by Tom Hastings � 2008

Robert Brenot is 42 years old, white, wears a gray goatee beard, and is an active participant in meetings. 


Mayor Nickels denied $50,000 to SHARE/WHEEL and other shelters.  His efforts to kick Nickelsville out of Seattle probably now exceeds that $50,000 just in police and lawyer expenses.  His police sweeps intended to get individuals out from under bridges but now his intention is to shut us down to make sure we wind up right back under bridges.  But we aint going nowhere. 

Over 4,500 residents have now stayed at Nickelsville and Tent Cities.  Nickelsville spends not a single penny of tax funds.  The local community is happy to help us.  We just had to wake them up and show them our 100 pink tents!  They got the message quick! 

I don�t like the term �homeless.�  I AM RESIDENTIALLY-CHALLENGED!  This could happen to anyone�. 

Those 22 of us arrested at the previous site still have our day in court.  We have to go to court on December 11, for Second Degree Criminal Trespassing.  Mayor Nickels refuses to drop charges.  He is going to spend a fortune of taxpayer money just trying to find us guilty.  We are going to fight, plead Not Guilty, get a jury trial, the whole thing. 

The public recognizes the homeless crisis.  Nickels sees it too, but he refuses to do anything beyond his Ten Year Plan.  We sure aint waiting ten years!  WE�RE GETTING IT DONE RIGHT NOW!

Spud Brubaker, Aaron Colyer
Robert and Aaron Colyer
Local Hero Spud Brubaker, with Cory and Butch Brubaker
Spud and Matthew Brubaker
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