
Chris Jericho vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Undisputed World Championship!

- Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hit and he came right out after Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle stormed to the ring and he nailed Stone Cold with a steel chair, and before the referee could start the match, The Rock then got in the ring and he gave Chris Jericho the Rock Bottom and then Kurt Angle ran out of the arena as The Rock chased him. Now, the match is officially under way for the Undisputed Championship! The referee started the count as both men were down on the mat and Chris Jericho was able to get over and pin Stone Cold, but he only got a two count. You could hear some fans chanting "Triple H! Triple H!" Chris Jericho stomped away on Stone Cold as he was down on the mat and then he chopped him across the chest a number of times as he got up. Stone Cold whipped Chris Jericho off the ropes and Chris came back with a flying forearm to knock him down. Chris Jericho whipped Stone Cold into the corner and he gave him a clothesline and then he kicked and punched away on him in the corner.
Austin fired out of the corner with a shoulder block and then he slammed Chris Jericho's head into the turnbuckle a number of times. Austin went for the stunner, but Chris avoided it by backing out and then Stone Cold knocked Chris Jericho right to the outside of the ring. Austin chopped Chris Jericho across the chest a number of times on the outside of the ring and then he picked him up and dropped him onto the security wall. Austin whipped Chris Jericho into the steel ring post, shoulder first and then he pulled the mat up on the outside of the ring and exposed the concrete floor. Chris Jericho knocked Austin down and the two fought onto the Spanish announcer's table and Austin went for the stunner on the table, but Chris caught his foot and he went for the Walls of Jericho on the announcer's table. The two got back in the ring and Chris Jericho rammed Stone Cold's shoulder into the steel ring post a couple of times and then he pulled his arm over onto the top rope and then he chopped away on him against the ropes. Chris whipped Austin and went for a drop kick, but Austin held onto the ropes.
Austin then grabbed Chris Jericho and he gave him a sling shot into the top turnbuckle and then he knocked Chris Jericho down with a hard clothesline. Chris grabbed Austin in an arm bar and he hyper extended the elbow of Stone Cold to wear him down. Chris Jericho used his feet on the ropes to gain leverage, and the referee saw it and he knocked Chris off the ropes. Chris Jericho gave Stone Cold a suplex and then he headed to the top rope and he came off with an elbow, but Stone Cold gave Chris Jericho a shot to the mid section. Stone Cold then backed Chris Jericho into the corner and he chopped away on him and Austin went for a spinebuster, but Chris rolled Stone Cold up in a pin for a two count. Chris Jericho then locked the Walls of Jericho in on Austin, and Austin fought and fought to get to the ropes and then Chris Jericho stomped away on the back of Austin's head as he was down on the mat. Chris picked Austin up and gave him a right hand and then a knife edge chop. Austin whipped Chris off the ropes and Chris came back with a flying forearm and Austin ducked, and the referee was knocked to the outside of the ring.
Austin then brawled with Austin and then Chris gave Austin a low blow and then he gave Stone Cold the Stone Cold Stunner! Vince McMahon then made his way out, and he brought out former WCW referee, Nick Patrick. Nick Patrick tried to get Chris to pin Austin, but Ric Flair came out and pulled Nick Patrick to the outside of the ring and then he knocked him down with a hard right hand. Vince then knocked Ric Flair down with a punch and then he rammed him into the steel ring post and then Austin gave Chris Jericho a low blow. Austin got out of the ring and he stomped away on Vince and then he got back in the ring and hammered away on Chris Jericho. Austin connected with the Lou Thesz Press and then he gave him a number of right hands. Austin then went for the Walls of Jericho on Chris Jericho, and he got it on and Chris Jericho tapped out, but there was no referee! Booker T then stormed out to the ring and he hit Austin with the WWF Championship belt, and then he left through the crowd! Chris Jericho then pinned Stone Cold Steve Austin for a three count to win the Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship!

Winner - Chris Jeirho - Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion

After the match:
Vince McMahon laughed as he went up the ramp and Chris Jericho grabbed both Championship belts and he walked up the ramp with the belts!

From Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW

Eddie's comment: Wow! Interesting choice, fresh storylines will be coming up! No Triple H however! Ah well, watch RAW tomorrow!

