Oh dear - no Java!!!! Get some here Oh dear - no Java!!!! Get some here

Welcome to my Website!
My name is Larry.

Let me tell you some
things about who Larry 'is'.

Larry is just an ordinary guy who has had pain 
and heartache-love, laughter and tears..
and learned much about life and myself.  
I have been a Seeker all my life.  I have  seen 
and met many great people who amazed me.
I have been taught to love and respect all
of life and that it is a GIFT to each of us.
I am learning more and more about who 
I 'am' every single day and I call it 

The path to self-awareness calls us all to a place 
where we can work together-to find direction 
with the Univese and the Divine.  I believe in people 
from all walks of life, coming together-and finding 
out what each "Gifts" each one of us has to offer
back to the Universe and to Mother Earth. 
In unity we can find peace and offer council
and clear direction for our Lifes' Path-which
should be a path of freedom and happiness..
which is what a loving God always intended
for each and every single one of us!

What KIND of Love????....

The love of universal forces, Love of consciousness,
Love of understanding, Love of at "one-ment" with 
self, Love of spiritual knowledge, Love of spiritual 
wisdom, Love of divine seed forms,
Love of the Infinite way of the Divine, 
Love of the Shekinah gifts,
Love of "one-ment" with the Creator.

I believe in Soulmates too-or  what some 
people would this refer to as  "Twin Flames".
What IS a Twin Flame or Ray?....


The terms Twin Rays or Twin flames 
are the same thing,

Twin souls come together in order to fulfill some 
important work that they have in common. 
And soulmates do not come together by chance, 
there is a reason that you meet. 
It could be in Families, or larger soul groupings.
I have studied many paths, religions and
I share my Gifts daily with those who will 
allow me the honor of doing so....

The gifts I utilize include Homeopathy, Massage work, 
the art of blended oils, Energy healing, Meridians line 
work, Karmic Issues, Crystals, Clairaudiance,Holistic 
herbs, color therapy, flame messages, and Astral 
projections. Aura energy,Sound waves, Chakras, 
Empath, Huna energy, and Nutritional wellness.
And the Covenant of Light and Sound.

Meditation is my Food.

Being calm and quiet-seeking to go within
and finding that small stillness in morning
is a wondrous way to start a day!
It can be music, or a simple mantra..
but just closing your eyes and even
doing a few deep breathing exercises
will RENEW your mind and Spirit!

Listen to the sounds of nature 
early in the morning while watching
a glorious sunrise with that morning
coffee!  I promise you it will inspire
and motivate your mind and Spirit.
It will  remind you to be thankful..
for each breath you take.

I have also met what I consider to be 
some of THE most wonderful people
in this world..

I have received training with: Deepak Chopra, 
Louise Hays, Body wisdom, by Mirka Knaster,Ted 
Andrews, Feng Shui, and Dreams.

I have studied The Book Of Knowledge, by 
J.J. Hurtak, Native American Spirituality 
with Chief Gray Eagle, and read
 Edgar Cayce's writings on ESP.

I've done some Massage work and studied the 
art of blended oils, and aromatherapy.

I was honored to be chosen by the 
Dalai Lama twice to receive healing initiations.
What a wonderful experience this was for me!
I believe you are always in the right place 
when you allow the divine to lead you.

I hope to share some lovely pages here-
something to help you start your day off
with a smile and things to inspire you
all throughout this website!   It IS new-
so please be patient!

Oh YES one more thing...

There's a wonderful world in the Spirit Realm
around us every single day.  Sometimes we may 
get a 'glimpse' of it or SOMEONE if we are lucky.
Take a 'closer look' at the laser applet above.
See what (or WHO) you find in this image.
The face is mine-but I found 'others' that
I REALLY questioned.  So did the Creator...
at Dreamworks who made this laser applet!?
(See other images she created below.)

We truly live in a world of beauty AND Spirit.

(Taken from my Photo by Dreamworks!)

Don't forget to sign my Guestbook below!
Feel free to email me 
with questions or comments!

Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet

Be sure to visit my Keen site!

:::Notice of Disclaimer:::

Most ALL midis and some graphics were found
on PUBLIC DOMAIN that are used on this site.
IF you are the SOLE CREATOR and want
FULL CREDITS and/or removal of anything
located here-please email Dreamworks.
Full credits will be given or the item removed!

Thank You!

Site Creations 
and Spirit Picture by:


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