The Garden Of Harmony

Participents: Agate Owl, Amethyst Stallion, Autumn Silver Rain and Gentle Solace
Color Indications of Speaking Parts for Participants:
Agate Owl God Invokers (Amethyst Stallion and Autumn Silver Rain)
Gentle Solace Goddess Invokers (Gentle Solace and Agate Owl)
Autumn Silver Rain All in unison
Amethyst Stallion

Date of Ritual Performance: Saturday, July 20, 2002
Astrological Correspondence Notes:

�� Waxing Moon (four days before Full) in Sagittarius
�X Encourages flights of imagination and confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic Moon sign. Favors expansion and growth.
�X Here is the Moon at her most optimistic, non-judgmental, and positive. Sagittarius is ruled by benevolent Jupiter, so now is a time when we��ll be more likely to shrug things off, let them go, and laugh about it. Of course, Jupiter��s also the planet of long-distance travel and educating the higher mind, so this is a great time to take off for a two-day adventure or take a seminar on a topic you��ve always been interested in �V say, philosophy or religion. Expect your intuitive abilities to run on high now, too �V this is the sign with the gift of prophecy. Sagittarius loves to collect knowledge, experiences, and wisdom, so when the Moon��s in this sign, she��s dressed for any adventure, complete with a backpack and world atlas. Spend time outdoors, be spontaneous, and laugh much too loudly when the Moon is here. Now is the time to truly enjoy life; just watch for a tendency toward excess, waste, and overdoing.

�� Saturday is ruled by Saturn
�X Longevity, exorcism, endings, homes and houses. Karma, past lives, reincarnation, work, responsibilities, hardships, bad luck, patience, reality.
�� The Sun��s Transit of Cancer (June 21 �V July 21)
�X When the Sun is in Cancer, things may get a little moody and emotional. While Cancer motivates us to reflect on our pasts, to draw our loved ones near to us and to nurture others without asking for nurturing in return, this Moon-ruled Water Sign can really make us grumpy. That said, Cancer could be a time of heightened emotional sensitivity, a time when the cerebral connections forged under the Gemini Sun move to a more intimate plateau. Flirtatious affections take on a greater gravity during this time as the Cancer Sun exposes our emotions and lays bare our vulnerabilities. Socializing takes a backseat to nostalgic memories and quiet nights at home. Food and family become very important at this time, as they provide us an opportunity to nurture one another and give us the most basic and unconditional of loves -- the very thing we need most right now.
�X A good time for: taking personal relationships to more substantial, serious levels; staying in and looking through old photo albums and scrapbooks; perform nurturing, domestic activities like cooking or gardening.


�� Cauldron Agate Owl
�� Rain water Autumn Silver Rain
�� Fire Candle Agate Owl
�� Altar Candle Agate Owl
�� Elemental Candles Autumn Silver Rain
�� Salt Autumn Silver Rain
�� Broom Agate Owl
�� Incense Cones Agate Owl
�� God & Goddess Symbols Autumn Silver Rain
�� Pentacle Autumn Silver Rain
�� Chalices Autumn Silver Rain & Agate Owl
�� Bell Gentle Solace only
�� Athames Autumn Silver Rain
�� Astrological Pendant Agate Owl
�� Astrological Info Sheet Agate Owl
�� Flowers/Plant Autumn Silver Rain
�� Beverage Amethyst Stallion
�� Feast Foods Amethyst Stallion will bring
�� Frankincense Oil Autumn Silver Rain
�� Fire Stick Autumn Silver Rain
�� Wicca Necklace Gentle Solace only
�� Pentagram Necklaces Each wear their own
�� Smudger Autumn Silver Rain

Start of Ritual

In unison, everyone says ��Ohm�� holding the note for as long as his or her
breath may last. As soon as you run out of breath, say ��Ohm�� again until
you��ve done so three times. The sound should flow together and create a
layered effect, not to mention a shift in consciousness.

Purification of Self

With the Frankincense Oil, each anoints their heart with a pentagram and their
third eye with a Celtic Cross and says:

My breath is long, my thoughts are pure,
I've poised myself before the door.
Both pure of heart and pure of mind,
A blessing I now come to find.