The Rock vs. Chris Jeirho - World Championship

- The Rock's music hit and he made his way out as the World Heavyweight Champion for his title defense against Chris Jericho! The two locked it up to start it off and The Rock got Chris Jericho in a side headlock and then Chris whipped The Rock off the ropes and The Rock came back with a shoulder block to knock Chris down. The Rock took Chris Jericho down with two arm drags and then he held his arm in the arm bar position. Chris Jericho got out of the arm bar and he got The Rock in a hammerlock, right into a side headlock. The Rock whipped Chris off the ropes, and Chris came back with a shoulder block to knock The Rock down. The Rock knocked Chris down with a series of right hands and then he hit him with a hard clothesline to knock him down. Chris whipped The Rock off the ropes and he knocked him down with a spinning heel kick and The Rock fell to the outside of the ring. The Rock tried to get back in the ring and Chris Jericho knocked him down with a springboard drop kick.
Chris went after The Rock on the outside of the ring and Chris Jericho slammed The Rock's head into the announcer's table and then he slammed him into the steel steps. Chris Jericho rolled The Rock back into the ring and then Chris went to the top rope and he came off with a jumping reverse elbow on The Rock. Chris Jericho pinned The Rock, but he only got a two count. Chris mounted The Rock and gave him a number of straight right hands and then he kicked away on him as he was down on the mat. Chris Jericho gave The Rock a suplex, and then he pinned him for another two count. Chris knocked The Rock down with a clothesline, and the fans chanted for The Rock as Chris pinned The Rock for yet another two count. The Rock got up and he tossed Chris across the ring and then he took him down with a Samoan drop and then a pin for a two count. The Rock nailed Chris with a right hand and Chris whipped The Rock off the ropes and he caught him in a sleeper hold to wear him down. The referee checked on The Rock to see if he was still in the match, and The Rock proved to still be in the match by getting out of the sleeper.
Chris knocked The Rock down and he went for the lionsault, but he landed on his feet as The Rock got up. The Rock nailed Chris with a number of right hands and then Chris Jericho gave The Rock a bulldog to take him down and then he hit the lionsault. Chris then pinned The Rock, but he was only able to get a two count. Chris Jericho and the referee got in an argument and they shoved each other. Chris then gave The Rock a suplex in the middle of the ring and then he headed to the top rope and The Rock ran into the ropes to knock Chris Jericho down. The Rock chopped away on Chris Jericho as he sat on the top rope and then he climbed up with Chris Jericho and he hooked him in a super plex, but Chris Jericho blocked it and he shoved The Rock down to the mat. Chris Jericho then came off the top rope with a cross body on The Rock, but he was only able to get a two count. Chris then nailed The Rock with a clothesline to knock him down and then he kicked away on him as he was down. Chris chopped The Rock across the chest and then Chris whipped The Rock into the corner and Chris charged at The Rock, but The Rock side stepped it and Chris bounced right to the outside of the ring.
The Rock went after Chris Jericho on the outside of the ring and The Rock picked Jericho up, but Chris countered it and he dropped The Rock across the security wall. Chris then took The Rock down and he gave him a sling shot right into the ring post. Chris Jericho then took the monitors out of the announcer's table and then he gave The Rock a right hand and then he slammed him into the Spanish announcer's tables. Chris Jericho got in the ring to break the count and then he got The Rock up on the announcer's table and he slapped him across the face a couple of times and then he set him up for the Rock Bottom, but The Rock countered it into a DDT on Jericho through the table! The Rock got up and the referee wanted him to get in the ring, but The Rock shoved him and then he grabbed Chris Jericho and gave him a thunderous right hand. The Rock got Chris Jericho in the ring and he went for the Rock Bottom, but Chris Jericho fought out of it.
Chris Jericho took The Rock down with the break down, and the referee was there to make the count. Chris Jericho got up and he jumped on The Rock and then he set him up for the people's elbow. Chris went for it, but The Rock got up and he hooked Chris in the Sharpshooter, but Jericho countered it. Chris went for a Sharpshooter of his own, and he got it on! Chris pulled The Rock to the center of the ring so he can't get to the ropes, and The Rock was fading! The Rock was finally able to get to the ropes, and then Chris pulled The Rock to the center of the ring and he went for the Sharpshooter again, but The Rock rolled him up in a small package, but he only got a two count. The Rock then gave Chris Jericho the Rock Bottom, but he was unable to pin him! Vince McMahon made his way out as The Rock crawled over and pinned Chris Jericho and the referee was distracted by him. The Rock went over and he knocked Vince down from the apron with a right hand and then he gave Chris Jericho the spinebuster in the ring and then he went for the people's elbow, and he pulled Vince into the ring.
The Rock gave Chris the people's elbow, and then he went back to work on Vince. Chris Jericho then gave The Rock the Rock Bottom after the low blow and then a pin for a three count to get the win!

Winner - new World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho

From Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg by PW

Fast comment by Eddie: Really really surprising decision about the main event in my view!

Trish/Test Segment:

- Trish was getting ready backstage when she was approached by Test. Test said he was doing some thinking, and that last week she had given Rock a thank-you kiss. He said he would come in and give her a congratulations kiss this week. He said Trish was lucky to get to kiss a man like him, and he warned her that once she had Test, you could forget the rest. He told her to pucker up, and she rejected him! He called her a tease! He said she couldn't do anything to get him fired, and she then threw him out of her locker room!

From WWF.com

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle - WWF Championship + Rikishi Segment!

- WWF New York Segment before the match:
A shot of WWF New York was shown, and Rikishi is there tonight. Jim Ross told Rikishi that it was great seeing Rikishi give Vince a dose of his own medicine. Rikishi said it was his pleasure. For a minute there, he thought he would have to have Vince McMahon's head surgically removed out of his ass! That's all good. Vince has been using his power to take advantage of people. Now that the Kiss My Ass Club is officially closed, Rikishi is back and ready to back that ass up again!

- Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin

Kurt Angle's music hit in the arena and this is the first of three matches to determine an Undisputed Champion! Stone Cold Steve Austin came out next, and he got face to face with Kurt, and the fans went nuts with "WHAT?" The match started off with a tease of a test of strength and then the two locked it up and Kurt backed Stone Cold into the corner and the referee started the count. The referee called for a break, and the two locked against the ropes and powered each other into the other corner. The two got out of the corner and backed each other into the opposite corner. The referee called for a break, and he got just that. Kurt and Austin then got ready to tie it up when Kurt got angry at the fans chanting "Angle sucks!" The two locked it up again and Austin gave Kurt a knee to the mid section and then he knocked him down and then stomped away on him by the ropes. Austin picked Kurt up and he chopped away on him against the ropes.
Austin whipped Kurt to the other side of the ring and Kurt grabbed the ropes and bailed to the outside of the ring to heavy boos from the crowd. Kurt got back in the ring and the two locked it up once again and Kurt took Angle down and then he gave him some shots to the back as Austin bailed out of the ring. Austin got back in the ring and he gave Angle the fingers, right in his face. The two locked it up once again and Kurt went behind Austin and then he got him in a side headlock. Austin whipped Angle off the ropes and Angle came back with a shoulder block to knock him down. Austin knocked Kurt down with a reverse elbow and then he chopped away on Kurt Angle's chest. Austin gave Kurt a right hand and then he went to kick Angle, but Angle caught his foot and went for the ankle lock, but Austin rolled out of it. Austin whipped Kurt off the ropes and Kurt came back with a go behind and then Austin grabbed the arm of Angle and he yanked away on his arm with an arm ringer.
Angle countered it and Austin raked the eyes of Angle. Austin choked Angle over the second rope and the referee started the count. Austin backed Kurt into the corner and he wrapped his arm around the rope to punish it. Kurt and Austin then exchanged right hands and then Austin tossed Kurt Angle over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Austin rammed Kurt Angle into the steel ring post a couple of times and then Austin got Angle back in the ring and as Austin tried to get in the ring, Angle kicked away on him. The fans got on Angle's case with a "What? What? WHAT?" chant. Austin took Kurt Angle down and then he pinned him for a two count. Austin slammed Kurt Angle into the top turnbuckle and then he chopped away on him in the corner. Kurt Angle got Stone Cold in the ankle lock, and Austin was about to tap, but he just didn't want to. Austin crawled and tried to get to the ropes, and he did just that. The referee got on Angle's case to break the hold, and he did just that.
Austin knocked Kurt Angle to the outside of the ring and then he slammed his head into the Spanish announcer's table. Austin punched and chopped away on Angle and then he rolled him into the ring. Kurt Angle grabbed Austin and slammed his knee into the ring post. Angle continued to slam Austin's leg into the ring post and then he chopped away on him. Kurt Angle put Austin in a figure four on the ring post and the referee tried to pull Angle off, and he eventually released the hold. Kurt Angle then got back in the ring and he put Austin in the ankle lock and Austin kicked Angle out of it. Austin got up and Kurt Angle picked Austin up and gave him an over the head belly to belly suplex. Kurt and Austin brawled and Kurt got Austin in a German suplex, and he held onto it and gave him another one. Kurt gave Austin another and then he headed to the top rope for a moonsault, and he came off, but Austin was able to move out of the way! Austin knocked Kurt down with a series of right hands and then he whipped him off the ropes and he connected with the Lou Thesz Press and a number of right hands.
Kurt Angle charged at Austin after getting out of the right hands and Austin caught him in a spinebuster and then Austin pinned Kurt Angle, but he only got a two count. Kurt Angle raked Austin's eyes and then he gave him a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Austin grabbed Kurt Angle and he gave him a German suplex of his own! Austin held onto it and he gave Kurt Angle another one and then he went for a third, but Angle fought out of it. Austin was able to grab Angle and give him the third one just a second lader, and he gave him two more after the third. Austin then pinned Kurt Angle, but he only got a two count. Kurt Angle hit Austin with a low blow and then Angle grabbed Austin and he gave him the Angle Slam and then he pinned Stone Cold, but he only got a two count! Kurt got angry and then he went for the stunner, but Austin got out of it and he hit the stunner on Kurt Angle and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win!

Winner - Stone Cold Steve Austin, still WWF Heavyweight Champion

From Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW

Trish Stratus vs. Jackie - WWF Women's Championship

- The Women's Title was on the line as Trish defended against the rough-and-tumble Jackie, herself a former Women's Champion.
Jackie took the advantage in the early-going, knocking Trish to the mat on numerous occasions. But Trish wouldn't stay down. Trish took the advantage with a couple of kicks, but Jackie just shoved her away, and kncoked her down with punches and kicks.
Jackie slammed Trish down twice, and stepped on the champion's hair. But Trish rebounded with a clothesline for two. Jackie knocked Trish down, but Trish sent Jackie into the corner, and Trish went with a backwards roll for a near-fall.
Trish went for the bulldog off the ropes, but Jackie shoved her off, and kicked her in the head for a two-count. Trish then hit a backslide and pinned Jackie to retain her title!

From WWF.com

Ric Flair/Y2J Segment + TRIPLE H PACKAGE!!!

- Ric Flair was in his locker room when he was approached by Chris Jericho. Y2J said the one thing Flair didn't have confidence in was Chris Jericho. He said that no one thought he could be Undisputed Champion. Y2J said he had beaten Rock twice, and tonight he would beat him for a third time, and then walk out as Undisputed Champion. Flair said if he could pull it off,he would be the man. He said that tomorrow on RAW, if he won, Flair could come in the ring and present him with the one thing Flair never had -- the Undisputed Championship. Flair said he would indeed walk the aisle and crown someone the Undisputed Champion. Y2J said he would see Flair tomorrow.

