Scarlet Comes...
After loosing your memory at 8 years you have divoted your lfe to magic.
You walk in the Sacred forest, through the trees and under the bushes.
To your left, you hear a sound of a row boat going through water.
Quietly you turn, to see a bregade of Elves gliding toward you.
You realize that maybe you should'nt have taken that map from that old women in  town a couple miles back.
The leader, or he seems as so, for he has jewels in a neat circlet around his head.
' Welcome,' The Elf says. 'You have come in time to witness the great Awakening.'
You have no idea what the 'great awakening' is, but it sounds interesting.
You wait as the Elves preform a magic spell. One of the women, maybe a servent, starts to speak to you.
' We are the last Elves here on Earth, and are traveling to Luwa. You may call me Scarlet '
You tell her your name but before you can ask her how they intent to get to this 'Luwa', the Elven leader wispers an incantation:
'Pilin en' templa'
Your world goes black, then to a clear white.

-Enter The New World-
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