WWF Survivor Series 2001

November 18, 2001


Backstage Segment before the MAIN EVENT:
Vince was shown with Team WWF, the guys who are in the main event, and he looked at each and every one of them. Vince said that before they go out there tonight, there are a few things that he has to get off his chest. Firstly, he has every confidence in them that Team WWF will be victorious tonight. However, he is a pragnatist, (sp?) and he realizes that he could be looking at a group of losers. If they lose this match tonight, he would like them to remember this: There isn't one WWF fan in the world that would ever forgive them. Not one. Should they lose this match tonight, each and every one of them would be personally and professionally disgraced. Should they lose this match tonight, then all of them would justifiably be ridiculed by their own peers and family members.
Should they lose this match tonight, then what does it say for those who have proceeded him and passed on? Yet their spirit still lives in the WWF. Names like Buddy Rogers, Dr. Gerry Graham! Gorilla Monsoon! Andre the Giant! High Chief Peter Maivia! What would that say? Vince mentioned Stone Cold's jumping. For that notion, consider it to be total and complete utter b.s. Because tonight, all of them fight for the highest stakes they've ever fought for. It doesn't get any higher than fighting for survival. And tonight, each and every one of them will fight for survival. So tonight, he has chosen each and every one of them to participate in this Survivor Series Elimination Match up. By them joining this team, tonight, they will honor the World Wrestling Federation. Now go out there and do it.

Team Alliance were shown walking in the backstage area, and it's go time.