A video package then aired about Triple H, to the tune of "Beautiful Day" by U2.

From WWF.com

The Undertaker vs. RVD - WWF Hardcore Championship + Matt/Lita Segment:

- The Undertaker's music hit in the arena and he made his way out on his motorcycle and the fans cheered him. Isn't he supposed to be heel? Rob Van Dam came out, and the fans popped for him as well, and this match is for the World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Championship! The fans chanted "RVD, RVD!" when he got in the ring and the match started off with a lock up and the Undertaker shoved RVD down. The Undertaker went for a clothesline in the corner, but RVD ducked it and RVD gave the Undertaker some kicks. RVD then got the Undertaker in the corner and he gave him some shoulder blocks and he went for a leaping one, but the Undertaker hit him with a big boot and then an elbow drop and a pin for a two count. The Undertaker whipped Rob Van Dam into the corner and then Rob hit the Undertaker with a reverse elbow. Rob Van Dam then came off the top rope with a flip onto the Undertaker to knock him down and pin him for a two count.
The Undertaker picked Rob Van Dam up in an atomic drop onto the top rope and then he gave him a big boot to knock him to the outside of the ring. The Undertaker went out after Rob and he slammed him into the steel steps. The Undertaker scooped Rob Van Dam up and he went to slam him into the ring post, but Rob got out of it and he pushed the Undertaker into the ring post, head first. Rob Van Dam then kicked away on the Undertaker. Rob kicked the Undertaker in the chest and then he clotheslined him into the crowd. Rob Van Dam hopped onto the security wall and he jumped at the Undertaker, but the Undertaker hit him in the mid section. The Undertaker and Rob Van Dam battled in the crowd, brawling and the Undertaker grabbed an Italian flag from a fan and he choked Rob Van Dam with it. Rob kicked the Undertaker and then he hopped to the security wall and came off with a moonsault on the Undertaker and a pin for a two count. The Undertaker slammed Rob Van Dam onto a security fence and then he jammed the railing into Rob Van Dam's face.
The Undertaker grabbed a steel chair and he went to hit Rob with it, but Rob avoided it and then he sprayed the Undertaker in the eyes with a fire extinguisher. Rob knocked the Undertaker down and then he grabbed a trash can and hit the Undertaker in the head with it. Rob Van Dam walked up to a balcony and he jumped off onto the Undertaker with a cross body and a pin for a two count! Rob slammed the Undertaker's head into some steel pipes and then the two walked up some steps onto the staging area for the pay per view. Rob Van Dam knocked the Undertaker down and held him down for a two count. Rob Van Dam hit the Undertaker with a trash can lid and then he hit him with a spinning leg drop and a pin for a two count. The Undertaker raked the eyes of Rob Van Dam and then he gave him a headbutt. The Undertaker then scooped Rob Van Dam up and he rammed him into the Vengeance set, and it left a huge dent in the set! The Undertaker signaled for the Last Ride, and he went for it, but Rob grabbed onto the stage and he climbed up and kicked the Undertaker to get out of it.
The Undertaker then nailed Rob with a hard right hand and then he went to get a steel chair. Rob kicked the Undertaker in the chest and then he kicked him in the back of the head. Rob Van Dam then connected with the rolling thunder and then he pinned him for a two count. Rob picked up the steel chair and he held it up and he kicked it right into the Undertaker's face! Rob Van Dam then pinned the Undertaker, but he only got a two count. The Undertaker got up and he ran right into the stage and then Rob tossed the chair to the Undertaker and he went for the Van Daminator, but the Undertaker avoided it. The Undertaker then hit Rob Van Dam with the steel chair a couple of times and then the Undertaker grabbed Rob by the hair and then he scooped him up and Rob got out of it and then Rob kicked the Undertaker in the back. Rob went for the Van Daminator, but the Undertaker avoided it and then the Undertaker grabbed Rob Van Dam and gave him a choke slam off the stage! The Undertaker then went down and he pinned Rob Van Dam for a three count to get the win!

Winner - The Undertaker - new WWF Hardcore Champion

Backstage Segment:

- Matt and Lita were shown and Lita was trying to get Matt to talk to him. Lita said that she didn't see his foot, and Matt ignored her and then he went on his way.

From Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW

Big Show and Kane vs. Dudleyz - WWF Tag Team Championship + Rock/Trish Segment:

- Stacy Keibler accompanied the Dudleys to ringside for this title defense against two giants!

Kane dominated the Dudleys in the early-going, and then tagged in Big Show, who was just as dominant. Show was set to go for the chokeslam, but Bubba held onto the ropes, raked Show's eyes, and tagged in D-Von. Show hit a sidewalk slam on D-Von for a near fall.

Show nailed D-Von with a series of butt-butts (sorta like a headbutt, but with Show using his posterior), and the Show and Kane continued their sheer domination in the ring, knocking the Dudleys from pillar to post. The 500-pound Show soon squashed both Dudleys in the corner! Bubba and D-Von then fell to the outside.

Kane went up top and flew to the outside, knocking down both Dudleys! Back in the ring, Stacy tried to rally the troops, but Show snuck up and pulled down her skirt, spanking the Duchess of Dudleyville!

