afrohondure�o: m. Afro-Honduran (Garifunas or Black Caribs and English-speaking blacks). Variant afro-hondure�o. albard�n: m. rural mat (specif. one made of dried plantain rinds that is placed between the saddlecloth and the packsaddle on beasts of burden). Cf. APAREJO, PELERO. alegr�n de burro: m. a sudden, brief moment of joy, happiness or satisfaction (followed by a return to reality); momentary thrill. Variants alegr�n de tonto, alegr�n de pobre. almendro: m. 1. cabbagebark, angelin (Andira inermis). Also almendro del r�o. alquilar: v. to lend. [Do�a Mar�a, quiero que si puede me haga el favor de alquilarme cien lempiras. Mar�a, could you do me a favor and lend me one hundred lempiras.] anacag�ite: m. 1. anacahuita, Texas olive (Cordia boissieri). 2. geiger tree (C. sebestena). [fr. Nahuatl amacuahuitl] apagafuegos: m. s./pl. fireman. Syn. bombero. ara�a: f. vulgar bush, fur-pie (female genitals). arras: f. 13 coins, specifically 20-centavo coins, given by the bridegroom to the bride during the Catholic wedding ceremony. array�n: m. guava (Psidium salutare) - a small bush or treelet of the Myrtle familly. Other species are the Costa Rican guava (P. Friedrichsthalianum) and P. Sartorianum. asaltabancos: m. s./pl. bank robber. aseador: m. cleaning man, janitor. a tranca: adj. plastered, bombed (drunk). a wilson: adv. yeah. ayote calabacita: m. butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata). Also ayote calabaza. azacu�n: m. broad-winged hawk (Buteo p. platypterus).
Also alzacu�n. [fr.
bajo bajo: adv. under the table, in secret, on the quiet. bambay�n: m. a medium-sized tree (Rehdera trinervis) of the verbena family with simple, obovate leaves and small white tubular flowers. bambul�n: m. slang lempira. [pos. play on bamba] barba de jolote: f. wild tamarind (Cojoba arborea). barranquera: f. ground dove, such as the common ground dove (Columbina passerina) or the ruddy ground-dove (Columbina talpacoti). bartolina: f. cell (as in a prison) Syn. celda. bayuncada: f. stupid remark, stupidity. Syn. tonter�a. bechita: f. slang suds, brewski (beer). Syn. cerveza. bestia: f. cock, hunk of meat (penis). bijao: m. firebird, wild plantain, macaw flower (Heliconia bihai). [fr. Taino] b�per: m. beeper, pager [fr. English] bisnear: v. to do business (with), make a deal. [El gordito trajo una fotograf�a en marco de Carlos Roberto Reina y Jaime Rosenthal, pero no se la pudo bisnear a ninguno... The fatman brought a framed photograph of Carlos Roberto Reina and Jaime Rosenthal, but he wouldn't sell it to either of them... - La Tribuna] bomba de mecate: f. rope and washer pump, rope pump. botoncillo: m. button mangrove (Conocarpus erectus). brazada: f. rural 2 varas or 1.67 m.; length of outstretched arms. brinque quien brinque: p. (whether you, he, she, they, etc.) like it or not; like it or lump it; whether one is in agreement or not. [Y brinque quien brinque Custodio es el nuevo ombudsman. And like it or not Custodio is the new ombudsman. - La Tribuna] cabrona: f. vulgar bitch, cunt. cagada: f. vulgar 1. turd, crap, pile of crap. 2. mess, screw up. caitazo: m. dance (an act or round of dancing), usually used in the phrases dar un caitazo, dar caitazos, echar el caitazo, echar(se) un caitazo, echarse caitazos, pegar un caitazo: to kick up one's heels, shake a leg, trip the light fantastic (dance). [El fin de semana era tiempo de echarse un buen caitazo. The weekend was time to kick up one's heels.] calaica: f. balsam apple, balsm pear (Momordica charantia). calandraco: m. 1. spindlelegs, sticklegs, beanpole (thin person). 2. poor devil; pl. the needy, the have-nots. caminadora: f. itchgrass (Rottboellia cochinchinensis).