Purification of Sacred Space

Agate Owl walks with the Incense, while Autumn Silver Rain rings the bell at
each quarter, ending with the East:

Here I walk with Incense, in the East, the place of Air
As this space does fill with scent; our minds, new thoughts, shall bear
May we all find knowledge that shall guide us unto thee
As it is above, so too below, so mote it be.

Gentle Solace walks with the Fire Candle, while Amethyst Stallion rings the
bell at each quarter, ending with the South:

Fire from within us and about us, show your strength
Strength of passion, strength of change, and strength of Summer Sun
Sunlight guide us in our rite, and help us know Rebirth
Rebirth of our hearts, just like the Phoenix from the flames.
As it is above, so too below, so mote it be.

Autumn Silver Rain walks with the Rain Water, while Agate Owl rings the bell at
each quarter, ending with the West:

Water cleanse, water clear, holy water now falls here.
Desoil by the Sun I go, wash this space, watch it glow.
Tears of Gods brought this sacred Rain,
To wash the world of mortal pain
As I walk the circle, Old Ones hear my plea,
As it is above, so too below, So Mote it be.

Amethyst Stallion walks with the Salt, while Gentle Solace rings the bell at
each quarter, ending with the North:

By the North I stand, Blessed salt in hand
Space be cleansed of all impure,
Cleansed of bane that came before
Protection pure and Light we see
As it is above, so too below, So mote it be

Calling of Quarters / Casting of Circle

In the East, Agate Owl lights the Yellow Element Candle, and walks around the
circle ringing the bell once at each quarter, ending with the East.

Hail Keepers of the Eastern Gate
We ask your power to consecrate
Ancient Guardians of the Air and Invention
Guide us in our circle��s conception
Blessed Be and Welcome

In the South, Gentle Solace lights the Red Element Candle, and walks around the
circle ringing the bell once at each quarter, ending with the South.

Hail Keepers of the Southern Gate
We ask your power to consecrate
Ancient Guardians of Fire and Emotion
Guide us in our circle��s conception
Blessed Be and Welcome

In the West, Autumn Silver Rain lights the Blue Element Candle, walks around
the circle ringing the bell once at each quarter, ending with the West.

Hail Keepers of the Western Gate
We ask your power to consecrate
Ancient Guardians of Water and Perception
Guide us in our circle��s conception
Blessed Be and Welcome

In the North, Amethyst Stallion lights the Green Element Candle, walks around
the circle ringing the bell once at each quarter, ending with the North.

Hail Keepers of the Northern Gate
We ask your power to consecrate
Ancient Guardians of the Earth and Creation
Guide us in our circle��s conception
Blessed Be and Welcome

All stand close enough together to hold hands in a circle and say together:

In this space the One we shall extol and spells we��ll weave
Naught but Love shall enter here and naught but Love shall leave

Calling the God

Amethyst Stallion and Autumn Silver Rain hold hands and raise their Egyptian
dagger (athame) in their other hand, and say:

Two witches join here, hand in hand
Our voices ring throughout the land
We raise our athames to thee
The Sun, our God, descry our plea

We all are bound to all found here
These ten as one �V our hearts are clear
Four witches make our circle round
Unto the six we call, we��re bound

From East the Air does come to learn
From South the Fire comes to burn
From West the Water comes to churn
From North the Earth does come to turn
The Goddess �V Her light we��ll discern
Now for our God��s light we all yearn
Please join us here within the One
Until our celebration��s done

Calling the Goddess

Agate Owl and Gentle Solace stand with chalices raised above their heads,
holding hands with other hands, and say:

Two witches join here, hand in hand
Our voices ring throughout the land
We raise our chalices to thee
The Moon, our Goddess, hear our plea

We all are bound to all found here
These ten as one �V our hearts are clear
Four witches make our circle round
Unto the six we call, we��re bound

From East the Air does come to learn
From South the Fire comes to burn
From West the Water comes to churn
From North the Earth does come to turn

The God��s Light we all now discern
Now for the Goddess we all yearn
Please join us here within the One
Until our celebration��s done

Charging of Necklaces

�� Agate Owl removes Autumn Silver Rain��s necklace and places it on the outside of the Cauldron of Water.
�� Autumn Silver Rain removes Amethyst Stallion��s necklace and places it on the outside of the Cauldron of Water.
�� Amethyst Stallion removes Agate Owl��s necklace and places it on the outside of the Cauldron of Water.
�� Gentle Solace removes her own necklace and places it inside the Cauldron of Water that is now surrounded by our necklaces.