The Dudleys hit Kane with a double-suplex, and went to work at isolating the Big Red Machine. They hit the "wassap!" headbutt and a series of double-team maneuvers. They then set Kane up for the 3-D, but Kane kicked D-Von in the head and clotheslined Bubba.

Kane then tagged in Show, who cleaned house! He went for the chokeslam on D-Von, but Bubba nailed him with a chop block. Kane went for a top-rope clothesline on D-Von, but accidentally hit the Show. Bubba went for the cover, but Kane broke it up. 

The Dudleys fell to the outside, and Show asked why Kane had hit him -- clear miscommunication between the challengers. But the Dudleys broke up the argument, and moments later, Show accidentally hit Kane! Bubba Ray took the turnbuckle pad off one of the corners, and the Dudleys launched Show into the air, where Show's head hit the exposed turnbuckle! He was then pinned as the Dudleys retained their titles!

From wwf.com

- The Rock's locker room was shown and Trish Stratus entered. The Rock was on the phone, and he told the person that he would call them back. Trish told The Rock that it was amazing the way The Rock stood up to Vince. It was awesome. The Rock appreciated that, and he thanked Trish. Trish wished The Rock good luck on tonight's match, and she kissed him. She started to leave, but The Rock stopped her and asked where she's going? Trish tried to tell him, but he interrupted her and told her to shhh. Just so they are on the same page, the only thing that The Rock is concentrating on tonight is walking out of San Diego as the Undisputed Champion. However, after tonight, after Trish's big title match and she wins her match and after The Rock goes out there and does what he does best and that's lay the smack down on candy asses, there will be plenty of time for Trish to smell what The Rock is cookin'! The Rock left, and Trish had a smile on her face.

From Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW 

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy - Special Guest Referee Lita

- Lita's music hit in the arena and she made her way out to the ring as the special guest referee for this next contest. Jeff Hardy then came out and he did his posing on the ropes and the music just continued to play as Matt Hardy came out next. Lita called for the bell to start it off and the two locked it up in the center of the ring and Matt got Jeff in a side headlock as the fans chanted "Lita, Lita!" Jeff got out of the headlock and then he got Matt in a hammerlock. Matt reversed it and he took Jeff down to the mat and then he walked on him. Matt told Jeff that he has to think and the two locked it up once again and Matt got Jeff in another side headlock and then Matt whipped Jeff off the ropes and Matt came back with a shoulder block to knock Jeff down. Jeff then got up and he took Matt down with an arm drag and he held onto his arm in an arm bar.
Matt took Jeff down with an arm drag and Jeff held onto it and he held Matt's arm. Matt got up and he pulled the hair and Lita warned him. Jeff whipped Matt but Matt countered it and he took Jeff down with a reverse elbow. Matt knocked Jeff down and he gave him a fist drop and then he pinned him, but he only got a two count. Matt backed Jeff into the corner and he chopped him across the chest a couple of times and then Jeff countered Matt in the corner and returned the favor with a few chops of his own! Matt scooped Jeff Hardy up and he dropped him onto the top rope and then he went off the ropes and he gave Jeff a reverse bulldog and then a pin for a two count. Jeff gave Matt some shots to the mid section and then he went off the ropes and Matt caught him in a sleeper hold to wear him down. Jeff got out of it and he got Matt in a side headlock, but Matt gave him a back suplex to get out of it. Matt went to the second rope and he came off with a leg drop, but Jeff was able to get out of the way.
Jeff took Matt down with a jaw breaker and then he knocked him down with a clothesline. Jeff knocked Matt down in the corner and then he came off with a leg drop and then Jeff pinned Matt, but he only got a two count. Matt whipped Jeff into the corner and Jeff went to the top rope for the Whisper in the Wind, but Matt slowed him down. Matt got Jeff in the tree of woe position and then he kicked away on Jeff in the corner. Lita yelled at Matt and then she unhooked Jeff from the ropes. Matt Hardy then rolled Jeff up in a school boy pin for a two count. Matt tossed Jeff to the outside and Jeff landed on the ring apron. Matt gave Jeff a shoulder block and then he went for a sunset flip power bomb, but Jeff countered it into a hurricanrana to take Matt down on the outside. Lita started the count and Jeff rolled Matt back into the ring and then Jeff nailed Matt with a club to the back of the head and then he flipped into the ring and it looked like he hurt his knee on the way in. Lita checked on Jeff and then Matt went right after the injured leg of Jeff.
Matt picked Jeff up and then he took him down with a chop block. Matt then grabbed the leg of Jeff and he pulled on it to add to the pain. Matt jumped on Jeff's leg with a knee drop and then Matt yelled to Jeff, telling him that he has to think. Matt gave Jeff another knee drop to the knee and then Jeff gave Matt a side Russian leg sweep and then a pin for a two count. Matt got up and he went right back to work on the leg and he got Jeff Hardy in a half crab. Jeff got to the ropes, but Matt wouldn't release the hold. Matt held onto it until the count of five and then he released it. Matt went for a figure four, but Jeff kicked Matt Hardy to the outside of the ring. Jeff was able to get up and he knocked Matt Hardy down at ringside with a baseball slide. Jeff wanted to jump on Matt over the top rope, but he was unable to do so, due to the leg injury. Matt got back in the ring and he grabbed Jeff by the leg and Jeff gave Matt a mule kick to knock him down!
Both men were down and Lita started the count. The both of them got up and then they exchanged right hands. Matt went for the Twist of Fate, but Jeff took Matt down and then he gave him a leg drop to the groin. Jeff Hardy then took Matt Hardy down with a back suplex and then he went to the top rope for the swanton bomb, but Matt was able to get up. Matt knocked Jeff down on the top rope and then he gave him some right hands. Matt picked Jeff up and he tossed him to the center of the ring and then Matt went for the Twist of Fate, but Jeff countered it and he went for one of his own, but Matt countered it into a back slide pin for a two count. Jeff went for a power bomb of sorts, but Matt countered it into a back body drop. Matt then sat down to pin Jeff and he used the ropes, but Lita stopped the count. Jeff rolled Matt up in a school boy pin for a two count and then Matt got up and knocked Jeff down with a hard clothesline. Matt went to slam Jeff's head into the turnbuckle, but Jeff countered it and he slammed Matt into the corner and he headed to the top rope.
Matt slowed Jeff down and then Matt went for the Twist of Fate from the top rope, but Jeff tossed Matt down from the top rope and then he hit the swanton bomb and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win!

