Quote of the Day
Yes, thats correct. Since no one wanted to activly contribute to the 'Question of the Day' we will try the 'Quote of the Day'. The plan is to put Scribbs and my favorite quotes here, hopefully one a day. After a while maybe some of you will contribute, never the less it will be a good place to get quotes, and possibly provide a laugh.
I am the quote MASTER!!!  So I shall begin, hehe.  Here ya go, for 1/14 from Scribbs:
"But soft, what light through yonder window break.  It is the east and Juliet has fallen through the glass.  Oh, Pardon me, though bleeding piece of earth."
-Simkin, a character from The Darksword Trilogy.  Expect to see alot from him from me, because he is my fav character from a book, or in this case series of books, ever.
That touches the heart, really. Here's mine! 1/14 Recin:
"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal ideas form many is research!"
-Recin's personal motto
-Al Hueg
-David Patterson
-Alex Black
-The Constitution
1/15 Recin -For those of you who get PC Gamer, you may have seen this one, I just couldn't resist using it for today. It is in responce to a person who suggested that they use 'Hooah' instead of 'Booyah'.
"We're very familiar with the Army expression 'Hooah' (which is actually an acronym for "Heard, Understood, and Acknowledged;" yes web authors are smart too, well this one is, can't speak for others). 'Booyah,' on the other hand, is a simple expression meaning "Suck on that." We would never confuse the two."
1/16 Hmmm, fun stuff, lets see...  This is a long one, but pretty interesting.
"A round shape water takes inside the gourd
for good or ill, all fit some frame or mold
live near the rich- you'll munch crackly rice
fall in with thieves- you'll rue it and eat stick
befriend a fool- you'll join the pack of fools
meet clever men- you'll learn clever tricks
mix with low folks- you'll stoop to thier low plane
get black near ink, get red near cinnibar."

- Nguryn Trai
Just think about all that a bit, it makes sense.
1/17 Ok, I like this one cause it is actually insperational. Recin
"Remember, professionals built the Titanic, while amatures build the Ark."
-Fortune cookie from a China Starr restaurant
1/18  Here is one of the quotes I have taped to my computer moniter:
"We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives.  We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance, and truly begin to live our dreams."
- Les(ter Louis) Brown
Now those are some words to live by, and I guess you could call em my motto as well.
1/19  And now, the other quote I have taped onto my monitor.
"Your life is your own, no one elses.  Take your life and do with it as you will, but remember that you are the on responsible for it."
-Tre, the guy I respect most on the LOW forum.  If you ever go there and listen to him, you'll know why.
1/20  Recin is at a loss, so I'll go again, hehe.
"Allright, I'll help you!  Nothing to lose but my life.  My life is a chip in your pile!  Ante up!"
-Setzer, Final Fantasy 3(6)  Not all that great in the game, but a cool character none the less..
1/21  One more time, cause I got one I like.
"It gives me never a stab nor squirm, to tred upon a worm.  "Aha my little dear" I say "Your clan will pay me back one day"
-Dorthy Parker
1/22 So little room! But I will let scribbs make the new page.
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality"
-Jules De Gautier
1/23 Ok I can get in one more. This is my second personal quote....
"No rest. No mercy. No matter what."
1/25  Missed yesterday, so I'll put up two!  And why make a new page when this can be extended?  Hehe
"Cross my heart and hope to die, though not quite so suddenly as the duchees of Malborough, who toppled over on the spot.  She always did take things too literaly."
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunatly it kills all it's pupils"
- Hector Berlioz
1/27  Behind again!  Blah!  Oh well, two more coming up:
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggy' until you can find a rock."

"Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest things in the nicest way."
-Isaac Goldberg
2/2 way behind. here is two more:
"Don't steal. The government hates competition."

"The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away.
    -Ronald Reagan
2/4 I'll cough up a couple as well:
"Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war!"
"Lose as if you like it; win as if you were used to it"
"Ignorance is bliss, to the ignorant.  To me it's just plain annoying."
2/5 Hey, what do you know, were all cought up.
"Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense."
   -Chapman Cohen
2/6 Hopefully we'll stay that way.
"Greatness is not found in possesions, power, position, or prestige.  It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character."
-William Arther Ward
2/8  Bah, missed yesterday, so got two today.
"It has often been said that it is not death, but dying, that is terrible."
-Henry Fielding
"A single death is a tradegy, a million deaths is a statistic."
2/12  Well, I meant to have a couple today, but me being the smart guy I am, I closed the chat window with my friend Ryken who was inputing some quotes, so I'll post the one I remember and hopefully get the other ones he wants sent in later...
"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity"
"Don't take life to seriously, or you'll never escape."
2/20 so very far behind...  meh...
"Ok guys, fly straight, hang low, and most of all, stay frosty"
"The game is nothing, the playing of it, everything"
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