by Tom Hastings � 2008

Donna is 38, a Lakota American Indian from North Dakota.


I�m Lakota Sioux from the reservation at Fort Yates, North Dakota.  I�m 38 and left the reservation 20 years ago�.  I�ve been homeless for five months now.  I lost my apartment due to domestic violence.  I could not work for two months because of physical abuse�.  I was bedridden and lost my job and could not pay rent so my landlord evicted me�.  I�m a high school dropout but I was a restaurant cook.  I lost my apartment, all my furniture, everything.  I had nothing but a small duffel bag on the street that I had to carry everywhere. 

BEING A WOMAN BY YOURSELF ALONE ON THE STREET IS VERY DANGEROUS.  Anything could happen to you�.  Before Nickelsville, I was sleeping in doorways and sidewalks�.  I slept at the waterfront downtown�.  Stayed in many shelters, but most of the time they were full and I didn�t get in�.  Woman�s shelters are also full to capacity�.  Nickelsville aint a long term solution for me, but it is helping me get back to where I was before all this began�.  I�ve been with Nickelsville since they started.  It has been quite an experience to help move this camp so many times�.  But this could happen to anyone�. 

I�m a huge supporter of Nickelsville.  I go to meetings and meet with important people.  It�s been a great blessing for me�.  I FEEL A STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY AT NICKELSVILLE.  WE�RE ALL FAMILY HERE.
Spud Brubaker, Aaron Colyer
Local Hero Spud Brubaker, with Cory and Butch Brubaker
Spud and Matthew Brubaker
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