Recital of the Witches�� Rede

All recite the Witches�� Rede as the color indicates.

Bide the Wiccan law we must, In perfect love and perfect trust
Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give
Four times the circle cast about, To keep the evil spirits out
To bind the spell every time, Speak the spell in rhythmic rhyme
Soft of eye and soft of touch, Speak little, listen much
Deosil go by the Waxing Moon, Chanting out the Witch��s Rune
Widdershins go by the Waning Moon, Chanting out the baneful rune
When the Lady��s Moon is new, Kiss the hand to her, times two
When the Moon rides at Her peak, Then your heart��s desire seek
When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast
When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth
When the wind blows from the West, Departed souls will have no rest
Heed the North��s winds mighty gale, Lock the door and drop the sail
Nine woods in the cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow
Elder be the Lady��s tree, Burn it not or cursed you��ll be
When the wheel begins to turn, Let the Beltane fires burn
When the year has turned to Yule, Light the log, the Horned One rules
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree, By the Lady, Blessed Be
Where the rippling waters go, Cast a stone and truth you��ll know
When ye have a true need, Hearken not to others greed
With a fool no season spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend
Merry Meet and Merry Part, Bright the cheek and warm the heart
Mind the threefold law you should, Three times bad and three times good
When misfortune is anow, Wear the blue star on thy brow
True in love ever be, Lest thy lover false to thee
Eight words the Wiccan law fulfill, And harm ye none, do what ye will

Initiation Ceremony

�� Statement of Purpose

On the twentieth day of July, in the year of two thousand and two
We four gather together today, a new member requires we do
A fifth witch has requested to join, our group��s first expansion��s begun
New ideas and thoughts shall be shared,
and these five shall henceforth be as one.

�� Introduction of Self

Starting in the East with Agate Owl and working your way around deosil, each
makes a brief statement of personal purpose and introduction.

�� Statement of Passwords

In unison, all ask Gentle Solace: How do you enter into this union?
To which she responds: In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust
Each member asks another: What binds you to this union?
To which each responds: Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

�� Statement of Request and Promise

Starting in the East with Agate Owl and working your way around deosil, each
says the following:

I [state name] drink of my brother and sisters
and ask of them �V (each states something personal).
I give to them in return my promise �V (each states something personal).

The other members respond in unison:

We honor your requests and we accept your promises
As we know they have been made in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

�� Welcoming of New Member and Presentation of Gifts

Agate Owl hugs Gentle Solace, presents the astrological chart, and says:
Welcome Gentle Solace, my spiritual sister, to the Garden of Harmony!
Autumn Silver Rain hugs Gentle Solace, presents the flowers/plant, and says:
Welcome Gentle Solace, my spiritual sister, to the Garden of Harmony!
Amethyst Stallion hugs Gentle Solace, presents the astro-pendant, and says:
Welcome Gentle Solace, my spiritual sister, to the Garden of Harmony!

�� Welcoming Blessing

Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee to this path
Blessed be thy loins, without which we would not be
Blessed be thy heart that beats in harmony with the One
Blessed be thy lips that shall utter the sacred words
Blessed be thy eyes that witness Perfect Love and Trust
Blessed be thy third eye, without which we could not truly see

�� Thanking the God and Goddess

Each recites their designated parts, as indicated by color:

Four witches stand here, hand in hand
Our voices ring throughout the land
Two raise their chalices to thee
Two raise their athames to thee

Forever bound to those we hail
The six who come beyond the Veil
The Elements, the Goddess, God
Have walked the spaces we have trod

Our hearts as one, our souls entwined
Our family five, the ties that bind
Our gifts upon the altar lay
To give You thanks upon this day

We bid Thee well, as You depart
We��re bound together �V mind and heart
Our Lord and Lady, thanks, farewell
Please help us now to end this spell

Thanking the Elements / Opening the Circle

Agate Owl says the following, and extinguishes her Element Candle:

