Slyth Hunt!
A continuation of a Harry Potter fanficlet
A/N: Wow! I got... reviews! I was so surprised to see that y'all think I did such a good job of portraying the Marauders. I just model them after me and my three best friends and it all clicks (which, if you think about it, is creepy). So I guess I can do a continuation. This started out as a random lil plotline in which Sirius runs into an original character of mine (a boy, no sueage here), but I think I can make it a lil more Marauders-centric for all'a y'all. SO! Giving this story an actual PLOT! (And a note - I love Slytherins. I AM a Slytherin. >.> But it's funny as hells... so!)

SUMMARY: The Dark Lord is on the rise, and one by one people lose hope as people and things are torn from them. It is dangerous to be a student at Hogwarts, but our Marauders are fearless, and are determined to spread chaos, mischief, and mayhem with all the enthusiasm of a basketful of puppies. Primary on this list is, of course, tormening those who support the Dark Lord... SLYTHERINS.

WARNINGS: Language, sex, violence, occasional bit of homoeroticism. Nothing too dangerous, but probably warranting an R in rating. Sixth year, Marauder's era.

Disclaimer: Anything ever referenced in a Harry Potter book is not mine. A few original characters in this, like the DADA teacher and a random student or two, -are- mine. Poaching is punishable by Dementation.

LAST WEEK on SLYTH HUNT: Bored!Sirius goes forth under Invisibility Cloak to wreak havoc.

Slyth Hunt!

Chapter Two

The hallway was dark, moonlight providing the only cessation from the encroaching shadows. Sirius was well-hidden beneath the Invisibility Cloak, padding along in his bare feet silently. The Marauder's Map was open and held under his nose, dark violet eyes straining to read it in the faint, silvery light.

There were a handful of dots on it, but the one that caught Sirius' attention and held it was that of one Lucius Malfoy. A wide grin split Sirius Black's face as he noted that the footsteps denoted as being the Slytherin prig's were heading his way. ~Bad, bad Slytherin,~ Sirius thought. ~Shouldn't lurking out in the halls at night...~ Quickly, he dispelled the map and shoved it in a pocket, wand clutched and at the ready as he held still under the cloak, watching the end of the hallway.

A bobbing light in the distance slowly drew nearer and nearer. It was the tip of Lucius' wand, glowing an eerie, yellow-green color and casting a freaky light upward at his face. Sirius snickered to himself, finding the hideous shadows cast by the angle of the Slytherin's wand quite amusing. Just as Malfoy passed him, completely oblivious, he whispered an incantation and flicked his wand at Malfoy.

A large, gooey blob of something vaguely red-brown in color fell straight out of the ceiling and landed on Malfoy's slicked blonde hair, making the Slytherin howl in outrage as his wand clattered to the ground and he grabbed at his head, now liberally coated in what smelled far too like molasses for sanity's sake. Sirius was nearly doubled over with laughter, but he was backing away, watching as Malfoy squealed like a little girl about his robes and started yelling at Peeves.

With a spin, Sirius darted down a side hallway, the cloak flapping about him as he crushed giggles. Finding and mounting the stairway to the Fat Lady's portrait, he stopped in front of it, still invisible, and knocked loudly on the frame. The woman awoke and spluttered, but Sirius remained invisible, and James came to open the door from inside. Sirius snuck inside, pulling the still-complaining portrait shut behind him before handing James his cloak. The expectant look on his friend's face, the one that said, 'you weren't out long' made Sirius double over and start laughing as hard as he could.

James blinked and then cast a worried look in Remus' direction. The werewolf looked up from his game of chess with Peter, which he was obviously winning, and shrugged. By now, Sirius was rolling on the ground laughing his ass off. "Molasses," he wheezed, and that set him off again.

"I take it he found a victim," Peter said lightly, snickering at the sight of Sirius giggling like a dolt on the floor. "Who was it, Padfoot?"

James heaved Sirius to his feet and into a large chair. "Malfoy," Sirius said, finally getting control over himself again, though he was still grinning as though he'd just pulled the best prank in the world. "Oh, you shoulda seen his FACE!" he crowed. James burst into laughter and clapped Sirius on the shoulder, and Remus even chuckled at that.

It was a long time before any of them regained their breath, the laughter of the four teenage boys echoing through the deserted common room. It was rather late, after all, and Remus pointed this out once Sirius had wiped the last tears of mirth from his eyes. Reluctantly, Sirius allowed himself to be herded to bed by James and Remus, both holding their mischevious friend at wand-point. Sirius was notorious for wanting to postpone his bedtime. Peter scampered up the stairs ahead of them, already in bed by the time a whining Sirius was forced into the room.

"But it's still early yet," Sirius protested, fixing first Remus, then James with a pleading stare.

James snorted and flicked Sirius in the nose with his wand. "Early my arse, you tosser, it's nearly two. Now go to sleep. Thea's waiting for you," he added mockingly, just to see Sirius yelp and dive into his bed in search of the teddy bear. Remus just rolled his eyes and got into his pyjamas, James following this lead, before climbing into bed themselves.

It took a while (and a Bouncing Beeble jinx) before they were all settled in for the night, wands on night-stands, bed-drapes pulled closed. Peter's snores were echoing through the room by the time Sirius yawned a 'goodnight', and Remy was already too far gone. James answered with a toneless grunt, and then there was silence.

~le fin~

More random drabble. >.>''' Oh, well, I'm stirring up a plot for it! Does Malfoy figure out who it was? How much hell does he give them the next day in Potions? How much trouble will Sirius be in if he's found out? And just what does splattered molasses do to an Invisibility Cloak? Find out next time I get bored, with Slyth Hunt!
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