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Bringing you Legolas lovin' since April 4, 2002.
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Back when this was an MSN group I had a pretty good explanation of why this site was in existence. Wondering what that explanation was other than the fact that I had a bunch of time on my hands?
Keep in mind that not all of this really applies anymore since most of this site is free for all - the following truly does pertain, however, to the messageboards.

Legolas sites around the internet seem to be aimed at certain types of audiences. Some are specifically for teens, (or are overrun by them - offense! *cough*) some are specifically for humor, and so on. But there seemed to be a need (at least in the beginning there was) for providing adult women a friendly refuge where the discussion of Legolas and life can merge into an enjoyable place to spend time.

The aim of this site is to fill the gap between the two extremes of "teen" sites that seem to focus more on Orlando Bloom (and marrying him) and the "gutter" sites which may be for adults but has content which can be offensive to some.

When I first fell in love with LOTR there was nothing for older women (just like it was impossible to find a Legolas poster anywhere) - and now there are many, many option and I'm so glad to see them! (posters too! lol) But if you think this place is your style then check out our message board - link is one of those palm trees to the left.

And what's with the "Harem?" bit? How many words do you know of that describe a group of women who are all about the love of one guy? Yeah I thought so. You have no idea how long it took me to come up with this name. And then I find out there are other sites called this and to them I must say: Good taste! }:-P
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