camino de tierra: m. vulgar dirt-road, dirt-chute (anus). Syn. ano. ca�on: adj. vulgar 1. hard, stiff, boner (erection of the penis). Syn. duro. 2. ponerse ca��n: to become stiff; get it up, get a hard-on. Syn. ponerse duro. capirucha: f. slang capital (city of Honduras), Tegucigalpa. [Ese mismo d�a tambi�n arribar� a la capirucha Quique Iglesias, el mero mero del BID... That same day Quique Iglesias, the top dog of the IDB, will also arrive in the capital... - El Heraldo] capul�n: m. 1. capulin cherry, black cherry (Prunus serotina subsp. capuli). 2. calabur tree, Jamaican cherry tree (Muntingia calabura). [fr. Nahuatl] caribe blanco: m. a banana variety (Musa acuminata, AAA
group) of the red subgroup whose skin is yellow when ripe.
cari�o: m. slang bribe. [Inversionistas necesitan dar cari�itos a funcionarios para montar sus empresas. Investors have to grease the palms of government officials in order to set up their businesses. - El Tiempo] Syn. soborno. carreto: m. rain tree, monkey pod (Samanea saman). casulla: f. hull, husk (of rice). // arroz en casulla: paddy (rice in the husk), rough rice, rice kernels, unmilled grains of rice. Also casuya. Syn. cascarilla. catorceavo: m. 14th month pay, 14th month paycheck (specif. an extra month of wages or salary - or proportion if employed for less than a year - that is payable to all workers each June), "summer bonus." Also catorceavo mes, decimocuarto, decimocuarto mes, decimocuarto salario, decimocuarto sueldo, decimocuarto mes de salario. Cf. AGUILUCHO (2), TRECEAVO MES. catrachita: f. a flat, fried tortilla served with a topping of refried beans and either grated hard cheese or mantequilla rala. Cf. BALEADA, BURRITA, ENCHILADA, GRINGA, SINCRONIZADA, TACO. celof�n: adj. 1. jealous, green. 2. ponerse celof�n: to become jealous. [play on celoso] cenizo: m. Hawaiian banana, ice cream banana, blue Java (Musa acuminata x balbisiana, ABB group). chachalaco: m., see TIG�ILOTE. chapeador: m. a farm laborer who clears land with a machete or other farm tool; hacker; weeder. Variant chapiador. chatear: v. to chat. [...hasta ahora no han tenido ning�n chance de chatear con �l... ...up until now they have had no opportunity to chat with him... - El Heraldo] [fr. English] Syn. platicar. chiludo: adj. very peppery, awfully hot, burning (caused by pungent condiments, specif. chili or hot sauce). chimadura: f. graze, scrape, abrasion. chingo: m. see TAMAG�S CAF�. chipil�n: m. any of several erect perennial legumes of the genus Crotalaria with edible leaves that are consumed in some parts of Honduras. [fr. Nahuatl] chirinoco: m. 1. bittern, such as the least bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) 2. rail, such as the uniform crake (Amaurolimnas concolor). choreque: m. a legume (Lathyrus nigrivalvis) native to
South America and used as
a green manure. Also frijol
chorriar: v. slang to look at, gaze; glance at. [luego me fij� que ella tambi�n me estaba chorriando... I then noticed that she was also glancing at me... - J. Montenegro, La Tribuna] cidi: m. CD (compact disk); pl. cidis.
ciruelo de monta�a: m. goncalo alves, kingwood (Astronium graveloens). Also ciruelillo. cl�sico: m. soccer match between two traditional rivals:
classic rivalry.
