Afew things about myself, my name is Patrick Allen and I live in florida a small town called live oak. age 28 male live with my folks, my mothers name is debbie and my fathers name is lewis. i'm learning pagan and learning the crafts. I also have many to count. I like to have fun, i like to watch TV, my favorites are animal planet, Anime. I also love to watch favorite is horror and action and like to read books and music.

I collect Hawk feathers, books, spells, stones, baseball cards and also like to play video favorite console is my nintendo gamecube, favorites are mario, legend of zelda, rpg's, harvest moon, ssbm, pikmin metroid. like to to talk to my pagan and wiccan pals in groups..I also have a girlfriend at the momment her name is sherrie she lives in GA and shes 18..I love her to death but I been busy alot and don't have "me" time to write to her :(..shes the love of my life...indeed that she is!

My family don't know that i'm learning pagan and learning the craft, don't know how to break it to em, ah well I guess in time they well learn..sooner or later. I have not yet told my girlfriend about this too...boy what a rock and a hard place eh? people gotta learn that being pagan/wiccan is not bad nor is it evil, we go by defrent rules and realigon...theres many defrent realigons out there..not just we go by many gods and godessses..NOT just one "god" and yes we do spells, chants...while others say is "magic".

us pagan/wiccan don't kill anyone or "harm", don't believe what movies have you believe that were evil...and there are christains that say "we" do the "devils" work..LMAO hahahaha thats so funny. first of all we don't believe in the devil NOR your "god"...we hardly give a hoot about your "bible"..that means nothing to us at all. we are not bad people...we just go by our "own" believe's and rules and "religion".

Thats the problem with you "christains", you always thinking that yours the "only" religion and only one god, but hey...thats your "believes" just don't "force" YOUR believes onto have a bad habiti doing that. forther more...what gives you the "right" saying that our "believes" are the work of the devil? I would say the samething about your "bibles" and your one "god" "stop brainwashing people about us...we don't kill people, animals..if you want a "good storie on that you "should" read your bibles. thats MY two cents worth on the matter!

well that's all about myself :)

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