The Eastern winds have borne our souls
And pushed us closer to our goals
Our thanks to you we all descry
Forever golden; now you fly
Our circle here we now release
To go in glory - go in peace

Gentle Solace says the following, and extinguishes her Element Candle:

The Southern flames transformed our harms
And guided us with loving arms
Our thanks to you, please recognize
Our blood red passions soar and rise
Our circle here we now release
To go in glory - go in peace

Autumn Silver Rain says the following, and extinguishes her Element Candle:

The Western waters cleansed our cores
And safely guided us through doors
Our thanks to you, we all now say
Eternal blue; harm��s washed away
Our circle here we now release
To go in glory - go in peace

Amethyst Stallion says the following, and extinguishes his Element Candle:

The Northern soil shall ground our force
And keep our love and trust on course
Our thanks to you we all pass on
Abundant Green; with wealth and brawn
Our circle here we now release
To go in glory - go in peace

All hold hands and say together:

Our Circle is open, but as always, unbroken:
We leave it in peace, as the Circle��s released.

End of Ritual

In unison, everyone says ��Ohm�� holding the note for as long as his or her
breath may last. As soon as you run out of breath, say ��Ohm�� again until
you��ve done so three times. The sound should flow together and create a
layered effect, not to mention a shift in consciousness.

This Initiation Ritual is just one example of many out there. As the Coven grows things will be added or removed as necessary.


Written and Performed by the Garden of Harmony

Participants: Agate Owl, Amethyst Stallion, Autumn Silver Rain and Broken Feather

Color Indications of Speaking Parts for Participants:

Amethyst Stallion God Invokers (Amethyst Stallion and Autumn Silver Rain)
Broken Feather Goddess Invokers (Broken Feather and Agate Owl)
Agate Owl All in unison
Autumn Silver Rain

Date of Ritual Performance: Sunday, May 26, 2002
Astrological Correspondence Notes:

 Full Moon (6:51 am) 5� of Sagittarius
 Look skyward tonight, and you'll spy the bright, round face of the
Sagittarius Full Moon. This particular lunar-zodiacal communion results in a
kind of liberation and clarity of perspective. Suddenly you see that
acknowledging your ignorance on a subject does not make you hopeless. Tonight's
Full Moon is also strongly tied to yesterday's Saturn-Pluto Opposition, so make
sure you take it easy and don't do anything rash!

 May 25 � Saturn Opposite Pluto: At this time, Saturn, Planet of Karma,
Opposes Pluto, Planet of Power. This strong influence is expected to manifest
in political and economic changes around the world. While Saturn is all about
diligence and discipline, Pluto is concerned with annihilation and complete
transformation. This aspect can be either constructive or destructive,
depending on how well you are able to work hard and sustain self-control. If
you're determined to advance in your career and meet all of your goals, you'll
feel especially ambitious and strong. If you're more of a free spirit, watch
out that you don't give in to your desire to create trouble!

 The Moon in Sagittarius encourages flights of the imagination and
confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, athletic Moon sign. Favors
expansion and growth.

 Here is the Moon at her most optimistic, non-judgmental, and positive.
Sagittarius is ruled by benevolent Jupiter, so now is a time when we�ll be more
likely to shrug things off, let them go, and laugh about it. Of course,
Jupiter�s also the planet of long-distance travel and educating the higher
mind, so this is a great time to take off for a two-day adventure or take a
seminar on a topic you�ve always been interested in � say, philosophy or
religion. Expect your intuitive abilities to run on high now, too � this is
the sign with the gift of prophecy. Sagittarius loves to collect knowledge,
experiences, and wisdom, so when the Moon�s in this sign, she�s dressed for any
adventure, complete with a backpack and world atlas. Spend time outdoors, be
spontaneous, and laugh much too loudly when the Moon is here. Now is the time
to truly enjoy life; just watch for a tendency toward excess, waste, and

 Full �Flower� Moon:
 This phase begins with the Full Moon, which is when the Sun and Moon
are opposite to one another in the sky � literally in opposition � and the Moon
is reflecting all of the Sun�s light. She is perfectly round at this point,
and well able to light the night � so well, in fact, that she casts Moon-
shadows. It�s now that she can be seen rising in the east at sunset, a bit
later each night as this phase progresses. This is a time that corresponds
with the culmination of plans, with maturity and completion. As she begins now
to wane � or decrease � our plans come to bear, and we see the concrete results
of the actions we initiated with the New Moon.

