Battle Road: Autumn
First Tournament of the 2007-2008 Pokemon Season!
Sunday September 23rd, 2007

Game Kastle
19 Washington Street
Santa Clara CA 95050


We will be using the 2007-2008 Modified Format (HP-On). See Main Page for the complete format.

This tournament is a premier event, and will apply to your ranking.

Registration is at 10:00 am
Gameplay begins at 11:00 am

Be in line by 10:30 for deck registration to avoid a first round loss

No matter how many players are in your division, the top cut will be no more than 4!!

Go here for FAQ's

Seating is limited so arrive on time or early.

There are no promotional items given out for Battle Roads.
Our divisions are:

Junior Division: Born in 1997 or later

Senior Division: Born in 1993, 1994, 1995, or 1996

Masters Division: Born in 1992 or earlier
The top 2 finishers in each of the three age divisions will receive the following prizes:

1st Place

    * 8 Pok�mon TCG booster packs.
    * A Victory Medal�Gold promo card

2nd Place

    * 4 Pok�mon TCG booster packs.

Hosted by