Winner - Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy tried to get his foot on the ropes, and Lita didn't see it. Jeff pulled his foot off the ropes and then Matt and Lita argued about it. Matt Hardy was quick to leave, and Lita seemed disappointed that Matt would leave like that.

From Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW

Ric Flair backstage segment:

Ric Flair was on the phone, telling the person on the other end that he couldn't believe there would finally be an undisputed champion. Kurt Angle then entered his locker room and mocked Flair's accomplishments, saying that there was one thing Flair would never win -- gold medals! He also said Flair was never Undisputed Champion, something that he promised he would do tonight! Flair said Angle definitely had the ability to. Angle said that he would beat up everyone en route to becoming champion! Angle said he would do it, and Flair said that was awesome! 

Lita was stretching backstage when Matt Hardy entered her locker room and said he knew this had been a tough time for her, and he knew she knew how much this meant to him. He said tonight was his opportunity to show he was the brains of the Hardy Boyz. Lita told Matt that as his girlfriend, she was always on his side. But as a WWF referee, she wouldn't take sides. Matt said that was fine, because Jeff wouldn't get the opportunity to pin his shoulders to the mat. Matt said after he won his match, maybe they should make it a Matt & Lita night, and put this all behind them.

From wwf.com 

William Regal vs. Edge (c) - WWF Intercontinental Championship

Edge's music hit in the arena and he made his way out as the WWF Intercontinental Champion for a title defense against William Regal. Regal came out and referee Brian Hebner checked him for the brass knuckles. The two locked it up in the middle of the ring and Edge powered Regal into the corner and the referee called for a clean break. The two broke it up and then they locked it up once again. Edge backed Regal into the ropes and the referee broke it up once again. Edge knocked Regal down with a clothesline and then he whipped him off the ropes and hit him with a reverse elbow. Edge went to the second rope and he came off with a missile drop kick on Regal and Regal bailed out of the ring. Edge went out after him and Regal kicked Edge in the gut and then he rammed him into the steel ring post as the fans chanted "Regal sucks!"
Regal rolled Edge back into the ring and then he kicked him in the gut and then he knocked him down and pinned him for a two count. Regal picked Edge up and knocked him right back down and pinned him once again for another two count. Regal gave Edge a number of knees to the head and then he knocked him down with a forearm. Regal went for a left hand but Edge blocked it. Regal went for a full nelson but Edge countered it and Edge went for a sunset flip, but Regal avoided it and he gave Edge a knee to the back of the neck. Regal pinned Edge, but he only got a two count. Regal hooked Edge, but Edge rolled Regal up in a pin for a two count. Regal gave Edge a knee to the head to knock him down and then he pinned him for a two count. Regal pinned Edge a couple more times, but he was only able to get a two count. Regal got Edge in a suplex and then he pinned him, but once again only got a two count.
Edge got Regal in a swinging neck breaker and then he knocked Regal down with a clothesline. Regal whipped Edge off the ropes and he went to hit Edge, but he missed and then Edge took Regal down with the Edge-o-Matic and then he pinned him for a two count. Edge gave Regal a couple of forearms and then Edge perched Regal up on the top turnbuckle and then he climbed up and he took Regal down with a top rope hurricanrana! Edge then quickly pinned Regal, but he only got a two count. Regal knocked Edge down in the corner with a reverse elbow and then Edge used his feet to launch Regal over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Edge then came off the apron with a shoulder block, but Regal side stepped it and Edge fell right into the steel steps! With Edge down, Regal went over to the ring post and he pulled the brass knuckles out of it and he put them in his tights.
Regal rolled Edge into the ring and he pinned him for a two count as Edge put his foot on the bottom rope to get out of it. Regal brought Edge to the center of the ring and he gave him a double arm underhook power bomb and then he pinned him for a two count. Regal got frustrated and he kicked Edge in the back of the neck as he was down. Regal picked Edge up and Edge nailed Regal with the Enziguri. Edge rolled Regal up in a pin for a two count and then he pulled him down in a back slide pin for another two count. Regal gave Edge another double arm underhook power bomb and then he picked him up and gave him a third. Regal pinned Edge once again, but Edge was able to kick out. Regal stomped away on Edge as he was down, and at this point, he was angered. The referee helped Edge up and Regal put the knuckles on his hands and then Edge speared Regal and he pinned him for a three count to get the win before Regal could even use the knuckles!

