
*Alrighty, I've been putting up new pictures every now and then... There will be more to come as I get the updates. Thanks 'Isa' for all the scans she done for me... but now that I got a scanner (one that actually works!) I can take over from here.

UPDATE: 6/27 Two new addition pieces added to the bunch, Leon and Miles (w/ a new look), they are incomplete but will be finished soon and others will come.

Fan Art

Sonic -A sketch of Sonic, more to come!
Shadow Encounter -Sonic encounters Shadow in the Forest/Jungle
Sonic/Shadow: final showdown* -New and Improved version! Looks a lot nicer now...I've always been a Sonic fanatic
Cloud & Tifa -Cloud & Tifa sitting in the field... 'Final Fantasy VII'
Cloud vs. Sephiroth -The final bout between the forces of good and evil... 'Final Fantasy VII'
Tidus -Tidus underwater holding his sword, Brotherhood... 'Final Fantasy X'
Dante -The descendent of Sparda equipped with his two guns, Ebony and Ivory... 'Devel May Cry'
Eike -Eike Kusch holding the Philosopher's Stone... 'Shadow of Destiny'
James* -James Sunderland keeping his guard... 'Silent Hill 2'
Aya -NYPD Officer, Aya Brea leaning against the wall... 'Parasite Eve'
Aya's Portrait -A nice close-up of Aya... 'Parasite Eve'
The Bouncer battle -Sion, Volt, and Kou are ready to fight to protect Dominique (incomplete)... 'The Bouncer'
Link in action* - This is far from done but here is a quick preview of my drawing of Link... 'Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'


Leon Locksteed* -A sketch of Leon... it'll be finished soon enough
Miles Reinhardt* -A sketch of Miles... he's sporting a new look now
Crisell Heartsford -Crisell, Leon's crush
'Chaos' Alastor -Combined style of Karl and myself of the antagonist, Alastor, in his 'Chaos' form
Alastor* -The fearless Alastor before he reaches his 'Chaos' state
Deuce standing -Deuce stands with his arms folded as the wind blows
Deuce crouching -Deuce kneeling in a cool pose
Rubena in thought -Cybernetic being equipped with armor and all
Sans' strength -Sans holds his massive megaton hammer... I have yet to do an updated drawing of him
Hershey looks outward -Hershey sitting out in the Dryad Desert
Staying cautious* -Leon sports a cool gun that is powered by mana, he is the owner of Everest
Old Characters #1* -My first set of original characters that I later never used
Old Characters #2* -My second set of original characters that I later never used

More Originals (Miscellaneous)

Quarr's Power -Quarr weilding magic...
Crisell's original look -How Crisell looked in her original outfit
Miles' original look -The original Miles before I scrapped his look all together
Power Surge -Energy emits from Miles as he powers up
Gren & Miles -Karls character Gren makes an appearance with Miles
Xtreme SB -Two snowboarding teens I drew
Crazy Guy -Some dude I drew, looks like he's mad about something
Cool Chick -A female character looking good
'!' Girl -A girl dressed and ready for action
Dominatrix -A sassy chick armed with a whip and everything (so I was bored... big deal)
In Memory of WTC -A Firefighter holding a folded American flag
Coco -Here we have Charlie, and myself with a guest appearance by Soyoko! aka 'Coco'
Felipe's Characters* -I drew of my friend's characters using my style and he added the muscle tones. All in all, it came out quite nice...
Tough Dudes* -Just sketches I came up with of two dudes lookin' cool


Xtreme SB in COLOR* -Medium: Photoshop. My friend Isabel colored my Snowboarding pic and it looks NICE.
Fat Cat Design Character* -Medium: Photoshop. My friend Carlos colored my art for his company logo cover. It came out better than I expected.
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