The Rock and Austin started it off in the ring and they exchanged right hands and Austin backed The Rock into the corner and chopped away on him. The Rock countered Austin in the corner and gave him a number of right hands. Austin whipped The Rock off the ropes and he connected with the Lou Thesz Press and then he mocked the people's elbow and he landed an elbow. Austin pinned The Rock, but he only got a two count. Austin gave The Rock some right hands and then The Rock whipped Austin off the ropes and The Rock got Austin in a Lou Thesz Press and then he gave him some right hands and then he went off the ropes and mocked Austin and gave him an elbow. Austin was able to knock The Rock down and then he made the tag to Booker T. The Rock took Booker T down and then he pinned him for a two count as Shane McMahon broke up the pin. The Rock made the tag to Chris Jericho and he got in the ring and chopped away on Booker T. Chris gave Booker T a flap jack and then Booker T made the tag to Rob Van Dam.
The fans went nuts in favor of RVD and he and Chris locked it up and Chris got RVD in a side headlock and then RVD whipped Chris off the ropes and Chris came back with a shoulder block to knock RVD down. Chris knocked RVD down with a spinning heel kick and then he hooked him in a suplex and then the two exchanged right hands. Chris chopped Rob Van Dam against the ropes and then he whipped Rob off the ropes and he went for a drop kick, but Rob held onto the ropes. Rob then got a moonsault on Chris and then he pinned him, but he was only able to get a two count. Rob went for a hurricanrana, but Chris blocked it and he got the Walls of Jericho on, but Shane interrupted it by nailing Chris in the head. Kane and Booker T were tagged into the ring and then Kurt wanted to get in the ring against Kane. Kurt gave Kane a number of right hands into the corner and Kane countered and gave Kurt a number of right hands. Kane whipped Kurt into the other corner and he gave him a hard clothesline to knock him down.
Kane kicked Kurt in the gut and then he hooked him in a suplex, but Kurt got out of it and he gave him a German suplex. Kane sat up, and Kurt gave him a number of right hands. Kane got up and whipped Kurt into the corner and then he gave him a sidewalk slam. Kane went to the top rope and he came off with a jumping clothesline on Kurt and then he pinned him, but he only got a two count as Shane interrupted the pin. Kane tagged the Undertaker into the ring, and he got in there against Kurt and Kurt gave him a reverse elbow and he made the tag to Booker T. The Undertaker hammered away on Booker T and then he whipped him off the ropes and gave him a big boot to knock him down. The Undertaker then hit a leg drop on Booker T and then he pinned him, but Shane once again broke up the pin. The Undertaker yanked the arm of Booker T and the fans chanted "Shane's a pussy!" The Undertaker walked the top rope, holding onto Booker T and he came off with a hard shot to the back of Booker T to knock him down.
The Undertaker then twisted the arm of Booker T and then he grabbed his arm and lifted him up in the air and then he twisted him down to the mat and gave him a leg drop on the left arm. The Undertaker held onto his arm to wear him down, but Booker T got out of it. The Undertaker pinned Booker T, but Shane broke it up once again! Booker T made the tag to Austin, and he got in the ring and gave the Undertaker a number of right hands and kicks into the corner. Austin went to jump on the Undertaker in the ropes, but the Undertaker moved. The Undertaker then grabbed Austin by the arm and he went back to the top rope and he walked the top rope and he came off with a hard shot to the back of Austin to knock him down. The Undertaker pinned Austin, but Shane broke it up again. Austin then rammed the Undertaker into the corner and then he hammered away on him and Austin made the tag to Booker T. Kurt got in the ring and he kicked away on the Undertaker, and Kurt wanted in the ring, rather than Booker T. The Undertaker battled back with some hard right hands and then he whipped him off the ropes and Kurt took the Undertaker down with a neck breaker.
Kurt Angle pinned the Undertaker, but he only got a two count. The Undertaker battled back with some hard right hands and Kurt got the Undertaker in a waist lock, but the Undertaker gave him an elbow and then he kicked him in the gut and gave him a DDT. The Undertaker made the tag to The Big Show and he got in the ring and went to work on Kurt Angle. The Big Show hammered away on Kurt and then he tossed him across the ring with a hip toss. Rob Van Dam got in the ring, but The Big Show took care of him. The Big Show then pressed Rob Van Dam and he dropped him right down to the mat. The Big Show then grabbed Kurt by the throat and he went for the choke slam, but Kurt got out of it and he got the Angle Slam on The Big Show and then Kurt fell into the corner and Booker T tagged himself into the ring. Booker T gave The Big Show a scissors kick and then he got back to his feet with the spinaroonie. Rob Van Dam wanted the tag, and he got it. Rob then went to the top rope and he came off with the Five Star Frog Splash on The Big Show and then Shane McMahon went to the top rope off the tag and he gave The Big Show an elbow drop and then he pinned him for a three count to eliminate him.
Shane danced around the ring and The Rock got in the ring and gave him a number of right hands! The Rock hammered Shane and then he made the tag to Kane, and Kane got in the ring and gave Shane a choke slam. Kane made the tag to the Undertaker, and he got in the ring and the Undertaker gave Shane the tombstone piledriver! Chris Jericho then got the tag and he hit the lionsault on Shane and he pinned him for a three count to eliminate Shane as Rob tried to get in the ring, but the Undertaker scared him off. Kurt Angle then got in the ring and went at it with Chris Jericho and Chris knocked Kurt down with a flying forearm and then he gave him a double arm underhook back breaker and a pin for a two count as Austin broke up the pin. Kurt took Chris Jericho down and then he gave him a number of right hands. Booker T got the tag, and he got in the ring and gave Chris Jericho a series of body slams and then he made the tag to Rob Van Dam. Rob went to work on Chris, and he hit him with a couple of shoulder blocks, but Chris rolled Rob up in a pin for a two count. Chris made the tag to Kane, and he got in the ring and gave Rob some right hands and then he whipped him off the ropes and gave him a big boot.
Kane knocked Rob down with a series of clotheslines and then Rob went to hit Kane, but Kane caught his fist and twisted it. Rob backed Kane into the corner and gave him a couple of shoulder blocks and then Kane knocked Rob down with a hard clothesline. Kane gave Rob a power slam and then Kane pulled Booker T into the ring. Rob knocked Kane down with a heel kick and then he went to the top rope for the Five Star Frog Splash and he got it on Kane and then Kane grabbed Rob Van Dam by the throat and Booker T got in the ring and knocked Kane down from behind. The Undertaker knocked Booker T to the outside of the ring and all hell broke loose! Rob went to the top rope and he jumped at Kane with a kick to the chest as the rest of the two teams battled on the outside of the ring. Rob then pinned Kane for a three count to eliminate him. The Undertaker got right in the ring and he went at it with Rob Van Dam and he gave him a number of right hands and kicks in the corner. All of the Alliance guys got in the ring in each of the corners, and the Undertaker nailed each of them with clotheslines. The Undertaker then slammed Kurt onto the top turnbuckle and then he gave Austin a big boot. The Undertaker went for the Last Ride on Kurt, and he got it on!
Booker T got in the ring with a steel chair, but the Undertaker kicked it into his face. Austin then gave the Undertaker the Stunner and then he pulled Kurt onto the Undertaker to pin him to eliminate him! The Rock and Booker T went at it on the outside of the ring, and Booker T rolled The Rock back into the ring and the two went at it in the ring. Booker T nailed The Rock with a nasty side kick to knock him down and then Booker T picked The Rock up and The Rock gave Booker T a DDT and then a pin for a two count as Kurt Angle broke up the pin. Booker T and The Rock exchanged blows, and The Rock took Booker T down with a Samoan drop and then he pinned him for a two count as Austin broke up the pin. The Rock rolled Booker T up in a pin for a three count to eliminate him and Rob Van Dam quickly got in the ring against The Rock. Rob gave The Rock a number of right hands in the corner and then The Rock and Rob Van Dam knocked each other down out of the corner. The Rock made the tag to Chris and he got in the ring and took care of Rob Van Dam with some clotheslines and a swinging neck breaker and a pin for a two count.
Chris chopped away on Rob Van Dam in the corner and then Rob whipped Chris into the corner and Chris hopped over him and then he took him down with a bulldog. Rob then knocked Chris down with a spinning heel kick and then Rob Van Dam hit the split legged moonsault. Chris Jericho then gave Rob Van Dam the Break Down and then he pinned him fora three count to eliminate him! All four men immediately went at it and Austin gave The Rock a slingshot into the ring post as Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho battled it out in the ring. Kurt got Chris in a reverse chin lock to wear him down and the referee was there to check on Chris. Kurt took Chris down by the leg and then he kicked away on him and pinned him for a two count. Kurt made the tag to Austin and he got in the ring and gave Jericho some right hands and chops into the corner. Austin perched Chris on the top rope and then he hooked him in a super plex and then he pinned him for a two count. Austin took Chris down and then he gave him an elbow drop and he pinned him for a two count. Austin made the tag to Kurt Angle, and Kurt choked Chris over the second rope and then Austin choked Chris over the bottom rope behind the referee's back.
Kurt whipped Chris off the ropes and he gave him an elbow to knock him down. Kurt went for a German, but Chris rolled through it and he got the ankle lock on Kurt Angle, but Kurt rolled out of it. Kurt knocked Chris down and then he went over and made the tag to Austin. Austin got in the ring and he hooked Chris Jericho in a suplex and then he went to the second rope, but he got down and he stomped Chris Jericho. Austin whipped Chris Jericho off the ropes and then he knocked him down with a reverse elbow. Austin choked Chris Jericho with his boot and then he made the tag to Kurt Angle. Kurt gave Chris some shots to the back of the head and then he kicked away on him against the ropes. Austin took Chris down with a snap mare and then he held him in a reverse chin lock to wear him down. Chris battled out of it and he and Austin exchanged right hands and then both men collided and knocked each other down. Both men made the tags and The Rock got in the ring with a number of right hands on Kurt Angle. The Rock whipped Kurt off the ropes and he tossed him across the ring and then he knocked Austin down with a right hand. The Rock took Kurt down with a leg drag and then he got the Sharpshooter on Kurt Angle, and Kurt tapped out!
The referee tried to get The Rock to break the hold, but he wouldn't and Austin got in the ring and broke it up. Chris got the tag and then he got in the ring with some chops on Austin. Austin rolled Chris up in a pin for a two count. Austin went for the Lou Thesz Press, but Chris blocked it and he went for the Walls of Jericho. Austin raked the eyes and then he got up and pulled Chris down and he went for the Walls of Jericho on Chris Jericho, but Chris used his power to get out of it. Austin came off the second rope and Chris gave him a shot to the mid section and then he went for the lionsault, but Austin got his knees up and buried them into the abdomen of Chris Jericho. Austin then pinned Chris Jericho, but he only got a two count. Austin perched Chris Jericho on the top rope and he gave him a number of chops. Austin climbed up and Chris Jericho raked Austin's eyes and he pushed him down. Chris then came off the top rope with a missile drop kick on Austin and then he pinned him for a two count. Jericho rolled Austin up, and he got a two count, but then Austin rolled Chris Jericho up and he got a three count to eliminate him.
The Rock got right in the ring and he went at it with Austin and The Rock took Austin down with a spinebuster and then Chris Jericho gave The Rock the Break Down and Paul Heyman marked out like never before as Jim Ross called Chris Jericho a son of a bitch! Austin then pinned The Rock, but he only got a two count and Chris Jericho started to head back to the ring to do more damage to The Rock, but the Undertaker stormed out to the arena and pulled Chris by the hair to stop him. The Undertaker then yelled at Chris Jericho on their way back to the locker room. Austin took The Rock down and he gave him a number of right hands and then he stomped away on him. The referee and Austin got in a shoving contest, because Austin wouldn't listen, and then The Rock gave Austin a number of right hands. Austin then tossed The Rock to the outside of the ring and he hit his leg on the announcer's table. Austin slammed The Rock's head into the announcer's table and then he chopped away on him. The Rock knocked Austin onto the table and then he hammered away on him. Austin slammed The Rock into the steel ring post and then he slammed him into the apron.
Austin then slammed The Rock's head into the steel steps and then The rock tossed Austin onto the Spanish announcer's table. The Rock then mounted Austin next to the table and he gave him a number of right hands. The Rock and Austin got back in the ring and Austin took The Rock down and he put The Rock in the Sharpshooter and The Rock was in a lot of pain, but he was able to get to the ropes. Austin then stomped away on The Rock as he was down and then he got out of the ring and he grabbed the WWF Championship belt and brought it into the ring and he went to hit The Rock with it, but The Rock ducked it and then The Rock gave Austin a spinebuster and then the Sharpshooter and Austin clutched to the WWF Title belt as he crawled towards the ropes! Austin got the ropes and the referee tried to break up the hold, but The Rock pulled Austin to the middle of the ring to keep the hold. Austin then got to the ropes again and The Rock was forced to break the hold. Austin then gave The Rock a low blow behind the referee's back and then he went for the stunner, but The Rock blocked it and he gave Austin a stunner of his own! Both men were down for a few moments, and then The Rock pinned Austin for a two count as Nick Patrick showed up and pulled Earl out of the ring.
The Rock got face to face with Nick Patrick and then he went for the Rock Bottom, but Austin nailed him and then Austin gave The Rock the Rock Bottom and then he pinned him, but he only got a two count! Austin got angry and he yelled at the referee and then he gave him a hard right hand to knock him down. Austin then got Earl Hebner back in the ring and then The Rock shoved Austin into Earl and then The Rock went for the Rock Bottom, but Austin blocked it and he gave The Rock the stunner, but there's no referee! Austin pinned The Rock, but he realized that there was no referee and he went to wake him up. Kurt Angle showed up at ringside and he got in the ring and nailed Austin in the head and then The Rock gave Stone Cold the Rock Bottom and then he pinned him for a three count to get the win!



