The Links

Finished browsing at my site? Well step forward and take a leap into my other links and explore! All the listed links are links to other sites that I think are way past cool...some of which, belong to my friends.

College University
Quite possibly the coolest and funniest thing I am ever to come across on-line... It's like a mix of 'The Simpsons' and 'Family Guy'... if you have a good sense of humor like me... visit this site.

Not your ordinary art page, I'll tell you that much.

Highly recommended. These girls by far some of the most amazing artists I've seen. They have talent and plenty of artwork to back it up.

Stylish... Another site Karl created as a portfolio of our artwork from Karl, Charlie, Micheal, and myself.

Originally called 'Visiting Phontom66', Karl constantly takes a leap foward every time. His website is one of a kind and has been going through many changes. Unfortunately he hasn't worked on it often after he started eXPRESSion.

Axer Industries
My friend Andres knows a friend that is into the whole art bit. And I've stumbbled into his webpage and was quite shocked at what I saw. This site is top notch and I think it is a must to jump into this site and see what it has to offer.

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