Ha ha ha! this is my website. Mine Mine Mine!!! All mine and nobody  can change it because its mine, all mine. I just have one problem.... I don't know what to do with it , o well I'll just make a fool of myself.  First a mascot, ok that picture of the guy with green hair will do, ok. Wanna hear a joke, ok there was this guy and he was lost in the woods and came upon a monks house. The monk was friendly and invited him in and let him eat there and sleep there that night. During the night he heard strange sound coming from the attic he went up and saw something moving then the monk was there and he told him to get a way from it because he couldn't know what it was because he wasn't a monk. It bothered the guy so much that he went to Europe so he could go to monk school. Ten years later the guy comes back to the monk and asks if he can see it. He says well of course, your a monk. So they went up to the attic together, he nervously looked...and there it was. Now your probably wondering what it was, unless you really just don't care. But, if you do care I can't tell because your not a monk. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ha. I'm mean.  ha.
My Website!!!
I think that this stupid green-haired dude should be my mascot so you'll just have to look at it.
Stupid Green-Hair Guy
Do you see that thingy above this?
It's called a counter and I want it to go up, with lots of numbers.
Luke's Site
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Cool Questions
What do you say when God sneezes?
Why do they still bother to  make spam?
How do telemarketers always know when you are eating dinner?
Can you calculate square roots without a calculater?
How did they get them on the calculater anyways?
Before people get nervous do they experience a cocoon in their stomach?
When a cow laughs does milk come out of its nose?

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