Comitzahuatl: n. the Winged Jaguar or Tigress - a mythical
being of Honduran folklore, esp. in the area of Guajiquiro. Variants
Comitzahual, Comicahual,
Coamicagual, Comicagual, Comisagual, Comizahual, Comizahualt. [fr.
cordoncillo: m. spiked pepper, false kava (Piper aduncum). Cf. JUNIAPA. coyolal: m., see COYOLAR. coyota: f., see COYOTE. culerada: f. bullshit, nonsense, foolishness. See PAPADA, PENDEJADA. culuco: m. scarab beetle, esp. May or June beetle. See RONR�N. daga: f. vulgar penis (British slang equivalents include "dagger", "blade", "pork sword"). de alto pedorraje: adj. slang upper-class, hoity-toity, posh. [A la fiesta s�lo fue gente de alto pedorraje. Only upper-crusters went to the party.] destripar el tomate: v.p. to pop (a girl's) cherry, to pluck (a girl's) flower, (deflower). [�A los cuantos a�os te destriparon el tomate? How old were you when you got plucked?] Syn. desvirgar. dizque: adj. 1. so-called, in name only, purported (usu. in an ironical sense). [...una dizque revoluci�n moral que le falt� moral para ser revoluci�n... a "so-called" moral revolution that lacked moral to be a revolution... - La Tribuna] // adv. 2. presumably, purportedly. [...denunci� la cipota en la polic�a, dizque porque ella lo amenza�. ...filed a complaint against the adolescent at the police station, "purportedly" because she threatened him. - La Tribuna] dulcero: f. sugar producer (specif. one who produces cakes of dark brown unrefined cane sugar). See RAPADURA. empatarse: v. to shack up (with); live (with), live together. [Gustavo se empat� con Rosario. Gustavo shacked up with Rosario.] enchancletado: adj. wearing slippers or sandals, having slippers on (one's feet), usu. used in the phrase andar enchancletada. enchumpado: adj. bundled up, wrapped up (dressed in warm clothing, esp. in a chumpa, jacket). [Hondure�os tendr�n que seguir enchumpados. Hondurans will have to continue bundling up.] enmontado: adj. overgrown, overrun, weedy (covered with weeds and/or brush) [...los maleantes hab�an llevado a un solar enmontado a las dos jovencitas... ...the ruffians had taken the two adolescent girls to an overgrown lot... - El Heraldo] escarabajo gema: m. jewel scarab (Chrysina spp.).
espada de San Miguel: m. German iris (Iris germanica).
espiga de trigo: n. hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana var. guatemalensis). estar en elote: v.p. (of corn/maize) to reach physiological maturity, to be in the milk (grains are formed but still full of moisture). estar en perlita: v.p. (of corn/maize) to form kernels, to be in the kernel set stage. flor de tierra: f. mushroom (edible or poisonous). fotear(se): v. snap, take a picture (photograph), have one�s picture taken. [ dieron gusto fote�ndose con Maduro. ...they took great pleasure in being photographed with Maduro. - La Tribuna] Variant fotiar(se). Syn. fotografiar. furgonero: m. truck driver, trucker (esp. of a semi). Also trailero. Syn. camionero. gallina india: f. indigenous domestic hen. gua gua: m. slang bow-wow, mutt (dog). guajaca: f. vinca, Cape periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus). Also huajaca. guarumo: m. trumpet-tree, trumpetwood (Cecropia
guayac�n: m. lignum vitae, bastard lignum vitae (Guaiacum sanctum). [fr. Taino] guazalillo: m. woolly opossum (Caluromys derbianus). g�ero: adj. 1. delicate, unhealthy; feeble. 2. rotten (said
of eggs, fruits and vegetables). [un huevo g�ero a rotten egg]
gusano: m. penis. hielo: m. rural a generic term applied to many plant diseases (esp. of corn and beans) and, in some cases, nutrient deficiencies. hormigo: m. quira (Platymiscium dimorphandrum) [lit. ant (tree)] infisti�tico: adj. temperamental, hypersensitive; fastidious, hard to please. ispiar: v. to see, spy; have a looksee. [variant of espiar] jaboncillo: m., see PAC�N. jagua: f. genipap (Genipa americana). jaina: f. slang 1. chick. Syn. chica. 2. mainsqueeze (girlfriend). jaragu�: f. jaragua grass (Hyparrhenia rufa).
