Sunday, April 16th, 2006
Happy Easter, everyone! Revampment of the graphics page and I'm going to be adding a bunch of other stuff. I also need to put up a bunch of other pictures from recent times and such. I'm also looking for another hoster, so maybe I can get this place to look even nicer!

- posted by Karrie @ 3:24 P.M.

Wednesday, January 4th, 2005
Hey guys, just wanted to say that I hope all of you have a happy new year! School's starting soon which means my paino exam is, too. :| Eh, I'm screwed. Anyway, I'm adding more stuff, hopefully the podcast will start by the time school starts again, so ya, look forward to that! And I'm adding more links to my graphics and stuff, so look at those. :)

- posted by Karrie @ 4:48 P.M.

Sunday, December 18th, 2005
Wow, okay, so this website dropped off the face of my remembrance-of-things but it'll be back and running again now. I'm going to be adding links to all my graphics within the next few days, so that should be exciting. And as for the podcast...err, it's coming!

- posted by Karrie @ 2:43 P.M.

Friday, November 25th, 2005
Hey guys! Welcome to my website, Lena's Chimera. It's constantly being updated so check back on interesting things about me (Karrie) and other fun things such as my photography, graphics, and random pictures from my oh-so-amazing life. Also, look forward to a podcast involving a few of my great friends and me which will be lots of fun!

- posted by Karrie @ 7:03 P.M.

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