Cooler Places To Visit Than Staying Around Here

i will not be offended if you want to go to these sites. i am actualy promoting your going and seeing them...they are much better than mine anyway. thanks for stopping by and i hope you come again^_^!!!

ChalupaLand version 3.0-Amy Wagner's website...good stuff here!

Larrie's Lunch Box-Marrie Vetter's website...i reccomend the poetry!

The Official Paul Hostettler Webpage-take note...this is officaly Paul Hostettler's webpage. very self promoting. take note of the pictures.

mehh-Grant's hot website. Go there or DIE!

Born Absent-Steve Szabo's webpage...go there! ^_^

Tanya's Webpage-Tanya Webster's webpage. i gave her the idea...hehe^_^! that i am an astrology nut, here is the website i go to often! i'm not even getting paied to put this up either.

Google-cool search engine with a funny name...^_^

more to come as soon as i get site names and addys.

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