Jerry Lentz

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Man, am I glad you stopped by!
I was thinking of putting some stuff on the web and this is just a start. Maybe you can help the with some ideas.

Soon I will have my radio show up so you can listen and interact. I'll be able to let you in on my little world here in Hollywood and Fresno. All the dirt and horror.

I'll put up a web-cam soon that will show some of the hijinks I'm up to in my daily exitenz. As dull as that may be.

My short films and Flash animation will be up soon ... as soon as I make some. I got so much going on in my head I can't even sleep. I swear I'm only getting about 13 hours of sleep a day.

A daily diary, (or is it dairy?), will keep you up to date on all that's needed to keep me from gettin' too loopy and discontinuing my medication. That'd be bad.

Hopefully you'll become one of my friends or maybe just a fan that'll spend all their money buying all my merchandise and seeing my various works...

Or maybe a V.C. (NOT Viet Cong! but that would be great too!) that will invest in my brilliant web ideas...

You could be a lonely widowed millionaire needing friendship and someone to accept your gift of sponsorship to make films...

Or just an actor that wants to work with me creating art in film... then you'll start stalking me, breaking in and sleeping in my bed, stealing my underwear ... leaving suggestive messages carved in your flesh...let me just say right now... just buy� the merchandise when that day comes and don't get crazy.


My Favorite Links:


My show!


Film stuff!

My Info:


Jerry Lentz


[email protected]

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