<BGSOUND SRC="cxbell.wav">
"L.E.N.S." is a group of people with a common interest in modeling N scale railroads following the "Ntrak" modular standard. We attempt to promote the hobby by setting up public displays whenever we have an opportunity. Our modules have been displayed in shopping malls, libraries, model railroad shows, hotels and a host of other locations.

Everyone that participates has the opportunity to participate by helping with any one of several facets of the hobby. For example, a person may want to help by setting up or tearing down the displays, running trains, sharing knowledge, learning something new, answering questions, hosting a meeting and more!

Notice that none of the above items requires that a person own or build an Ntrak module. We want to encourage the hobby and its continuation. We need your enthusiasm, your interest and your trains!

We meet at 8:00 p.m., on the fourth Friday of every month. Usually the meetings are held in the home of one of our members.  Refer to the "Contacts" page for further information.
NTRAK Modular Railroading Society, Inc.
Monthly Meetings
Purpose / Contacts.
Schedule of events
Newsletter (curr.)
What is "NTRAK"?
Lake Erie N Scale Society
Contact us if you experience any problems with our site or if you have any suggestions.  Please send e-mail to [email protected] .
This site was established November, 2000
Last updated July 19, 2009
passengers have stopped at this "station".  Please visit us again on your next trip!

click here to visit
" L. E. N. S. "
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