The Aftermath:
The Alliance members were shown in their locker room extremely upset, and Jim Ross bragged in Paul Heyman's face as the Alliance is GONE! Fired! OUT OF HERE!

Please credit Rajahwwf.com and Kevin Gregg for these results.

Trish vs. Lita vs. Jackie vs. Molly vs. Ivory vs. ???

Trish Stratus made her way to the ring, followed by Jackie, and this is a six pack challenge for the WWF Women's Championship! All five announced women came out, and the sixth woman is Jazz! Jazz got right in the ring and she went at it with Lita and she gave her a butterfly suplex and then Lita came back with a head scissors take down. Jazz made the tag to Molly and she got in the ring and Lita tagged Jackie into the match. Molly and Jackie competed in a test of strength and then Jackie took Molly down and pinned her for a two count. Jackie chopped Molly a couple of times and then Jackie took Molly down with a hip toss and then a drop kick. Molly made the tag to Ivory. Jackie and Ivory went at it and Jackie got a sunset flip on Ivory for a two count and Ivory countered into a pin of her own and both women countered many pins. Ivory gave Jackie a sling shot into the second rope and then Jackie made he tag to Trish. Trish took Ivory down and she gave her a slingshot into the second rope and then she gave her a flap jack. Molly gave Trish a shot and then Ivory gave Lita a cheap shot and then the three Alliance women got in the ring and triple teamed Trish.
Lita got in the ring to get them off of her and then Lita and Jackie gave Jazz the Poetry in Motion. Lita whipped Molly into the corner and then Jackie and Ivory went for the Poetry in Motion once again, but Jackie got up and gave Lita a hard clothesline. Molly came off the top rope, and Ivory hit the Poison Ivory on Trish. Lita hit the Twist of Fate on Ivory and then she went to the top rope and came off with the moonsault and a pin for a two count as Jazz and Molly broke up the pin. Lita knocked Molly and Jazz down with a double clothesline and then she tossed Molly to the outside of the ring. Jazz raked the eyes of Lita and then Lita took a back body drop to the outside of the ring by Trish. Jazz charged at Trish, but Trish ducked and pulled the ropes and Jazz fell to the outside of the ring. Trish then gave Ivory the Stratusfaction bulldog and then a pin for a three count to win the title!


