Real Name: Marcus Rottflammein
Race: Pathogen
Age: 1000 or more
Hair: Flame red, waist length
Eyes: Jade green
Height: 5'9
Weight: 150
Sex: Male
Orientation: Kitsune
Occupation: Old softie
Location: Shrine of Eternal Winter
Present mission: Make Caden happeh!
Marital status: Head over heels for

History: Born in Berlin ten years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, he was the child of Mikal and Erzabet Rottflammein. Developing telepathy at an incredibly early age - three - caused his parents to abuse the crap out of him. Both drunks, they both beat him, thinking perhaps they could knock the 'devil' out of him, for he had to be possessed, to hear the thoughts of others. His father also thought he could fuck the demon out of him, and he was molested nightly from the time he was about four until they dumped him in the streets at five. On the streets as a little boy whose mind was continually swamped by the thoughts of everyone in a five mile radius, he sought silence. He ended up a prostitute on a mission for that silence, trying to find mental quiet. He sold his body and his mind and became a junkie within months of hitting the streets. This sordid, empty life continued until Estet, a corporation that kidnapped, trained, and whored out psychics, found him and brought him in at age fifteen. In the Estet compound, he met Brad Crawford, the precog responsible for informing Estet of his existence. He trained with Estet, and he managed to hide most of his strength from them. When he underwent testing, they discovered that he had latent pyrokinesis, and so broke down the mental barriers and evoked it, making him a pyropath as well as a telepath. He controlled his pyrokinesis completely until he was twenty one. He ended up working with the assassin team Schwarz under the command of Bradley Crawford for six years. Once, he and Brad hooked up, fell in love, and got married. He has also been killed for his treatment of Yuka, and returned from the dead a much changed man. Many years have passed since then, including his split with Brad and permanent reclusion to his own life. Recently, however, he fell in love with his adopted nephew, Caden Jishou-Aladriss, and they are quite happily together with children in the form of fox kits.

Personality: There was a time when Schuld's greatest amusement came in the form of pure sadism. He was the kind of man your mother warned you about, the kind of person who you knew was gonna burn for what they did. In his old age, however, he has mellowed out some, a process that's only speeding with the addition of Caden to his life. The bad-ass act is falling by the wayside and leaving Schuld free to be himself for once, and he's stretching his wings for the first time. At heart, Schuld is an optimist, and really quite sweet; this mostly stays hidden, though, because he's terrified to trust anyone. He's learning to live, though, and loving it.

Powers: He is an incredibly powerful telepath. He has the ability to slide into someone's mind unnoticed and affect their sensory input, making them perceive whatever he wants. He can, on a micoscopic level, control peoples' minds. This means that while he can read their thoughts, he can also change or hide memories, instruct glands to release hormones, take over motor control... basically any physical process that the mind controls (aka, all of them) he can usurp and redirect. He is the only telepath that Estet has ever seen that is capable of this; however, they do not know that he is. His pyrokinesis is, however, somewhat less powerful than his telepathy. He has perfect control over it, and mainly uses it to light his cigarettes.

Yahoo profile

Drawing of him with Draco by Draco's player

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