Winner - Edge, still WWF Intercontinental Champion

Coverage provided by Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW.

Backstage Segment:

The Coach caught up with William Regal, and in just moments, he faces Edge for the Intercontinental Title. Regal's methods in the past couple of weeks have been questionable. Regal questioned that, and he told The Coach that people like him disgust him. His methods aren't questionable, they are successful! Edge is an incredible athlete, but has he ever faced anyone like Regal? Someone who has been fighting for a living since he was 15 years of age! He's faced some of the toughest men in the world and survived. Edge has made a mistake, and that's incurring Regal's wrath. When you do that, you sell your soul to the devil, just as he's going to find out when Regal takes the Intercontinental Title!

Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert vs. Test and Christian

Scotty 2 Hotty's music hit and he made his way out along with Albert for a tag team match against Test and Christian. Vince McMahon stood at ringside as Test and Christian made their way out. Scotty and Albert went right at it with Test and Christian at ringside and Christian and Scotty got in the ring and Christian gave Scotty some right hands to start it off. Scotty whipped Christian off the ropes and Christian ducked under Scotty and went behind him. Scotty gave Christian a couple of shots to the back of the head and then Scotty knocked Christian down with a right hand. Scotty took Christian down with a drop toe hold and then Christian made the tag to Test. Test got in the ring and Scotty quickly made the tag to Albert and Test went for a right hand, but Albert blocked it and he knocked Test down with a couple of right hands and then he whipped Test off the ropes and took him down with a clothesline and then a big splash.
Albert pinned Test, but he only got a two count as Christian broke it up. Albert then shoved Christian down on the apron and then he made the tag to Scotty. Scotty and Albert whipped Test into the corner and then Scotty mounted Test in the corner and he hit Test with some right hands as Christian pulled Scotty onto the top rope. Test then nailed Scotty with a clothesline and then he made the tag to Christian. Christian got in the ring and gave Scotty a couple of shots to the mid section and then he gave him a body slam and then he stomped away on him. Christian mounted Scotty down on the mat and then he gave him some right hands. Test and Christian double teamed Scotty in the corner as the referee restrained Albert in the other corner. Christian made the tag to Test, and he got in the ring and whipped Scotty into the corner and gave him a clothesline. Test then pinned Scotty for a two count as Albert broke it up. Test made the tag to Christian and he got in the ring with some chops on Scotty 2 Hotty in the corner. Christian made the tag to Test and he got in the ring with some right hands and Scotty went for a super kick, but Test caught it and then went for a clothesline, but Scotty ducked it and he hit the super kick to knock Test down.
Scotty made the tag to Albert and he got in the ring with some right hands on Test. Albert whipped Christian and Test into the corner and then he splashed the both of them. Albert took Christian down and then he gave him a Giant Swing in the middle of the ring! Test charged at Albert, but Albert hit him with a reverse elbow and then Albert fell onto Christian to pin him for a two count. Test hit Albert in the back and then he and Christian whipped Albert off the ropes and Albert came back with a double clothesline on the both of them. Albert waited for Christian to get up and he went for the Baldo Bomb, but Test pulled Albert out of the ring. Albert and Test went at it on the outside of the ring and Scotty went for the bulldog, but Christian ducked it and he gave Scotty a reverse DDT and then he went for the worm on Scotty, but Albert interrupted it. Christian went for the Unprettier on Albert, but he couldn't get it on, and he shoved him into a big boot and then Christian pinned Albert for a two count.
Christian got knocked to the outside of the ring and then Scotty took Test down with a bulldog and then he went for the worm on Test and he connected with it! Christian quickly got in the ring and he went for the Unprettier, but Albert grabbed him and gave him the Baldo Bomb and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win!

Winners - Albert and Scotty 2 Hotty

Provided by Rajah's WWF News and Rumors and Kevin Gregg from PW.


- A final video package for tonight's main event is shown! It's time for action! Vengeance is about to begin, so are the long reports I'll be posting. Stick around!

- The APA defeated Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn! Bradshaw pinned Billy Gunn after Gunn went for the Fame-Asser, which Bradshaw avoided and followed up with the Clothesline from Hell!

- Nothing significant took place on the show. A lot of hype for the PPV. It was announced that RVD vs. Undertaker will be for the WWF Hardcore Championship! Hardy vs. Hardy hype, interview with RVD, interview with Angle, a shot of WWF New York were among of the segments on the show. We are getting ready for the big show, Vengeance, to begin!


1. WWF Heavyweight Championship Match:

Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs. Kurt Angle

2. World Championship Match:

The Rock (c) vs. Chris Jericho

3. WWF and World Championship Unification Match:

Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 2

4. WWF Intercontinental Championship Match:

Edge (c) vs. William Regal

5. WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

The Dudley Boyz (c) vs. Kane and The Big Show

6. * WWF Hardcore Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam (c) vs. The Undertaker

7. WWF Women's Championship Match:

Trish Stratus (c) vs. Jackie

8. Special Guest Referee - Lita:

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy

* The match between RVD and Undertaker may be just Hardcore rules intead for the Hardcore title, since it's not clear yet. WWFVengeance.com says it will be for the title, but Jim Ross stated it's not on RAW. Also, when the ad for the match came out on TV, it didn't state the title is on the line.