Also zacate jaragu�.
juancagado: m. laughing falcon (Herpetotheres
cachinnans). Also guaco.
juniapa: f. eared pepper, anise pepper (Piper auritum).
lado oscuro: m. the group of politicians who governed Honduras during the administration of President Rafael Leonardo Callejas and who continue to rule or exert influence on the National Party from behind the scenes, esp. those elements of the National Party who believe in the old dictatorial ways. [lit. the dark side] lechucero: m. illegal logger, a person involved in illegal logging activities. lero, lero candelero, come tripas de ternero. exp. A taunt, similar to "nyah- nyah-n-nyah-nayh" (or "nan, nan, na nan nayh") in English. This phrase is also used to prevent another person from speaking or responding. lim�n real: m. rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri). linchar: v. to beat up. [...dos jovenes que pretend�an
robarse un autom�vil fueron
linchados por vecinos de la colonia El Pedregal... ...two youths who
attempted to steal a car were
clobbered by residents of the El Pedregal neighborhood... - La Tribuna.]
lipidia: f. indigence, usu. used in the phrase estar en la lipidia: to be destitute, be in the gutter, be dead broke. macanazal: m. heap, gob, hell of a lot (large number or quantity). [Dicen que van a correr a un macanazal de chepos de la Polic�a... They say they're going to fire a hell of a lot of cops... - La Tribuna] ma�z planta baja: m. corn (maize) cultivar with a short stalk. Also planta baja. majagua: m. majagua, mahoe, mountain mahoe (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Also majao. [fr. Taino] malinche: adj. slang nasty, mean; hardhearted; dastardly. Syn. malo. mano ca�da: f. broken-wrist, limp-wristed (homosexual). mano peluda: f. hidden hand, sinister influence (specif. a person or organization, real or imaginary, that exercises power behind the scenes or interferes in some matter - in a surreptitious and malicious manner - - while remaining anonymous.) m�quina: adj. cool, groovy, bitchin', first class. [Esa camisa te queda m�quina. That shirt looks cool on you.] mar�a: m. maria (Calophyllum brasiliense). Also santa mar�a, santamar�a. marimbiada: f. beating, thrashing [Tremenda marimbiada recibe un joven aprendiz de ladr�n. Young apprentice thief receives tremendous beating. - La Tribuna] mariola: f. large marble, tenner. maso: adj./adv. slang so-so, not bad, OK. [�C�mo te fue? Maso. How did you do? So-so.] [shortening and blend of m�s o menos, more or less] mayate: m. slang black, Negro (dark-skinned person). meter las de andar: v.p. to mess up, screw up, put one's foot
in it.
meti� las de andar al declarar que no hay trabajo en el gobierno porque no hay
pisto... ...(he) put his foot in his mouth on announcing that there are no
positions in the government because there is no money... -- La Tribuna]
mojar: v. to grease the palm (bribe). [Comerciante es condenado a tres a�os y medio por mojar dos inspectores. Merchant is sentenced to three and a half years for greasing the palms of two inspectors. - La Tribuna] monja blanca: f. a variety of orchid (Lycaste skinneri)
that produces large,
white or violet, triangular flowers that is typically found at higher
elevations in humid mountain forests. [lit. white nun]
morete: m. bruise.
