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Welcome to our new look website!

It is a work in progress at the moment, so please bare with us while we undergo renovations!

While you are here why not sign our guestbook...

Last updated 8th August 2008

SARA (Ch Leifhond Aviano O Canada)
For our dearest Sara.
S is for sweetness, to which she was all the time
A is for Affection to which she gave freely and to all
R is for Radience to which she Shone with her unquestanable love
A is for Angelic Of which she was, with her serene beauty and gentleness.
It is with heartbreak we advise Sara had a very aggressive form of Mammary Cancer and had to be PTS.  We will miss her love and affection, and her gentle manner.
Sara has left behind lots of memories and quality offspring in Rihanna and Huego.
RIP our Cuddley Little Lady.

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Special Thanks
We would like to give special mention to our daughter Leanne (Leifleidon Prefix) who, due to my illness, has taken over showing and successfully campaigned many of our dogs in the last couple of years, as well as showing her own.  Not only has she presented them with meticulous grooming, she has handled them not only through to their titles, but also to numerous In Group and Show Awards.  She has done us proud and without her dedication, many of our dogs would not have been so consistently in the ring.  Also Thank You to all the wonderful handlers that have handled dogs for Leanne (including my dogs) as without your offers of expert handling we would not have been able to show so many dogs to success. All of these handlers have handled these dogs through to BIG's and RU BIG's and deserve a big thank you.

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