Starting over...
I'm starting my life all over, so the web site is getting a make over.  A big make over.  Sean and I are getting divorced... I know what some of you are saying... Jordan is only 3 months old... but trust me it's better this way.

Jordan and I are now living in Paris with my parents.  And yes, I will be driving back and forth 2 hours each way to Garland for work.  I love my job (and the pay and bennifits) and I won't quit.  My plan is to stay in Paris until Jordan goes to school, then move into Dallas.  My mom keeps Jordan during the day, and it's a huge help.

Jordan is getting so big.  There are so many things she can do now.  Each day I count my blessings and thank the Gods for her.  Without Jordan, I am nothing.
Just me and Jordan
Jordan's page
My Bookshelf
My Journal
My Info:
Name: Leilani
Email: [email protected]
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