muerto: adj. a piece of cake, easy. [Ese examen estuvo muerto. That exam was a piece of cake.] naranjilla: f. Quito orange, naranjilla (Solanum
ni fu ni fa: adj. neither good nor bad, neither one nor the
no oler, ni heder: v.p. to cut no ice. [Ni huele, ni hiede. He cuts no ice.] Variant ni oler, ni heder. no poder ver ni en pintura: p. to not be able to bear the sight
�angarada: f. the left, the commies. [Otro que ten�a el apoyo de la sociedad civil y la �angarada ... es el fiscal Mundo Orellana Mercado. Another who had the support of civil society and the left ... is government prosecutor Mundo Orellana. - La Tribuna] �urda: f. slang left, commie. oeneg�: f. non-governmental organization (NGO). [phonetic
spelling of ONG] oenegeista: m./f. a person who works for a non-governmental organization. ojo de buey: m. slang A-hole, kazoo, bunghole (anus). Syn. ano. olomina: f., see BUBUCHA. oraci�n: f. rural twilight, dusk. Syn. atardecer. p': prep. for, to (etc.). [No hay cama p' tanta gente. There are not enough beds for so many people.] Variant pa. [shortening of para] paleto: m. jutahy (Dialium guianense). Variant
paleta. Also tamarindo de
panza de mono: n. tree fern (Cyathea salvinii). panzuda: adj. knocked up (pregnant). [La trabajadora est� panzuda. The maid is knocked-up.] paquete: m./adj. bad soccer player (specif. one who is foreign). pasconeado: adj. like a sieve, like Swiss cheese, full of holes, riddled. [Pasconeadas las calles progrese�as. Streets of El Progreso full of potholes. - La Tribuna] [Ex polic�a muere pascooneado a balazos por dos desconocidos. Ex policman dies riddled with bullets fired by two unknown individuals. - La Tribuna] patas de hule: f. slang wheels (automobile). Syn. carro. patrullas: f. pl. slang tootsies (feet). [Me hieden las patrullas. My tootsies stink.] See RUGIR, SILBAR. pelo de cuca: adj. slang (of hair) frizzy, kinky, fuzzy. Syn. pelo crespo. Perla de Ul�a: f. Pearl of the Ul�a - a nickname for El
Progreso, Yoro department.
perulero: m. yellowish-white vegetable pear. See PATASTE. piapia: f. brown jay (Cyanocorax morio). [Ca�an los granos y los tub�rculos, pero cuando no se los com�an las p�as-p�as o los ratones hambrientos, cuando lograban germinar, era para brotar raqu�ticos, enfermos, cipiados. The seeds and tubers fell, but when they weren't eaten by hungry brown jays and rats, when they did manage to germinate, they came up stunted, sick, frail. - Se da todav�a el arroz, Ram�n Amaya Amador] piedra de moler: f. a flat stone with a concave upper surface
on which maize and other grains are ground.
pijiador: m. slang beater, brawler, toughie, fighter. pingada: n. bunch of, a whole lot of, shitload of, buttload of - always followed by the preposition >de. pinponero: m. 1. follower of Rafael Pineda Ponce (president of the National Congress from 1998-2002 and presidential candidate in the 2001 general elections); militant or activist of the political faction of Rafael Pineda Ponce. // adj. 2. of or pertaining to Rafael Pineda Ponce and/or his political faction. [A prop�sito de la �ltima alianza pinponera... Speaking of the last Pineda Ponce alliance... - La Tribuna] [fr. Pin Pon, nickname coined by the Honduran press for Rafael Pineda Ponce + -ero, adjective-forming suffix] pirinolada: n. bunch of, a whole lot of, shitload of, buttload of - always followed by the preposition de. Also cachimbazo de, cachimbo de, macanazo de, pingada de, vergazo de. poli: f. police, police force [shortened fr. polic�a] poquitero: m. small-scale producer or farmer (specif. a small, independent banana producer in northern Honduras between the mid-19th and early 20th centuries). postura: f. rural small amount, portion, bagful, batch (gen. used when referring to a small quantity of beans and, more specifically, the amount necessary to prepare one potful of cooked beans). [�Quiere una postura de frijoles? Do you want a few beans?] pulg�n: m. 1. flea beetle (Chaetocnema and
Epitrix spp.). 2. see TORTUGUILLA.