NOTE from Eddie: As expected, Jazz made her official debt to the WWF. I think Trish Stratus truly deserved the Women's Championship as she showed a lot of skills and was probably the best wrestler out there.

Please credit Rajahwwf.com for these results.

Shane McMahon was shown with Booker T. Booker T told Shane that he trusts him. Just so he knows, Booker T doesn't trust Austin. This guy, DTA. Don't Trust Anybody. Booker T has been here since day one. He's all about the Alliance, and he's not about to lose his job, because of Stone Cold. Understand? Shane understood, and he told him that everything is on the line, tonight. Shane looked in Austin's eyes, and he is the guy that came over, and he's the guy that will lead them to the promise land, tonight. Shane told Booker T to trust him. One thing he knows is that they have to stay together as a team. If they don't do that, they have a shot. Booker T told Shane that he hopes he's right, and Shane said that he knows he's right.

Note from Eddie: If you've been wondering why I am not doing coverage tonight, it's because I simply think that Kevin Gregg's reports (from PW) are much better. Stick around, Women's Championship and Main Event are next.

WWF New York Segment (Foley), Backstage Segment, Immunity Battle Royal

WWF New York:
A shot of WWF New York was shown, and the WWF Commissioner, Mick Foley was shown there. Jim Ross asked Mick why he was in New York as the WWF Commissioner? Mick said that's a pretty good question. He's asked himself that a lot. You would think that the WWF Commissioner would be in Greensboro. His heart is in Greensboro, unfortunately, he's got to answer to Vince. Vince has ordered Mick to be at WWF New York. He's having a good time in New York City, piling up a bill to Vince McMahon. If the Commissioner has to answer to Vince, then the truth is, the Commissionership is kind of a joke. Mick said that people want to know who he's pulling for. He's been in both companies. Inside, he's still a WWF person, but regardless of who wins, he may be out of a job. He's going to make it a point to be in Charlotte, tomorrow morning.

NOTE from Eddie: I guess it's clear now that Mick is indeed leaving the WWF. Tomorrow on RAW it will most likely become OFFICIAL, if not, then weird things are happening.

Scotty 2 Hotty was shown running up some stairs and Test showed up. Test asked if he's in the battle royal? Scotty said yeah, and then he started to leave, but Test attacked him and beat him down. Test then told Scotty that he's not in the battle royal anymore!

NOTE from Eddie: Major hint about who's going to win the Battle.

Immunity Battle Royal
:Let the Bodies hit the Floor! A number of Alliance wrestlers made their way to the ring, and Test entered the Immunity Battle Royal to replace Scotty 2 Hotty! The members of the WWF came out next and all of the wrestlers got in the ring and went at it against each other. Shawn Stasiak was tossed to the outside of the ring right away and then Test and Albert battled on the outside of the ring. Albert got in the ring and out came Tazz! Tazz got in the ring and he went at it with Albert. Test tried to get Crash out of the ring and Paul Heyman was shocked that Tazz entered this. Tommy Dreamer and Tazz went at it and then Tommy tried to get Spike out of the ring. Billy Gunn tried to dump DDP over the top rope and the Hurricane got on the apron and he got his cape and he went to the top rope and he came off with a cross body on Faarooq, but Faarooq caught him and hung him on the top rope and then Bradshaw gave him a clothesline to the outside of the ring to eliminate him.
Albert scooped Perry Saturn up and he tossed him to the outside of the ring as Faarooq was dumped out on the other side of the ring. Billy and DDP continued to go at it and DDP knocked Gunn down with a short clothesline and then Chuck Palumbo knocked DDP to the outside of the ring to eliminate him. Lance Storm then knocked Chuck Palumbo to the outside of the ring with a super kick. Chavo Guerrero then showed up and he entered the thing as well as Hugh Morrus! Chavo and Hugh held their own and Hugh tossed Raven out and Tazz eliminated two men and then Storm knocked Spike to the outside with an Enziguri. Test tried to get Albert out of the ring, but he was unable to do so as they showed a replay of Chavo and Hugh Morrus getting eliminated. Tazz whipped Billy Gunn into the corner and then he talked trash with Paul Heyman and Billy Gunn dumped him to the outside of the ring. Tazz went after Heyman, but the referee was there to stop him from doing anything. Kidman and Test knocked Albert to the outside of the ring and Kidman got caught by Bradshaw and Bradshaw gave him a fall away slam over the top rope to the outside of the ring.
Bradshaw got kicked in the face by Lance Storm and Storm worked on Bradshaw in the corner. Bradshaw whipped Storm off the ropes and he gave him a big boot to knock him down. Bradshaw gave Storm a neck breaker and then Bradshaw went to eliminate Storm but Storm was able to get back in the ring and Test tossed Gunn over the top rope and Gunn held onto the ropes and he pulled himself back into the ring. Test knocked Bradshaw and Lance Storm to the outside of the ring and then Billy Gunn went for the fame-asser on Test, but Test avoided it and then Test knocked Billy Gunn to the outside of the ring with a big boot to get the win!


Please credit Rajahwwf.com for these results.

