Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, copyright Leigh Griffith 1997

Maine Made Art Quilts for the Earth, Mind and Spirit

copyright Leigh Griffith 2001

Proudly made in Maine

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Award winning fabric artist Leigh C. Griffith draws her inspiration from the landscapes of Maine, where she lives and works. An artist all of her adult life, she worked in a variety of media before "discovering" quilt art and fabric painting in 1991.

She has works in private collections and galleries throughout New England and the Southwestern United States. In addition to creating studio art quilts and commissioned pieces, she also offers classes to local groups.

Quilt of the Month

Early, Art Quilt Landscape, Copyright 2005 by Leigh C. Griffith

February 2005

copyright Leigh C. Griffith, February, 2005


March 2005

"Early" was created for the "Spring Comes Early" exhibit in the Blue Moon Gallery at Visions, sponsored by the Southern Aroostook Cultural Arts Project in Houlton, Maine.

Three-dimensional effects include crocuses in the foreground and curling birch bark on some of the trees.

25" by 26"


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Leigh C. Griffith,   P.O. Box 494,   Houlton, Maine  04730
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