Del Tera's Good Blend


Del Tera's Good Blend (Smoothie) is a wonderful AMHR registered miniature horse. She 3 years old but very steady. Smoothie is a very unusual chestnut roan medicine hat paint.


Smoothie is shown with Sean, 4, and Ian, 5, taking a ride around our property. She is ready to leadline the grandkids and will quickly become a family favorite. Smoothie has a super temperament and could also be used for nursing home visits, school fairs etc (and how about show and tell?).


She is shown above left as a yearling visiting with Grandma Dorothy, 83, and friend Jennifer, 3. Above right, taken February, 2006, she is enjoying a grooming from Ana, age 4. A pony for all ages! Smoothie is priced at $2400, and sells with a brand new 9.5" miniature saddle, pad and halter/bridle.

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