DUDLEY BOYZ vs. HARDY BOYZ (Unification Match - WCW and WWF Tag Titles)

The music of the Dudley Boyz hit in the arena and they made their way to the ring along with Stacy Keibler for their Unification Tag Team Match against the Hardy Boyz, in a STEEL CAGE! You can win this match by a pinfall, submission, or if both team members exit the cage. Both teams laid their titles down on the mat, and those four titles will become two after this match is over. Bubba Ray started it off against Matt Hardy and Matt knocked Bubba down and then he gave him some right hands. Matt made the tag to Jeff Hardy and the Hardys whipped Bubba off the ropes and they knocked Bubba down and then Jeff pinned him for a one count. Bubba whipped Jeff off the ropes and Bubba gave Jeff a Bossman slam and then a pin for a two count. Bubba made the tag to D-Von and he got in the ring and hammered away on Jeff Hardy. Jeff went off the ropes and he took D-Von down with a drop kick and then he made the tag to Matt Hardy. Matt hammered away on D-Von and then he got him in a back slide and a pin for a two count.
D-Von then gave Matt Hardy a reverse DDT and then he pinned him for a two count. D-Von knocked Matt Hardy down and then he made the tag to Bubba and he got in the ring and knocked Matt down and then he gave him a series of elbow drops and then a pin for a two count. Bubba made the tag to D-Von and he got in the ring and raked the face of Matt Hardy against the cage and then he gave him a knee to the mid section. D-Von tagged Bubba back into the match and he went to ram Matt into the cage, but Matt countered it into a reverse DDT and then he made the tag to Jeff. Jeff got in the ring and he knocked Bubba down and then he knocked D-Von into the cage. Jeff knocked Bubba down with a jumping clothesline and then he pinned him for a two count. The Hardys hit Bubba with the Poetry in Motion and then they hit D-Von as well. The Hardys then started climbing the cage and the Dudleys were able to get up to slow them down. Matt gave D-Von a side Russian leg sweep from the top rope and then Bubba gave Jeff Hardy the Bubba Bomb from the top rope!
Bubba started to climb up, but Matt Hardy stopped him and then he tossed him from the top rope to the center of the ring. Matt then pinned Bubba, but he only got a two count. Matt pinned him again, but D-Von broke it up. The Dudleys whipped Matt off the ropes and they gave him a flap jack into the steel cage. Jeff then went at it with Bubba and Bubba gave Jeff a back body drop, but Jeff caught onto the cage and he tried to get out of the cage! Bubba was able to stop him and he got Jeff on his shoulders and D-Von came off the top rope with a clothesline on Jeff. D-Von stomped away on Jeff as he was down on the mat and then the Dudleys gave Jeff a double team neck breaker. Bubba pinned Jeff Hardy, but Matt was able to break it up. D-Von gave Matt some hard right hands and then D-Von slammed Matt into the cage and then Bubba charged into him. The Dudleys hammered away on both of the Hardys, one by one and they both went to the top rope and D-Von came off with a headbutt, but he missed and Bubba came off with a senton, but he missed as well! Matt then went to the top rope and came off with a double clothesline on the Dudleys.

Matt then gave D-Von a series of right hands to knock him down and then he whipped him off the ropes and knocked him down with a reverse elbow. Matt then slammed Bubba into the steel cage and then he gave D-Von a neck breaker and a pin for a two count. Matt gave Bubba a DDT and then he pinned him for a two count. Jeff got up and he gave D-Von a leg drop to the groin and then the Hardys whipped Bubba off the ropes and they gave him a double back body drop. Matt gave Bubba an elbow drop and then both of the Hardys went to the top rope and Matt and Jeff jumped off onto Bubba and then Jeff pinned Bubba, but he only got a two count as D-Von broke up the pin. Matt climbed up the cage and he got his foot caught in the cage and D-Von went up with him and hung him upside down. Bubba gave Jeff a body slam and then D-Von came off the top rope with a headbutt to the groin. Bubba then yelled for Stacy to get the table and she pulled a table out and Nick Patrick tried to stop her, but she pulled her pants up a bit and got the key from the referee and she opened the door!
Jim Kordaris then argued with Nick Patrick and Stacy helped the Dudleys get the table into the ring and then they went for the 3D on the table, but Jeff blocked it and Matt gave Bubba Ray a reverse bulldog to take him down. Matt Hardy then climbed up and Bubba went up with him to try to bring him back into the cage and Matt gave Bubba some right hands and he knocked him back into the ring. Matt Hardy got out of the cage, but Jeff Hardy needs to get out as well. Jeff then pinned Bubba, but he only got a two count. D-Von and Jeff then exchanged right hands and then Jeff slammed D-Von into the cage a number of times. D-Von was placed on the table and Jeff Hardy climbed to the top of the cage and he had a decision to make, and he went for the swanton bomb onto D-Von on the table, but D-Von moved out of the way and Jeff went right through the table! Bubba then pinned Jeff Hardy for a three count as Matt Hardy tried to get back in the ring!


Segment (before the match):
Stephanie was shown in the backstage area, and Kurt showed up and said that she seems stressed out. Stephanie said that she is, after everything Stone Cold said, and now Edge, he won the Unified Championship. She invested everything into the Alliance. If they lose tonight, she'll become a regular person. Do you understand what that means? It means that she'll have to do her own grocery shopping, wash her own car, clean her house. Clean her bathroom! That's something that she can't be! Kurt tried to calm her down, and he told her that she's not a regular person. Incase she didn't know, she is special. As far as Stone Cold, Kurt thinks that he's telling the truth. He's with the Alliance, but if he's not, Kurt will make sure that he doesn't screw them. Kurt told Stephanie not to worry, because everything's going to be okay.

Segment (before the match):
Lita and Jeff Hardy were shown, and they talked about tonight's match, and Lita said that Matt has been acting strange. Jeff said that they are all acting strange. There's a lot of pressure. Matt showed up, and he said that both Lita and Jeff should be acting strange, because if the WWF loses, they are out of a job. He doesn't want to be out of a job if it's not their fault. They can beat the Dudleys. If they win, they've got a job. There's no one that can take away his dream. If Lita wins the Women's Championship, then no one can take away her dream. The Hardys left, and Lita started to go into the locker room that Matt came out of, and Trish was there. Trish said that she's going to get ready, and she wished Lita good luck. Lita stood there and thought about that, because Trish was in the same room that Matt was in.

