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Hello my name is leighton and i was born in Swansea on the 28th Febuary 1977, I have been training for 10 years. I started training in August 1995 as a hobby and found that it was someting I enjoyed to do, it became sort of an addiction and also a good way to relieve stress, my body responded reasonably well after 2-3 months apart from my chest and calves which i knew would require extra attention.

The first gym I went to was better bodies in neath rd swansea in the company of my good uncle,terry mathews.unfortunately the session proved to strenous for the former light middleweight professional boxer,i stayed there for a few months and then moved to the Bodyshop in Swansea formerly known as Paul Grants where, I recieved my first bit of help and advice from the then current Mr Wales, Steve Richards who is still training to this day, and has become one of my close friends, thanks a lot Steve.

My physique kept improving slowly over the years and then it just seemed to reach a sticking point, I then met up with IFBB pro Mark Harris in early 2005 and he took a good look at me, and said that I would do well if I took his advice about nutrition,(protien-carbs-fats-supps) he also explained that if I put the correct ingredients into my body, my muscles would respond accordingly, I have followed Mark's advice and true to his word I have noticed a steady increase in muscle mass. I then took the decision to compete in the WFBB Wales event which was being held in Port Talbot South Wales, on September 11th 2005, I came away with a second place in the first timers class, which then qualified me for the British Finals being held in Nottingham England in October 2005 where I was runner up, both competitions were invaluable experience's for me and a real eye opener, to share a stage with so many awesome physique's was amazing.its now june 2006 and im 12 weeks out from the wfbb welsh championships.

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