 Lunar Eclipse (7:04 am)
 Sunday is ruled by the Sun
 Healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection. Joy,
happiness, completion, health, men�s power, leadership, pleasure, success,
rank, authority.

 The Sun�s Transit of Gemini (May 20 � June 20)
 For everyone, the Sun's transit of Gemini is a time when the
possibility of a fun, fresh and lighthearted romance is ripe; you'll form
intimate connections based on your intellect and an abundant supply of teasing
and flirtation. You'll feel more like a child during this time, exploring the
world and its inhabitants with a starry-eyed innocence and willingness to grow
and learn. Communication feels effortless, instinctual and entertaining -- even
for those of you who normally feel restrained when it comes to speaking your
feelings. And though you'll articulate freely and take more chances, you will
also be more skeptical and analytical. Overall, though, the Mutable Quality of
this Sign makes us more accepting of novel ideas, tolerant of people's
differences and willing to embrace change. You may be inclined to gossip now,
too. Your mind simply overflows with input and wonder! Be careful to mind your
own business: Playful ribbing can turn exasperating and hurtful really
quickly! With your mind this active and inspired, you should really seize the
opportunity to reconnect with the written word. If you don't have one already,
invest in a journal and give yourself an hour or two a week to record your
thoughts and observations. Your creative output could really surprise you . . .


 Cauldron of water Autumn Silver Rain, Agate Owl
 Rain water Autumn Silver Rain has collected and will bring this
 Fire Candle Agate Owl will bring this
 Altar Candle Autumn Silver Rain will bring this
 Elemental Candles Agate Owl will bring this
 Salt Agate Owl will bring this
 Broom Should Agate Owl quickly put one together using Spiral Stick?
 Incense Cones Agate Owl will bring this
 God & Goddess Symbols Autumn Silver Rain will bring her clay figures
 Pentacle Autumn Silver Rain will bring hers
 Chalice Broken Feather and Agate Owl will bring theirs
 Bell Broken Feather will bring her Unicorn bell
 Athame Autumn Silver Rain will bring her Egyptian daggers
 Astrological Pendants Agate Owl will purchase
 Roses Broken Feather will pick from her garden
 Pouches with hair, etc. Autumn Silver Rain will make and bring these
 Beverage: Apple Juice Agate Owl will bring this
 Feast Foods each member brings some ingredients, we�ll make dish
 Pentagram Necklaces All wear their own
 Frankincense oil Autumn Silver Rain will bring hers
 Fire Stick Broken Feather has one

Purification of Self

Each anoints their heart with a pentagram and their third eye with a celtic
cross and says:

My breath is long, my thoughts are pure,
I�ve poised myself before the door.
Both pure of heart and pure of mind,
A blessing I now come to find.

Purification of Sacred Space

Each walks deosil around the edge of the circle reciting their elemental
Amethyst Stallion in the North with Salt:

By the North I stand, Blessed salt in hand
Space be cleansed of all impure, Cleansed of bane that came before
Protection pure and Light we see
As it is above, so too below, So mote it be

Broken Feather in the East with Incense:

Incense of the East I do bestow
To the Goddess� and Gods to Bless us below
Guide us tonight with your love and kindness
As our circle is made we leave ills behind us
As it is above, so too below, So Mote It Be.

Agate Owl in the South with Fire Candle:

Fire from the South, I bring into our sacred space
May our circle, all within it, be as if your fuel
Grow within us and about us, nourish our group will
Burn away all harm and bane, but leave behind your warmth
As it is above, so too below, So Mote It Be!

Autumn Silver Rain in the West with Rain Water:

Water cleanse, water clear, holy water now falls here.
Desoil by the Moon I go, wash this space, watch it glow.
Tears of Gods brought this sacred Rain, To wash the world of mortal pain
As I walk the circle, Old Ones hear my plea,
As it is above, so too below, So Mote it be.