NOTE from Eddie: Another good one. So far, Survivor Series hasn't been disapointing. This match was a cage match, but it turned into a brawl inside the cage. The Dudleyz won as I prdicted in their own Dudley stlye with the help of a table.

Please credit Rajahwwf.com for these results.

Test was shown in the backstage area with the make up lady, and Janet was rubbing oil on his body, and he complained about it, telling her to make sure that all of the oil is rubbed in, or the light will catch it wrong, and you won't be able to see how truly defined he is. Stacy was there, and she said that Test is so right. Test said that after the Dudleys beat the Hardys, and they are all Unified Champions, he thought they could go out and party. Stacy said maybe, and she wished Test good luck and Test went back to looking into the mirror in a Narcissist Lex Luger fashion.

The Coach was shown with Edge, and he said it's all for nothing. If he defeats Test, he'll be a Unified Champion and guaranteed a job. On the other hand, if Edge loses and the WWF loses, he's out of work. Edge said that it's pretty heavy. He and Test are pretty equal, but the only difference is that Test has been dumped by virtually every chick on the planet. Edge isn't worried about losing. He isn't going to be getting hit with the big boot. Instead, he'll be hearing Test say "I lost. What the hell is that all aboot?"


Test's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring as the WWF Intercontinental Champion, and this is a Unification Match. The winner of this match will be the Unified Champion, and will have a job tomorrow, no matter which company wins tonight's main event. Edge came out and he got in the ring and he and Test exchanged words and the match started off with the two locking up in the middle of the ring. Test powered Edge into the corner and the referee broke it up. The two locked it up once again in the center of the ring and Edge powered Edge towards the corner and then the referee called for a break, but Test shoved Edge. Test went for a hard clothesline, but Edge ducked it and he gave Test some right hands. Edge went off the ropes and he took Test down with a cross body and a pin for a one count. Test powered Edge into the corner and then he gave him some right hands in the corner. Test went for a suplex, but Edge got out of it and then Test knocked Edge down with a clothesline. Edge and Test battled to the outside of the ring and Test picked Edge up and dropped him onto the security wall.
Test got in the ring to break the referee's count and then he got back out of the ring and went back to work on Edge. Test brought Edge back into the ring and gave him a right hand and then Edge gave Test a hip toss and then he knocked Test to the outside of the ring. Edge knocked Test down with a baseball slide, and then Edge got out of the ring and slammed Test's head into the security wall a number of times. Edge got Test back in the ring and he gave him a swinging neck breaker and then Edge gave Test some hard right hands. Test launched Edge onto the top rope and then he knocked Edge down with a hard clothesline and then he gave him some right hands. Test backed Edge into the corner and gave him a number of right hands and he knocked Edge down. Test choked Edge with his boot and the referee was there to make the count. Test took Edge down with a snap mare and then he rammed his knee into Edge's back. The referee was there to check on Edge, to see if he was still in the match, and Edge didn't give up. Edge gave Test a hard right hand and then Test whipped Edge into the corner and he charged at him and Edge moved and Test rammed himself into the corner.
Edge then went to the second rope and he came off with a missile drop kick and then a pin for a two count. Test hooked Edge in a power slam and then he pinned him for a two count. Test went for a right hand, but Edge blocked it and Test whipped Edge into the corner and Edge kicked Test to knock him back and then he went for a high cross body, but Test was able to avoid it. Test hooked Edge and he perched him on the top rope and gave him some right hands. Test climbed up with Edge and Edge tried to battle back, but Test over powered him. Test went for a super plex, but Edge blocked it by holding the ropes. Edge got down and Test kicked Edge to knock him down. Test jumped off the top rope, but Edge gave Test a drop kick to the mid section to knock him down. Both men got up and exchanged right hands and Edge knocked Test down with a hard right and then a clothesline. Edge went off the ropes and he knocked Test down with a spinning heel kick and then he took Test down with a modified bulldog. Edge then pinned Test, but he was only able to get a two count. Test gave Edge a knee to the mid section and then he went for the pump handle slam, but Edge got out of it and he got the Edge-o-Matic on Test and a pin for a two count.
Edge went off the ropes and Test nailed Edge with a spear and then he pinned him, but he only got a two count! Test went for the big boot, but Edge avoided it and then he fell into the corner. Test then hooked Edge and he gave him the pump handle slam and then he pinned him, but he only got a two count! Test went for a power bomb, but Edge countered it with a head scissors and then Edge speared Test and then he pinned him, but he only got a two count. Test got up and Edge kicked him in the mid section and he went for the DDT, but Test got out of it and he went for the full nelson slam, but Edge rolled Test up in a pin for a three count to get the win!


NOTE from Eddie: The 2 men battled it out in a very good match. Edge's win shows that the WWF will keep working on him to make him a main eventer sooner or later. A storyline involving Stacy Kiebler is coming and it seems like a good choice for Test.

Please partially credit
Rajahwwf.com for these results.

Tajiri vs. William Regal (Non-Title Match)

- Regal's music hit in the arena and he made his way to the ring for his one on one match against Tajiri. Tajiri came out (no Torrie Wilson with him) and went right at it with Regal. Tajiri kicked Regal and knocked him down and then Regal got Tajiri on his back and rolled onto the mat with him. The Alliance Commissioner then gave Tajiri some shots to the head and then he went off the ropes and gave him a hard knee to the head knocking him down. Regal whipped Tajiri off the ropes and Tajiri came back with a drop kick to the knees this time to knock Regal down. Tajiri then kicked away on Regal and then Regal kicked Tajiri and then he whipped him into the corner and Tajiri caught Regal in the Tarantula, and Regal was busted opened. Regal whipped Tajiri off the ropes and Tajiri came back with the springboard elbow on Regal. He then tossed Tajiri through the ropes and Tajiri got hooked in the ropes by his head and Regal went to the outside of the ring and pulled on his legs. Regal was heavily booed and he went for a double arm underhook power bomb, but Tajiri countered with an arm drag. Tajiri went for the kick of death, but Regal ducked it and he gave Tajiri a headbutt to the mid section. Regal then gave Tajiri a double arm underhook power bomb and a pin for a three count!


