following results:
-PC, using Internet Explorer, no problems
-Mac, using Internet Explorer, no problems with the footer, but the rollover images did not appear.
-PC, using Netscape, no problems with the footer, but the rollover images were missing

So, if I were putting this page on a "real" website, I would not include the rollover images.
(I probably would not include the footer, either, but that's just personal preference !)

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