The following is under construction, and is mostly very old. 
Some very recent material however...

Very important paper!
"Time to give up on a single explanation for autism"
in Nature Neuroscience by Plomin et al. 
On dimensions of ASDs as being fractionable. 
(Free through about 12/31/06. Very readable I think.)
(Could significantly change the way diagnoses are made.) 

Very important paper!
Weak coherence theory: 
See the Jan 2006 coherence paper in JADD 
(Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.) 

Francesca Happ�1, 3  and Uta Frith2
(1)  Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, 
King�s College London, London, UK 
(2)  Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College, London, UK 
(3)  Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, 
King�s College London, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, P.O. Box P080, SE5 8AF 
London, UK 
Published online: 1 February 2006

Abstract  �Weak central coherence� refers to the detail-focused processing style proposed to characterise autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The original suggestion 
of a core deficit in central processing resulting in failure to extract global 
form/meaning, has been challenged in three ways. First, it may represent an 
outcome of superiority in local processing. Second, it may be a processing 
bias, rather than deficit. Third, weak coherence may occur alongside, rather 
than explain, deficits in social cognition. A review of over 50 empirical 
studies of coherence suggests robust findings of local bias in ASD, with 
mixed findings regarding weak global processing. Local bias appears not 
to be a mere side-effect of executive dysfunction, and may be independent 
of theory of mind deficits. Possible computational and neural models are 

Closest thing perhaps to a main overall theory for cognitive 
characteristics. Ties into my own thoughts on evolution of human 
brain architecture. Oversimplified: Larger absolute brain size raises risk 
of developing weak coherence. 


Very important paper! 
Genetics of autism spectrum disorder, Sabine M Klauck
Eur J Hum Genet 14: 714-720; doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201610

Very thick reading! Skim lightly. 
Main importance is serotonin connection is here also. 
Of particular interest to me are the chromosomal areas: 
15q11-q13 and GABA(A) receptors. 
Xp22.3 and Xq13 neuroligins.
17q11.2-q12, hyperserotonemia due to 
   serotonin transporter for moving serotonin back
   into pre-synaptic terminal is impaired (as I read it).

And because of the evidence for rapid evolution of the 
MECP2 gene and macrocephaly...
Page 715 column one.
"Approximately four times more males than females are
affected pointing towards a possible involvement of the 
sex chromosomes and imprinting effects in the 
aetiology of the disorder, but
no specific genes ahve been conclusively implicated 
so far. Rett syndrome showing mostly female cases has a 
separate status with the group of ASD, because the genetic
cause of RTT has been uncovered by the identification
of mutations in the MECP2 gene located in Xq28 in about 
80% of cases." 

...and a slightly more recent article about yet another 
serotonin transporter gene involved in ASDs. Presumably
a doubling up on both genes would mean exponentially greater
severity along this particular dimension of ASDs. 

Serotonin-autism link through chromosome 17q21.3

Variation in ITGB3 is associated with whole-blood serotonin level and autism susceptibility

Lauren A Weiss, G�l�m Kosova, Ryan J Delahanty, Lan Jiang, Edwin H Cook Jr, Carole Ober and James S Sutcliffe
Eur J Hum Genet 14: 923-931; advance online publication, May 17, 2006; doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201644

Very important book precis with commentaries: 
Pr�cis of the book: 

"Principles of Brain Evolution"
Georg F. Striedter

Book lays out principles of brain evolution including aspects 
about the evolution of large absolute brain sizes and some of the
consequences. Has important though not directly expressed consequences
for clinical possibilities resulting from recent brain evolution over
last 100,000 years. 


various JADD abstracts I find interesting
ASD and serotonin
NIH clinical trials
ASD links and misc. that I'm sorting through
various email list postings of mine

Various internet community forums: 

Asperger Information dotcom

Aspergerian Pride
review of the aspergerian pride website

Wrong Planet, website review

Gary Numan- autistic musician
Numan interview

Would you have allowed Bill Gates to have been born?

Prof G. Miller related
Miller's faculty site

  Older materials left 
  from previous incarnations 
  of this index

  ABQ Journal
  LA Times
  Yahoo headlines
  CSPAN archives
  Lycos top 50

  The Nation
  Progressive Magazine
  American Prospect
  Jewish World Review

  Dept of Labor ABQ

  Science Mag.
  Science Now
  New Scientist


  tech news at zdnet
  Krugman, Paul
    Ebert, Roger
    Paglia archives
  Paglia, at wikipedia


   John Bould
   MIT Press


Brain stuff
   shuffle brain
   brain atlas
   Quarterly Review of Biology
   Science sageke
   MIT's Cognet
   French evpsy, Phillipe, D. Geary...

   NYC Journal
   Bowman's Accounting Report
   Cal CPA org
   AICPA (great links)

  Bergstrom, Ted

   Mat-Su news zine
   Fairbanks Daily News Miner
   U of Alaska at Fairbanks
   U of AK, jobs etc.
   U of AK, faculty jobs
   Anchorage Daily News


New Mexico
   yahoo group on NM
   radio stations, list of
  KUNM 89.9 FM

UC Santa Barbara
   Main homepage
   Psych department

    KKOB AM talk-radio

   SF site
   Turtledove, H.
   Spinrad, Norman
   Huxley, Aldous
   Camus studies association
   Existentialism links


  weird stuff
  Hitler's Second Book
  Islamic Society of N.Amer.
  racism and films

Gail Vines
alibi dotcom

bernstein  Gracious Shades Zelazny, Snowcrash, 

   Rev. Wiley S. Drake
   Heidegger site
   US Chess Organization

   Mailing Lists St Johns (including chomsky etc.) 
   latimes jobs
   google groups
   Family Research Council
   Cathy Young at Cato
   free com

   Mankind Quarterly, paper about
   Mankind Quarterly, paper about
   Brand, Chris
   eugenics net
   Occidental Qtly


Comment- Washington Times messes my computer up!!

journal of the history of biology

Fruit fly hatchlings stripped of microbes wind up dying sooner 17 Aug... and 2004
restricted access

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