Physical Education and Sports

A CXC syllabus for Physical Education and Sport will be in schools in September 2003. The first examinations in Physical Education and Sport for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) will be offered in May/June 2005. For many persons this syllabus is a welcome addition. It is generally accepted that Physical Education and Sport play an essential part in the overall development of our young people. The need for Physical Education was discussed as a separate subject by CARICOM Ministers responsible for Sports (many of whom are also responsible for Education). A mandate was then given to CXC to develop a syllabus for examination for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate�.

In developing the syllabus, Council consulted ministries of education and institutions for the names of resource persons who can work with CXC to develop the syllabus. Mr Edwin Murray explained, �the syllabus will include areas such as dealing with sports injuries, organising and managing teams, and the roles of managers, officials and players in sports�. The syllabus provides opportunity for creativity and teamwork; options and students can select from a wide range of sports that include football, netball, track and field, tennis and volleyball.

The CXC examination of the subject will contribute to enhancing the status of this subject. A Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate in this area will help persons who wish to continue their education in this field. This is a subject that many students may also wish to take for their personal development, given that physical well-being undoubtedly contributes to general well being and improvement in academic performance.
(Extracts from the CXC website
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