The History and Myths

A world of mana, Varuna has four major continents, there are many areas though that are unexplored. Specialized marbles were made to compress magic to bring forth spells and enhance currently used machinery. Now with the combined use of mana and machinery, it led the world into the Linking Era. The art of mana forgery became one of its major industries. By sealing the magic within a marble, the user will be to release its power when linking them to a wide variety of weapons although mastering the art of mana casting takes time and patience, it's not something that can be learned overnight. There are ten different type of spells, Lighting, Water, Ice, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, Shadow, Celestial, and Spirit.

There are several cities and towns in the world but there are only three major cities, Highland, Lyrinia, and Terra. Highland is a city placed high in the mountain region with the special landmark, known as the Twin Virtues, these towers of solid diamond were made as a sign of remarkable strength... but it's also well known for it's solar power capability that also runs the city. During wartime this energy is reserved to generate an energy shield protecting and isolating the city from opposing enemies. Lyrinia is a place of knowledge and advancement, having a history to its success. The city is built in sections including both urban and suburb areas. Its renowned landmark is a fountain and in the center is a pedestal that holds a blade of a previous regent. Terra was built along the cliffside with a waterfall that supplies the city with its resources. Although it's a peaceful city, behind the city itself was a terrain that had a history of a previous war. This terrain made it extremely difficult for opposing enemies and invaders to reach the city of Terra. The Phoenix has symbolized their renewed strength. They are well known for their exports they provide for traders from other cities.

Representative democracy is the type of government that runs the show... however, representatives are known as regents. Although strict and rather tough at times, they are strong leaders who inspires a great deal of loyalty and respect from those around them. Each regent runs their represented city and its region. They consult with each other and the city council whenever needed for debates or discussions on how to run the country and handle certain situations. There is a population of over 2,000,000 people to date and still increasing by the numbers. The currency currently used is rupees. The geography of Varuna is approximately 10,250,000 square kilometers. There is areas of Varuna yet to be discovered. Seasons come around yearly at a regular basis with mild weather conditions for each season. It rains frequently during the Spring and Summer seasons so there is never a drought.

Jobs are broken up into classes, each one being equally important. There are a variety of classes that someone can take an active role in depending on their interest. For example, knights, crusaders, assassins, rogues, archers and gunners are the different branches of the combative class. Sages, monks, priests, mages, wizards, and sorcerers are branches of the magi class. Merchants, alchemists and blacksmiths are all branches of the industrial class. Demands are high for specialists that are skillful with such variety of job classes. Desperadoes, renegades, and mercenaries can be from any of the given job classes, these types of people who on their own and consists of only a few numbers of people.

There is a religion that says that the stars are believed to be our forefathers... the first star that gave birth to our existence was a star known as 'Genesis'. Genesis, which means the beginning, had started it all and springing life and magic as we know it to new stars and planets. This was considered the Age of Bliss. We are built of the elements of life, released from the stars. It is also believed that the first and truest descendent of the stars is the phoenix bird, which holds the stars true essence of life. Other deities that came to be also formed and created the other unique elements of mana that are known today.

It was foretold that a destructive force known as 'Chaos' would emerge, an entity that could overshadow the universe in an eternal darkness absorbing space and time itself. A force that wants to disrupt the natural order of life. Yet, it is said that a light would break through and overcome the darkness. This light would be the guide. The 'Holy Judgement' would be decided among the stars and the fate of the world will revolve around those chosen by destiny... the gathering of heroes.

'Chaos' is a force not to be reckoned with...

The Deities are the descendents of the stars. These entities possess the power of the elements. They are spiritual entities of nature, they will assist you if you challenge it and win it's respect.

Mu - A deity that is built of the planet's spiritual energy are is represented as a small furry animal that looks like a rabbit/fox. This spiritual entity of life emits holy aura of energy. This arua provides a boost in defense and magic defense.

Phoenix - This is the first and truest descendent of the stars. This bird that holds the stars true essense in its fiery blaze. Every 1000 years it consumes itself by fire, renewing itself from the ashes... it has the ability to reignite one's soul with it's flame of birth.

Ragnarok -

Anubis - Moves through the shadows, sending those through the darkness and chaos of the shadow world of death, condemned for eternity. Covering the enemy in darkness, they are left sightless.

Tiamat - A female woman capable of materializing herself taking the form of water and can strike the enemy with feirce rainstorms and pressuring water causing tidal waves as big as tsunamis.

Weapon - A mighty black stallion with gold holy markings. It is equipped with flight wings and a unicorn that conducts electricity and bring forth fierce thunder storms.

Doomdragon - A titan with a wing span that can make the planet shake. Sprung out from the gates of hell it causes disasters that are catastophic using its flaming breath.


Roc - A bird of colossal size that can create hurricanes and tornadoes with its massive wings.


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