Corus Jishou-Aladriss
Name: Corus Jishou-Aladriss
Title: the Crow
Race: Human
Age: 19
Hair: Silver-white to the waist
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight, but will flirt with men.       Shamelessly and at length.
Occupation: Warrior and older brother
Location: Faerun
Present mission: Keep sibs out of trouble. -Especially-              Caden.
Marital status: Single
Theme song: n/a
Birthdate: Jan 26th, 486
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 16
History: A literal test-tube baby, Corus is Schuld's first successful gene splicing experiment. He was kept by Schuldig himself as a baby, the German keeping the child with him in the modern world, until Schuld finally cracked and returned the boy to Cross and Yuka after Kagami's birth. It never semed to bother Corus that he was an experiment; his siblings certainly weren't born normally themselves, and he was always well-loved by his parents.

Personality:  He is by far the darkest of the children, with a morbid sense of humor and an understanding of evil as well as good. He is very close to Kagami, his third favourite sparring partner (following his fathers), and is quietly protective of all his siblings. He'll most likely be the one pulling Caden out of a fight, Kagami out of a tree, of Kieran out of a library. He's a bit of a loner, as is his sister, but not to the extreme. Corus is a definite proponent of the nighttime, and will not be caught dead before noon unless he never went to sleep the night before. To him, the sunlight between dawn and noon is particularly vile and something to be avoided at all costs. He's quite formidable with his bastard sword. He's not as talkative as Caden (thank the GODS) or as shy as Kieran, and is probably the most sane of the kids. Most likely, it comes from being the oldest. He loves and respects his parents greatly. He does, however, take a bountiful pleasure in tormenting his siblings. As the oldest, it's also his responsibility to tease each of them equally.

Powers: He is human, and though he is extraordinarily strong, fast, and handsome, those are merely results of genetic engineering, and Corus has no 'powers'.

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