pumpunjuche: m., see ZAPOT�N. [fr. Nahuatl] puteada: f. vulgar scolding. puy�n: m. 1. sting, stinger (of a bee, wasp, etc.). Also clavo. Syn. aguij�n. 2. thrust; stab, jab. 3. shot (injection). que le cabe un buey: adj. brimming with pride; well-content; pleased as Punch. [El Presidente electo sali� de la reuni�n que le cab�a un buey por el apoyo que le ofrecieron. The president-elect came out of the meeting pleased as Punch for the support that he was offered. - El Heraldo] Variant que le cab�a un buey. quemar barba: v.p. (said of corn/maize silks) to darken in color and dry out (at the end of the silking stage). Also chamuscar barba. quitacalz�n: m. a social wasp of the subfamily Polistinae
(Protopolybia acutiscutis). [lit. underwear remover]
reculo lo dicho: p. I take that back. Syn. retiro lo dicho. reventada: f., see PISADA (2). revent�n: m. discount, cut, slash (referring to prices). [Gran revent�n de precios Big slash of prices] robacarros: m.s./pl. car thief. [El robacarros ... fue capturado por agentes de la Polic�a Metropolitana en posesi�n de un veh�culo robado. The car thief ... was apprehended by agents of the Metropolitan Police in possession of a stolen vehicle. - El Heraldo] roncarse la gana: v.p. to feel like it. Variant pegarle la gana. See CULO (7). rumbar duro: v.p. to criticize sharply, slam, lambast. Variants rumbar maceta, tirar duro, tirar riata, volar maceta, volar riata, volar verga. sabanera: f. salmon-bellied racer (Dryadophis melanolomus). sacarle los diablitos: v.p. to draw out the little devils, expel the little devils (from a bottle of liquor). This is accomplished by rubbing with one's hands a bottle that contains a few drops of liquor and then sticking a lighted match inside, which produces a lambent flame. 2. to take a drink to cure a hangover. See DESENGOMAR. salir la venada careta: v.p. (said of one's plans, intentions, etc.) to backfire, go awry, come out the worse for wear; draw a blank; blow up in one's face. Syn. salir el tiro por la culata. saludes: f. pl. regards, greetings. sanalotodo: m. any of several species of woolly, composite
plants of the genus
Gnaphalium, such as G. viscosum, G. attenuatum, G.
brachypterum, and
G. semiamplexicaule, that have a variety of medicinal uses. Also
sandiero: m. watermelon producer and/or exporter. sangre colorada: m. banak (Virola koschnyi). Also sangre, palo de sangre. sangre de toro: m. scarlet-rumped tanager (Ramphocelus p. passerinii); crimson-collared tanager (Phlogothraupis s. sanguinolenta). semoviente: m. head of cattle.
sipe: m. a small, mythical being of Honduran folklore that has
a fondness for
eating ash, whether in recently burned fields or clay ovens. In Honduran
literature, the description of this shy, inoffensive creature varies from that
of a phantasmal, childlike being with a large belly and spindly legs to a
miniature version of the cicimite. Variants sipitillo, zipe, zipito,
�Solo haciendole la cebolla!: exp. vulgar an expression in
which a man indicates his
willingness to have sexual intercourse with an ugly woman only by lifting her
dress to cover her head. suich: m. (military jargon) second lieutenant. [Los capitanes, tenientes, suiches y no digamos los sargentos andan molestos. The captains, first lieutenants, second lieutenants, not to mention the sergeants, are irked. - Pildoritas, La Tribuna] [fr. English switch] Sultana de Oriente: f. a nickname for the city of Yuscar�n, El Para�so department (usually preceded by the article la). talguate: m. flab, flabby flesh, esp. (in reference to women) drooping breast, sagging breast. [fr. Nahuatl] taltuza: f. pocket gopher (Orthogeomys spp.) - species found in Honduras are the hispid pocket gopher (Orthogeomys hispidus), the Nicaraguan pocket (O. matagalpae) and the giant pocket gopher (O. grandis). [fr. Nahuatl] tamag�s verde: m. 1. green racer (Dryadophis dorsalis). Also falso tamag�s verde. 2. see TAMAG�S. tamalera: f. tamale maker (a person who makes tamales); tamale vender. t�malo: adj. thin-skinned, soft (said of the rind of a squash).
