Welcome to the Ford Family Website




Welcome to our little corner of the web.

This website was originally created as a place to house genealogy information.  However, with our growing family that lives spread out across the country, this has become a great place and way to keep in touch with our family and friends.

The genealogy is still here so if you take a look around, be sure to let me know if you find any broken links or errors in information.


The greatest part about this is that I can now update one place and people can come and take a peek at their own leisure.  Now that Bryan is home, the blog is back up to date.  Our online photo album is home to literally thousands of photos (and a few videos) we've taken over the years.  Hopefully at some point this year we'll buy a domain name and get this site hosted elsewhere so there aren't any annoying advertisements.  But until then....here we are!

Our Blog Photos Brandon Bryan

FONTS - Here you will find links to the fonts that appear throughout the site.  Definitely worth it if you want to see the site the way it was intended.  There will be a link on any page that has a font for you to download.


Two Handsome Boys :)




This site last updated 8 Feb 2009

Today is:

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