Welcome to the Official homepage of Gerbil Bob. Gerbil Bob are a punk-rock 4-piece from Guisborough int the North East of England. This site aims to provide you with up to date news about Gerbil Bob, MP3 downloads, tour dates and band information, along with other features, which are pretty much pointless and only there because they can be! We are currently in the process of re-structuring the site so come back soon. Enjoy our site!
Recent Updates:
6th March 2001 - New menu page added
5th March 2001 - Updated news
4th March 2001 - Star Of Pissed Cam page added
3rd March 2001 - Updated gig guide
2nd March 2001 - Pissed Cam available in pop-up window


Our last guestbook got filled, read it by clicking here.


If you fancy enhancing your life by unbelievable amounts, then use the dropdown menu below to view our highly unoriginal and frankly, crap website.

Email Gerbil Bob:

[email protected]

This site and the majority of its contents are copyright (C) Gerbil Bob 2000/2001
This site has had visitors since December 2000.
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