
OK, for the sake of the two family members who still read this, and any random people who happen to stumble across this page......

I graduated with a degree in Journalism, May 13, 2006, along with about 4,000 of my best friends.

I'm living at home with my parents in Marietta until July 1, when I fly to England to do the Oxford study abroad program.

And now, to answer the questions I've answered about 6,000 times already:

1. Yeah, apparently they let you study abroad after you've graduated.
2. One journalism seminar class with a UGA prof and one religion class with an actual Oxford Don.
3. No, grades don't matter, but if I miss one class, I'm kicked out and sent home. But....I could just stay in the UK minus the program, right? sssh.
4. The program is July 2 - Aug 11, but I'm staying an extra week to travel by myself through England, Scotland and Ireland.
5. No, I'm not scared, I'm planning to meet random people in pubs and cafes and stay with them if they'll let me. Otherwise, I'll shoot for a hostel. If leaving my bags there is unsafe, I'll try for a hotel. Or something. This is my perpetual attitude about my entire life: it'll work out.

now, to answer questions about my career/life
6. Single, again.
7. Will probably apply for newspaper jobs as soon as I get back.
8. All over the Southeast - Augusta, Charlotte, Beaufort, etc.
9. Not so in love with the daily grind of writing anymore, but there are plenty of aspects of journalism that interest me.
10. Dream job: Jane Magazine
11. Should've majored in: interior design (though my secret hidden desire was to major in the useless field of linguistics, simply because accents interest me; I want to learn where they all came from)

and now, miscellaneous answers:
12. I've joined the Y to get back in shape after a semester away from a gym
13. I'm redecorating my childhood bedroom because I saw a pretty picture in a Pottery Barn catalogue.
14. I'd like to be in Athens for AthFest before I head to UK, anybody wanna let me stay with them?
15. I'll be in Sequanota June 11 - 21. Last minute decision, but I decided that even if I'll never be up at the same time as our fabulous age group, I can't miss a year of that lake. Or those trees, that grass, the birch trees, the dock, the beach, the front porch, the gravel road, the clubhouse, the bridge, the lighthouse, the smoked whitefish, the mesa grill, the Landing, the ferry, the stone houses, the fudge, the ice cream, Petoskey, the sunset, the clouds, and the people.
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