After the match, William Regal gave Tajiri another double arm underhook power bomb and he left Tajiri lying in the ring. Torrie Wilson then rushed to the ring to check on Tajiri and William Regal decided to walk back to the ring. Regal got in the ring and stood behind Torrie Wilson and then he grabbed her by the hair and then he gave her a double arm underhook power bomb!

NOTE (from Eddie): That was a really short match! Good one though. Regal was busted open.

Please partially credit Rajahwwf.com for these results.

Christian vs. Al Snow (WWF European Championship)

- We kick things off with Christian's "awesome music" as he makes his way down the ring. Christian got on the mic and he greeted all of his fans in South Carolina. Christian asked how psyched the fans are, because they get to see the European Champion in person? How fitting is it that they are in Greensboro. The place where all of their hopes and dreams, and tonight, the WWF has come to die. "You suck, you suck!" - could be heard from the fans. Al Snow made his way to the ring to the Tough Enough music that Maven used a few weeks ago. The match started off with a go behind and a take down by Christian, but Al Snow got him in a side headlock down on the mat. Christian whipped Al off the ropes and Al came back with a shoulder block to knock him down and a pin for a one count. Al rolled Christian up and he pinned him for a two count and Christian backed into the corner. Christian kicked Al in the gut and then he backed him into the corner and gave him some right hands. Christian chopped away on Al Snow and then Al hooked Christian in a back suplex.
Al gave Christian some right hands and Christian pulled Al into the second turnbuckle. Christian kicked away on Al and the fans chanted "We want Head!" Christian gave Al a right hand and then he whipped him into the corner and then he gave Al a side Russian leg sweep. Christian pinned Al Snow, but he was only able to get a two count. Christian held Al Snow down in a reverse chin lock and then Al got out of it with some right hands and then he gave Christian a headbutt. Christian took Al Snow down with a double underhook suplex and then he pinned Al for a one count. Christian gave Al some right hands and then he choked him as he was down on the mat. The referee started the count and the fans booed Christian. Al gave Christian some shots to the mid section and Christian kicked Al down and then he slammed his head into the turnbuckle. Christian choked away on Al Snow in the corner and then Al fired out of the corner with some kicks and right hands. Christian countered with a forearm and then he whipped Al across the ring and Al slid out of it and he gave Christian some left hands and then a hard right to knock him down. Al then hooked Christian and he gave him some headbutts and then he whipped him into the corner and gave him a hard shot to the back of the head to knock him down.
Christian hooked Al from behind, but Al got out of it and he gave Christian a super kick and then a pin for a two count. Al whipped Christian into the corner and Christian kicked Al and then he ran into a modified power bomb by Al Snow and a pin for a two count. Christian raked the eyes of Al Snow and then Christian gave Al Snow a reverse DDT, which Jim Ross referred to as the Unprettier. Christian talked the trash to Al Snow as he was down, and Al hooked Christian in a small package pin for a two count. Al then got out of the ring and he yanked Christian down and then he went to the top rope and came off with a high cross body and Christian rolled through and hooked the legs and got a near fall. Al went for the Snow Plow and he got it on and he pinned Christian, but Christian was close to the ropes and he was able to get his foot on the ropes. Al Snow then got out of the ring and walked around and got back in the ring and got kicked in the face by Christian. Christian then gave Al Snow the Unprettier, and Jim Ross corrected himself and Christian pinned Al Snow for a three count to get the win and retain the European Title!

WINNER: CHRISTIAN (still WWF European Champion)

Please partially credit Rajafwwf.com for these results.


- We had one match announced for the Survivor Series PPV - Christian vs. Al Snow for Christian's European Championship.

- Scotty 2 Hotty, Albert and Spike lost to Justin Credible, Lance Storm and Raven when Storm superkicked Spike.

- Live Coverage can be found on this page TONIGHT starting at 8 PM Eastern.

- The 2001 Survivor Series PPV poster (Lita and Torrie) can be found HERE.


- Hey everyone! The WWF is about to present their annual Survivor Series PPV tomorrow (Sunday), and the stakes coming into it are big. The Alliance will battle Team WWF in the main event which is a WINNER TAKE ALL match in which only one company will survive. We will also see for the firts time ever, the WCW U.S. Championship and WWF Intercontinental Championship to be unified, being the first 2 titls ever to be combined together. The same thing will happen to the WWF and WCW Tag Team titles. Make sure you watch Survivor Series, until then here are my fast predictions on the 6 matches, 1 of which is rumored.


Austin, Angle, RVD, Booker T, Shane vs. The Rock, Y2J, Kane, Undertaker, Big Show

- This main event of the night will definitely have a lot to look for. With all the confusion planted by the WWF writers, we know that someone is jumping to the WWF. Vince McMahan came out and said it was Stone Cold, but was the WWF Chairman trying to pull a fast one on all of us? SmackDown! ended with Stone Cold and Vince laughing and smiling... but does that mean anything or is it just another fast one? The WWF is going through a period of change, and the so-talked about BIG THING is supposed to happen at Survivor Series. If something unique happens, it will most likely be in this match. What will it be? Will Vince and Co. win yet again, or will the Alliance be the dominant and ONLY wrestling company after all is set and done? Do Shane and Stephanie have something up their sleeves as well? The theories are endless and the scenarios are millions. The only way to predict a winner here is to guess. However, I will narrow it done a little. Expect The Rock to be the last man to be eliminated from the WWF, and either Austin or Angle to be the one man from the Alliance. What will we see in the end? A Stone Cold Stunner? A Rock Bottom? An AnkleLock?