Calling of Quarters / Casting of Circle

In the North, Amethyst Stallion rings the bell, says the following, and lights
the Green Element Candle:

Hail Keepers of the Northern Gate
Ancient Guardians of the Earth and Creation
We ask you to guide us in our blessed rite this night
Bring us your strength, bury our ills and guard our sacred space

All say together: Blessed Be and Welcome

In the East, Broken Feather rings the bell, says the following, and lights the
Yellow Element Candle:

Hail Keepers of the Eastern Gate
Ancient Guardians of the Air and Discovery
We ask you to guide us in our blessed rite this night
Bring us your wisdom, blow out our negativity, and guard our sacred space

All say together: Blessed Be and Welcome

In the South, Agate Owl rings the bell, says the following, and lights the Red
Element Candle:

Hail Keepers of the Southern Gate
Ancient Guardians of Fire and Emotions
We ask you to guide us in our blessed rite this night
Bring us your courage, burn away our regret and guard our sacred space

All say together: Blessed Be and Welcome

In the West, Autumn Silver Rain rings the bell, says the following, and lights
the Blue Element Candle:

Hail Keepers of the Western Gate
Ancient Guardians of Water and Perception
We ask you to guide us in our blessed rite this night
Bring us your love, purify our thoughts, and guard our sacred space

All say together: Blessed Be and Welcome

All stand close enough together to hold hands in a circle and say together:

In this space the One we shall extol and spells we�ll weave
Naught but Love shall enter here and naught but Love shall leave

Calling the Goddess

Agate Owl and Broken Feather stand with chalices raised above their heads,
holding hands with other hands, and say:

Goddess of Women, Mother of Night
Bathe us in your Silver Light
We two invoke the Lady of Love
To shine on us from high above

Hand in hand, we call your name
Witches before have done the same
Come to charm our chanted prayer
May your presence fill the air

Welcome Mistress of the Night
To our circle, to our sight

Calling the God

Amethyst Stallion and Autumn Silver Rain hold hands and raise their Egyptian
dagger (athame) in their other hand, then say something of their choosing.

God of Man, Son of Night
Bathe us in your Golden Light
We two invoke the Lord of Old
Our hearts are open, our faith is bold

Hand in hand, we call your name
Witches before have done the same
Come to charm our chanted prayer
May your stars adorn the air

Welcome Master of Eternal Day
To our hallow�d circle, spun this May

Recital of the Witches� Rede

All recite the Witches� Rede as the color indicates.

Bide the Wiccan law we must, In perfect love and perfect trust
Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give
Four times the circle cast about, To keep the evil spirits out
To bind the spell every time, Speak the spell in rhythmic rhyme
Soft of eye and soft of touch, Speak little, listen much
Desoil go by the Waxing Moon, Chanting out the Witch�s Rune
Widdershins go by the Waning Moon, Chanting out the baneful rune
When the Lady�s Moon is new, Kiss the hand to her, times two
When the Moon rides at Her peak, Then your heart�s desire seek
Heed the North�s winds mighty gale, Lock the door and drop the sail
When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast
When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth
When the wind blows from the West, Departed souls will have no rest
Nine woods in the cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow
Elder be the Lady�s tree, Burn it not or cursed you�ll be
When the wheel begins to turn, Let the Beltane fires burn
When the year has turned to Yule, Light the log and the Horned One rules
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree, By the Lady, Blessed Be
Where the rippling waters go, Cast a stone and truth you�ll know
When ye have a true need, Hearken not to others greed
With a fool no season spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend
Merry Meet and Merry Part, Bright the cheek and warm the heart
Mind the threefold law you should, Three times bad and three times good
When misfortune is anow, Wear the blue star on thy brow
True in love ever be, Lest thy lover false to thee
Eight words the Wiccan law fulfill, And harm ye none, do what ye will

Full Moon Ritual

 Drawing Down the Moon

Starting in the North and going deosil, each places their pentagram pendant
into the cauldron of water. Each recites the following, as indicated by color.

Blessed Goddess, Mother Moon, Dark Lady of the Night
May the Light your Orb receives reflect upon us here
May your beams of moonlight travel far and full of Love
Held within our cauldron of the waters you conduct

Pregnant Goddess, at your Power�s peak, we call on thee
Fill our cauldron, fill our space and fill each who stands here
Fill us with your Love and Light, your Power and your Strength
Fill us with your presence, with your essence, with your crux.