- You can expect 1 or 2 more matches added, some of them to happen on Sunday Night Heat.

- The official poster of the WWF 2001 Vengeance PPV can be found here.

- LIVE COVERAGE begins on Sunday at 8 PM Eastern/5 Pacific!


- Hello everyone! The WWF is to present to us their annual Armageddon PPV tomorrow, renamed Vengeance for this year's showdown. You can find my predictions on all the matches below...

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy - Special Guest Referee - Lita

- Definitely this could be the show stealer! Matt and Jeff are 2 of the future big players of this company and you gotta be sure that Vince McMahan will be watching this one on a big-screen TV backstage! That might make the 2 a little nervous knowing they'll have to put up a good show, but with Team Extreme, you are always secured of having a good wrestling match. Hopefully, the nervousness and time problems will not the same like they were with Edge and Christian. With Lita thrown in the mix there is a lot to consider and a lot to wonder about. Different scenarios have to mind. Matt is the heel and Jeff is the face for now, and if the WWF is following a path (edge and christian #2), then the winner should be the heel.


Trish Stratus vs. Jackie - WWF Women's Championship

- I think that the choice of Trish's opponent for the PPV came in as a shock to some. However, it makes perfect sense if you ask me. Trish's "new" wrestling skills should be shown to the viewers. Since Ivory was used for that at the Survivor Series PPV, the WWF chose another tough girl to face Stratus, Tough Enough 2 Coach Jackie! I doubt something significant will go down in this one though.


Rob Van Damn vs. The Undertaker - WWF Hardcore Championship

- A match that is of a very very very big importance! The decision on who wins that one will be important for future storylines in the federation. I definitely believe that Undertaker will win. He wouldn't lay down for RVD. The reason is that he just turned heel and it wouldn't make a good character out of him. If RVD wins, this might lead to probably a bigger storyline for Taker (old Taker?) or something like that, for sure! It's still not clear if the match is for the Hardcore Championship!!! WWFVengeance.com states that it is, but Jim Ross said on RAW that it won't be, it will just be Hardcore rules... Well, we'll find out on Sunday...


Dudleyz vs. Big Show and Kane - WWF Tag Team Championship

- The only important thing here is a future storyline that might come out of this match. A possible Big Show vs. Kane feud might be knocking on our door. The 2 men are big and seem like the right choice to be paired up for a feud. They can both be very entertaining as a tag team though Kane doesn't talk much. Another important thing - the Dudleyz have been too dominating lately, and it would make sense to drop the titles to guys that are so big, because if they defeat them, it would seem like no one could beat the boyz from Dudleyville. However, I believe that the problems between Show and Kane will begin at the PPV itself.


Edge vs. William Regal - WWF Intercontinental Championship

- It will be really interesting to see who wins this one. Edge has been getting the better of Regal this past week, so that makes me lean towards a Regal win at the PPV. However, let's think this through. Let's say he does win the IC title. What's next for Regal??? A continuation of the feud with Edge? A feud with Rikishi? It could be possible. Edge is already the man, and maybe without the title he'll still be "that cool." I believe that the brass nucks will be helpful in that one...


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle - WWF Championship

- Wow, that will be like the 4th time these 2 will go at it. To be honest, I liked their past bouts as they put up a good show. With the roles reversed now, we have Kurt Angle being Vince's boy instead of Austin, and Austin being the people's hero instead of Angle. Of course, the ending of this match depends of the ending on the World Championship match as well, and also of the Triple H possible return. I believe that the recent face turn by Austin will allow him to carry on, but don't forget that Kurt Angle has the support of Vince McMahan. Or does he after the Rikishi incident on SmackDown!? I feel weird about this, but ah well...


The Rock vs. Chris Jericho - World Championship

- Jericho has been a jobber in this past 2 weeks. It looks that this will not change on Sunday, because even if he does win, it wouldn't make sense. The WWF will not put him in a match against Kurt Angle because they wouldn't want to have 2 heels in the main event. Also, they wouldn't want to put him against Steve Austin because that match took place on RAW. Basically, The Rock wins it. Triple H interference? Don't know, but it doesn't seem like it will happen in that match.



- According to me, that will end up being Kurt Angle vs. The Rock, but I might be wrong. Please, don't forget that this is simply what I think and it's put up in the last minute, it's not anything you should consider as possible rumor for the PPV, or so. Well.. where do we start... Rock faces Angle (which I now doubt!) and well Triple H and Austin and even Vince interfere. A big brawl occurs, The Rock gets the pin with the help of Austin, The Game takes out Austin, Rock, Angle, and Vince with a sledgehammer and it's all over! It seems pretty cool, don't ya think? As far as a winner goes, there might not even be one, but I believe that Rock will be the first ever undisputed champion!


Join us live on Sunday for LIVE COVERAGE of Vengeance. I don't know if I'll be doing the reporting myself, since I am not good at it, and I don't feel well lately, but I can assure you we'll have LIVE COVERAGE, possibly from pro people and other sites. Join us LIVE tomorrow at 8 PM Eastern/ 5 Pacific!

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