Also tamalito. // ayote
t�malo: thin-skinned squash.
tapazo: m. drink (shot of liquor), "swig." taray: m. a shrub (Eysenhardtia adenostylis) of the
legume or bean family, up to 6 m. high, whose bark is used as a remedy for renal
Teguz: f. short for Tegucigalpa. Cf. TEPAS, CAPIRUCHA.
teje y maneje: m. layout, the picture; ins and outs, the
particulars. [ de los atracadores hab�a llegado hace 21 d�as a ver el
teje y maneje y tienen identificados a restantes participantes. of
the robbers had come 21 days ago to see the layout and the rest of the
participants have been identified. - La Tribuna] [Ambos est�n siendo
empapadas del teje y maneje del servicio exterior. Both are being briefed on
the ins and outs of the foreign service.]
tig�ilote: m. a small tree (Cordia dentata) up to 10 m. high whose cream or white flowers and leaves are used in folk remedies. Variant tihuilote. Also chachalaco, �rbol de chachalaco. [fr. Nahuatl] tilo: m. a small tree (Ternstroemia tepezapote) of the
tea family having simple, ovid leaves and a capsular, berrylike fruit.
timbuco: adj. 1. plump, chubby; potbellied. Syn. barrigudo, panz�n. // m. 2. fat cat; pl. the rich, the haves. tique: m. saw cabbage palm, saw palmetto (Acoelorraphe wrightii). tiquisque: m., see QUISCAMOTE. tragahumo: m. fireman. Syn. bombero. tres platos: m. (fr. the perspective of a male) orthogenital copulation, fellatio and anal copulation, usu. preceded by the article los. [Ese maje me hizo los tres platos. That dude fucked me all three ways.] trompudo: adj. thick lipped, having large lips and/or a large, protruding mouth. turuncazo: m. blow with stone, blow from stone. ude�sta: m./f./adj. member of the Democratic Unification Party. Also udeco. [fr. Partido Unificaci�n Democr�tica + -ista or -eco suffix] ultrajada: f. rape victim. [La ultrajada no conoc�a a su agresor... The rape victim did not know her attacker... - La Tribuna.] vacudo: m. rural a villager who owns a large number of cattle, esp. one who is also wealthy; cattle baron. valeriana del pa�s: f. a perennial herb (Chaptalia
nutans) of the family Compositae or Asteraceae used in folk remedies to
treat inflamations, burns, toothaches, etc.
varillo: m. boarwood (Symphonia globulifera). Also barillo. vaucher: m. voucher. verga de toro: f. pizzle (whip made from a bull's penis). veyo: v. nonstandard I see. [No lo veyo. I don't see it.] [corruption of veo, present tense of ver, to see] volquetada: f. truckload (the amount that a dump truck can carry). yagua: f. royal palm (Roystonea regia var.
hondurensis, R.
dunlapiana). Also palma
yema de huevo: m. eyelash (pit) viper, yellow morph (Bothriechis schlegelii). yerba: f. grass (marijuana). Variant hierba. See also CHARBASCA, GRIFA, MANTECA, MONTE, MO�A, MOTA, ZACATE. yonkero: m. dealer in used car parts. zacate: m. 1. grass (esp. tall wild or cultivated varieties). 2. hay, fodder. 3. slang grass (marijuana). [fr. Nahuatl zacatl] zacatera: f. grass field; plot of land with tall, wild or cultivated grasses growing on it. Also zacatal. zapot�n: m. provision tree (Pachira aquatica). Also pumpunjuche. zuampal: m. swamp, swampland. [Quiere mucho valor atravesarse entre oscuro y claro esos zuampales... It takes a great deal of courage to cross these swamps in the dark... - Barro, Paca Navas de Miralda] Variant suampal. |