- This is one of the 2 first ever Unification matches that will unite a WWF Title Belt with a WCW belt. We've seen people like The Honky Tonk Man carry the WWF Intercontinental Championship and be true champions. The same goes for Chris Benoit, who had that title for quite a while in 2000 and wrestled almost every night for it! Then on the other hand, the WCW U.S. Championship has its own history as well. From being re-named the WCW Canadaion Championship by Lance Storm to Scott Steiner kickin' ass for that title in WCW. Test and Edge are 2 wrestler which World Wrestling Federation has a lot invested in. Edge, after all, is the 2001 King of the Ring. However, Test is the Alliance MVP, and ever since he came to the Alliance has been dominating his opponents. Both men have to win this match, and neither man can afford to lose it. It's a hard one to predict simply because the WWF really didn't let the 2 feud with each other, but they rather had the title change hands and then they had Edge spear Test. On SmackDown!, Edge pinned Test but Test came back with his own super kick. Will Edge spear his way through that one, or will it be Test to kick his way through and survive? And what will be the name of the new title that would be created??? This match does depend on the main event as well. As far as predicting goes, a lot of people know I am a big Test fan... just a guess... After all, when Test gets a push it always ends down the toilet.




- These 4 men have done it all. From TLC to table matches to ladder matches. But never a Cage Match before. The WWF decided to make its fans happy and go with this match pinning 2 of the teams that have been going at it for a while before the InVasion started. Matt Hardy and Lita are in the middle of a storyline which involves the 2 breaking up as a couple. SmackDown! saw the Dudleyz give Lita the 3D and Matt kissing his girlfriend telling her everything will be ok. However, we saw a very weird look in his eyes. A look that usually means something unexpected. Try to remember the look Eddie Guerrero gave Chyna when he hugged her after she won the European Championship. Will the past repeat itself??? And what is Jeff Hardy's role gonna be in all that? The Hardyz have to concentrate on the Dudleyz and forget everything else. In the past months, D-Von and Buh Buh Ray saw themselves in the main event picture, as they were even a part of the Inaugural Brawl, and were often used on RAW and SmackDown! for the main event. However, that was months ago and has now changed. But if you go back, you'll see that they've been dominating. Jeff Hardy wrestled RVD in 2 historical hardcore matches when the InVasion began but has been trying to work with his brother lately. This is yet another hard match to predict on. The Dudleyz seem to have an advantage and unity...




- Yes, I am also wondering who the Mystery Opponent can be. I am thinking we may see the debut of Jazz in the WWF since she wrestled Lita not that long ago. I don't believe that we'll see Chyna on WWF TV, it will not make any sense at all where business is concerned. Ever since she came back from her injury, Trish Stratus has been kicking butt. I have to say, that in my view Trish is a better wrestler than Lita right now. Jackie and Ivory with their toughness however can always step up to the plate and battle it out. Lita seems busy with the storyline with her boyfriend, Trish is good but needs more experience, Jackie is all that, Ivory is getting old, Molly is a fighter, and the Mystery Opponent.. seems like the right choice for the new Women's Champion. Should I guess, or should I move on...


5. 20 Man Over-the-Top Immunity Battle Royal

- You can see the full list of the competitors below these predictions in the Official Card. The only question is why do we have 22 men when the "title" says it will be 20? Good question! Anyway, Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hugh Morrus were fired from the Alliance, so was Chuck Palumbo, so there are the 3 independent wrestlers in this match. If you are looking for a winner, in my view it will be either Tazz or DDP. However, men like the APA, Albert, The Hurricane and Lance Storm should be paid attention to. Though The Hurricane and Lance Storm have become jobbers and the WWF had no choice but to keep them off TV so they don't keep making them job, they still have potention chances of winning and seem like the right choice. Also we saw journalist Gregory Helms interview Regal on SmackDown! about this match. Was it a hint? Who knows... If DDP doesn't win.. well, that's not a bad thing.. It's a good thing! I don't know why, but I think Tazz will go far into this match with all the happenings around him lately. If someone else wins, hopefully it will be a good choice from the writers and they have something in mind for that person.

MY PREDICTION: DDP (just a guess, there are 22 men after all)

6. ALLIANCE vs. WWF (one on one) Match




RED = Team WWF ; YELLOW = Team Alliance (WCW and ECW)

1. Winner Take All Match (
WWF vs. Alliance)

The Rock, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Kane, The Big Show


Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Shane McMahan, Booker T, RVD

2. WCW U.S. Championship / WWF Intercontinental Championship Unification Match:

Edge (WCW U.S. Champion)


Test (WWF Intercontinental Champion)

3. WCW Tag Team Championship / WWF Tag Team Championship Unification Cage Match:

The Hardy Boyz (WWF Tag Team Champions)


The Dudley Boyz (WCW Tag Team Champions)

4. Women's Championship 6-person Battle:

Lita vs. Trish vs. Jackie vs. Ivory vs. Mighty Molly vs. Mystery Opponent

5. 20 Man Over-the-Top Immunity Battle Royal:

The 22 participants are: Crash, Saturn, Faarooq, Bradshaw, Spike, Albert, Scotty 2 Hotty, Funaki, Billy Gunn, Chuck Palumbo, Raven, The Hurricane, Kidman, Shawn Stasiak, Tazz, Steven Richards, DDP, Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Hugh Morrus, Tommy Dreamer and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

NOTE: You are probably wondering why there are 22 participants since it's a "20 Man over.." match, but this information is taken from survivorseries.com and is official.

WWF vs. Alliance ONE - on - ONE



William Regal

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