Pics from my trip to Kenya and Uganda in Jan/Feb 2002. Click on a pic to get a larger image 

Note: I did this late at night so while the captions are correct the file names may be a bit wonky

Anyway, have a look and maybe I'll add more later on.  Email me at [email protected]  (remove the 8888, its there to confuse the email crawlers.

map of Uganda  map of Kenya

Mombassa from the hotel looking towards the ocean Hyena - Masai Mara
Beach at Tiwi, Kenya (south of Mombassa) Giraffe - Masai Mara
Sunset at Tiwi gazelle - Masai Mara
Sunset from Hornbill campground Sesse islands Zebra - Masai Mara
Sesse islands, jungle Karen and Paddy sorry its a little blurry - local Gin ;)
Sesse islands, palm plantation Natalie and her goats
Sesse islands, fishing village vendors at Najjembe market (meat onna stick). Goat was 500Ugs(50˘Cdn) while chicken was 1000Ugs($1)
Akamba bus depot, Nairobi Kabale. Bicycles are a common transport vehicle
Nairobi from hostel looking east Jen's house in Najjembe
Nairobi from hostel looking west Jen makes a call
Mango grove hotel in Kampala. $6/night in a dorm setup.  Fazira, Jen and babies. Fazira is the main cook and bottle washer. Her kids are older but she just loves babies
Kampala taxi park. You wade into this mess and find a matatu that is going your way, haggle price and wait. They leave when they are ready. My fan club at Jens place. I could not even look out the door without cries of muzungu (sp?) and they would all come running. Had 14 watch me do the dishes one day.
Mombassa spice shop. If I remember right, these were curries Mabira station. Jen worked out of here
Marabou stork. These are just about everywhere. Africa's 'pigeons' Countryside at Bushenyi
Meat market in Masaka. We parked by this on a very hot day waiting for the trip to the Sesse Island ferry My hooch at Budongo forest
cheetah, Masai Mara, Kenya Bill and Anthea at Murchison falls on the Nile. Spent a wonderful couple of days with them. They had a vehicle!!!
Masai warriors doing a dance for us as we arrived at their village. Visit arrange by campsite owner, who was masai. Cost was $7US each and it was given directly to the villagers. Very proud and nice folk. The Batwa. They were found wandering homeless in the late 90's after being expelled from their home. Many had died from Malaria. One of the the groups Annie works for bought them 3 acres of land and are teaching them to be farmers.  
masai village. The women build the houses and do most of the work while the men tend to the cattle. House is wattle covered in cow manure. Annie's kitchen ay Kabale
Masai women singing Albert and the Batwa. He is translating for Annie (nurse) and several local officials
Cheetahs - Masai Mara Lake Bunyonyi. I took a dugout back to the mainland.
Lioness and cubs - Masai Mara Murchison falls on the Nile


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