Thanks for visiting LeoF's web page
Babe of the day
Slick Deals
That's me!
Hi, my name is Leo and this is my new web page.  I had one before but it was deleted by Yahoo!  Those bastards!!

I just purchased a "Marvel vs. Capcom" arcade game from the mall and hooking up a PC to it so I can play MAME and other arcade emulators on it.  It was always a dream of mine to have a game like that since I was a kid.  The game is huge and was heavy to move.  Had to get a U-Hal truck with a ramp to move it.  I loaded the PC with MAME and some other emulators, so no I need to wire the extra kick buttons.  Should be complete soon.  Oh baby!!

Back in June of 2002 I was thinking of buying one of the last of the Camaros being produced since I always wanted one but I keeped putting it off.  Faith played a roll by a guy pulling out in front of me that totalled my car so I got my new Camaro.  I love it!

Other then that I'm mostly playing MechAssult on XBOX Live and some Zelda on the GameCube. 

Well thanks for stopping by,
My 2002 Camaro
The Beilial from my favorite game Mech Assult on the XBOX.
My Yahoo! leof profile
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