Pengling's Odd Collection of Quotes

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About Pengling...

Why Pengling...? Penguin + Lemming!

Updated... (15/02/04)

Pengling's Sporadic Journal

February 15, 2004

Yay! I got flowers!

For more entries, check out:

My past entries...

Icieey and other odd people

A page of funny, dumb, and quite original quotations from my friends. Great for procrastination...

Weird People

New stuff added... (15/02/04)

Penguins and their animal friends

If you're looking for anything informative, you've come to the wrong place.


New stuff added... (15/02/04)

My online log of interesting trips and stuff

1. Japan 2000: Tokyo

2. Europe 2001: Switzerland, Austria & Germany!

Sports stuff... mainly hockey!

As a somewhat newly converted hockey fan (well, it's only been 2 years)... and being roommates with Icieey, possibly the biggest sports fan I've ever met, my page wouldn't be complete without a section dedicated to sports. Here's a collection of everything from cool to weird about these winter sports athletes.

Go Canada Go! Go Leafs Go! Go Sens Go!

New stuff added... (15/02/04)

Get me outta here (aka Links)

You may regret this... you've been warned.

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