The Kevin and Tess Saga

So long and farewell...

As you have likely heard, Geocities is taking down all their free sites in October 2009. Unfortunately, I don't have the time at present to take anyone up on their kind offers to host my stories and so I am removing all my pages in anticipation of the day Geocities shuts down.

Thank you all for your support and feedback over the years. If I'm able to in the near future, I'll be trying to get the books back up on another site but I can tell you that's not likely to be anytime soon. The demands on my time right now are pretty severe and I'm in full-fledged balancing-act mode most days as it is.

It's been a wonderful experience sharing these stories with you. Thank you so much for being part of it!


P.S.: my main [email protected] email will continue to function for the foreseeable future.

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