Female Aspect of the One, we call on you tonight
Bless us all as you see fit, as you know what we need
Help us see with your insight so we may know ourselves
Show us that all cycles ebb and flow � all things must change

Blessed God, our Father Sun, Bright Lord who rules the Day
May the Light you lent the Moon reflect upon us here
May your beams of sunlight, though transformed, now travel down
Held within our cauldron of the waters you conduct

Father God your Bride carries your seed, soon to be born
Fill our cauldron, fill our space and fill each who stands here
Fill us with your Love and Light, your Power and your Strength
Fill us with your presence, with your essence, with your crux.

The Male Aspect of the One, we call on you tonight
Bless us all as you see fit, as you know what we need
Help us hear the rhythm of your song so we can dance
Show us that your light can still sustain us through the night

Dedication Ceremony

 Statement of Purpose

Recite the following as indicated by the color:

Gathered here, the 26th of May, a Sunday night
Four now seek to bind themselves unto a chosen goal
Students become teachers, knowledge given and received
Ceremonies, Sabbat Rites and Esbats shall be done

 Introduction of Self

Each makes a brief statement of personal purpose and introduction.

 Questioning of Applicant

Start with Amethyst Stallion as the one being questioned by the others, then do
the same for Broken Feather, Agate Owl and Autumn Silver Rain.
Question: How do you enter into this union?
Response: In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

 Statement of Request and Promise

Starting with Amethyst Stallion and working your way around deosil, each new
member says the following:

I [state name] drink of my brother and sisters
and ask of them � (each states something personal).
I give to them in return my promise � (each states something personal).

The other members respond in unison:

We honor your requests and we accept your promises
As we know they have been made in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

 Welcoming of Members and Presentation of Gift

Starting with Amethyst Stallion and working your way around deosil, each new
member is hugged by the others and is presented with gifts.

Hug saying:

Welcome [member�s name], my spiritual brother/sister, to the Garden of Harmony!

 Five-Fold Kiss

Perform the Five-Fold Kiss in a deosil circle: Amethyst Stallion to Broken
Feather, Broken Feather to Agate Owl, Agate Owl to Autumn Silver Rain and
Autumn Silver Rain to Amethyst Stallion.

Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee to this path
Blessed be thy loins, without which we would not be
Blessed be thy heart that beats in harmony with the One
Blessed be thy lips that shall utter the sacred words
Blessed be thine eyes that witness Perfect Love and Trust

 Thanking the God and Goddess

Each recites their designated parts, as indicated by color:

Lady Moon, Mother Earth
Mistress Night, Queen of Birth
We join and pray by Your light
Seeking wisdom and insight

Master of Hunt, Great Cloven One
King of Fire, Lord of Sun
Your watchful stars guide us well
In this circle, where we dwell

Our hearts as one
Our souls entwined
Our family four
The ties that bind
Our gift upon the altar lay
To give You thanks on this day
We bid Thee well, as you part
Bound together---mind and heart

Lord and Lady, You've led us well
Help us now, to end the spell

Thanking the Elements / Opening the Circle
Amethyst Stallion says the following, and extinguishes his Element Candle:

Great Spirits of Trees and Stones
You grow and bloom around us
For your presence, we are thankful
As our circle began, now be it released
In your infinite power, so mote it be

All say together: Thanks Be

Broken Feather says the following, and extinguishes her Element Candle:

Great Spirits of Clouds and Flight
You live and breathe about us
For your presence we are thankful
As our circle began, now be it released
In your infinite power, so mote it be

All say together: Thanks Be

Agate Owl says the following, and extinguishes her Element Candle:

Great Spirits of Lightening and Stars
Your flames nurture us all
For your presence we are thankful
As our circle began, now be it released
In your infinite power, so mote it be

All say together: Thanks Be

Autumn Silver Rain says the following, and extinguishes her Element Candle:

Great Spirits of Seas and Rain
You cleanse all that is tainted
For your presence we are thankful
As our circle began, now be it released
In your infinite power, so mote it be

All say together: Thanks Be

All hold hands and say together:

Our Circle is open, but as always, unbroken:
We leave it in peace, as the Circle�s released.

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