Lee's stuff....and junk

Wow, My own website! Well, Let's see this is fun...Where I get to tell you about me. Well..... I got nothing....
Ok, the basics
B-day:Oct 6th, 1985

Height: 5"8'


Nationality:Caucasian American

Education: Highschool grad.

Credit card#:1234432156788765

Marital status: Single

Special abilities: I can
stick stuff clear up my nose without sneezing

Special powers: able to shoot mind bullets, can transform into a giant taco that craps ice-cream

Rank: Blue belt in Taekwondo
(I'm gonna go Crouching-Tiger Hidden Dragon on your ass!)

Everyone's Favorite thing, my favorite quote now has it's own page!!!

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I'm a night person
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My Info:
Larry Eugene Embley III (fancy huh?) L.E.E=initials
[email protected]
The crazyworld
Games and Animations
( the views and opinions expressed by Lee in the above page, in no way reflect the view or opinion of anyone he knows.  (Not even himself)

Please disregard any of the statements made above, as noone actually cares.
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