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Hi guys today i am going to talk about the best super heroes ever.    

First up is Spider Man and 2099 Spider Man.
I chose them because they have nice suits and nice powers.And because I like Spider Man .

                                                                Dr bruce banner was a normal scientist .          A guy named tony stark made this
                                                                                                                                             suit to protect  himeself to protect
                                                                                                                                        from the  mandarins.
                                                        Until there was a aciddent. He was breathing
                                                   green poisounous smoke and it turned him into a green



Captian America was an ordiany guy .
He always got hit but then some scientists so him on
a cctv camera.He got put in a machine and he was so strong
And he got his powers and got put in the army.
Randomly chosen to become a member of the Nova Corps until the Annihilation Wave destroyed them all, leaving him imbued with their combined power and guided by the super-intelligent Worldmind computer, Richard Rider wages a one-man battle for justice as Nova.


The first of Charles Xavier's X-Men, Scott Summers is known as much for his serious personality as he is his powerful optic blasts. Rescued by Xavier and hand picked to lead the team's first incarnation of heroes, the mutant known as Cyclops is the epitome of selflessness, proving time and again that good leaders lead through example. While he may not be as interesting as his more colorful counterparts, his skills as a tactician are equal to none. Recent events have arguably seen Cyclops fall from grace, but the fact remains that every decision he makes, good or bad, is made for the betterment of mutantkind.


There’s no questioning Thor’s place amongst the elite pantheon of Marvel heroes. The son of Odin and heir to Asgard, Thor has long been a champion of the downtrodden, whether he’s smashing frost giants on Jotunheim or battling alongside the Avengers on Midgard. Possessor of the mighty Mjolnir, a magic hammer of devastating power, Thor’s remarkable strength is outshone only by his unwavering belief in humanity. The first into battle and the last to leave, this founding Avenger will let nothing get in his way when it comes to protecting the innocent. And if something does get in his way, well, that's what the hammer is for is for punching.

There's no denying Ghost Rider's instant appeal, the character's flaming skull and similarly scorching motorcycle making for one of the more visually arresting members of the Marvel U. The original rider, Johhny Blaze, remains the best known, but no matter who vessels Zarathos, the Spirit of Vengeance, the results are the same. Using his Penance Stare to burn evildoers with their sins, he combats the world's more supernatural elements. However, Ghost Rider's demonic appearance hides a more humble beginning. Blaze represents selfless sacrifice, willingly accepting his curse in the hopes of curing his father's ailments. Deals with the Devil rarely go well, but that hasn't stopped Ghost Rider from banishing evil while riding that sweet, sweet bike.    Next webpage