Protectors of the Plot Continuum - Paradise City Division
Department of Random Assassinations (a.k.a. the Uber-Floaters)
Welcome to the Paradise City division of the PPC. It is run mostly by me, Agent Sarah (also known as Shila). Most of my pets (characters and voices in my head) are referred to in the course of my assassinations, and I am officially partnered by Agent Dorian.

The original PPC, run by Jay and Acacia, can be found

(Paradise City is the city in my closet where all my characters and ideas live. Needless to say, this place is above reality enough to connect directly to PPC HQ; hence, our part of the PPC is -in- said city. Said city's website is being worked on now.)

Feel free to send me things that need to be PPC'd at
[email protected]

Anyway, we've just gotten started, and here is the first part of it. I'm working on the rest as I type. ^_^

The Introduction To The Agents (And Supporting Cast)

^---Agent Dorian---^

v---Agent Sarah---v
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