mp3 downloads!!

On this page, you can download recordings of songs done at practices by Gerbil Bob and some of the past bands of members of Gerbil Bob. Please note, these are not studio recordings, infact they are the complete opposite. The majority of them were recorded on a little portable cassette recorder thingy, then put onto the computer by playing a tape next to the computer microphone! Despite this, the quality isnt as bad as you expect!! Click on the song title to download. Write any comments in the guestbook, thanks.

Date of recording:
Band & who:
Song title:
Written by:
March 2001
Gerbil Bob-
Henry Carden, Drums
Steven Jones, Bass
Sally Adamson, Vocals
Lee Maughan, Guitar
Christina Aguilera Cover - Genie In A Bottle
Christina Aguilera? Arranged by Henry Carden
A punk cover of the Christina Aguilera classic. Dodgy sound quality as per usual, but u get the idea
February 2001
Gerbil Bob-
Steven Jones, Bass + Vocals
Henry Carden, Drums
Lee Maughan, Guitar
Henry Carden and Lee Maughan
(C) copyright 2000 Gerbil Bob
This is our attempt at writing a silly song, and I think we pulled it off! bum bum willy willy poo poo
Christmas 2000
Gerbil Bob-
Steven Jones, Bass
Henry Carden, Drums
Lee Maughan, Guitar
Casual Attitude. Unfortunately for you, the fans, this song has been removed from the website due to the fact that it is shite and possibly the worst song we have ever done!
Henry Carden
(C) copyright 2000 Gerbil Bob
This song is a bit more "metal" 
than most of our other stuff. It has no  vocals 'coz Ste had a bad throat 
when we recorded it. 
We are aware that it isn't all 
that good, but we thought
we may aswell put it on the website
anyway. This was recorded at our 
first practice with Lee, so its
not too bad considering!!
Summer 2000
Columbo, the man in the dirty mack who discovered America -
Chris Askew , Guitar & vocals
Phil Whitely, Guitar
Steven Jones, Bass
Henry Carden, Drums
to be perfectly honest, I cant remember- if anyone knows, can they email me! Cheerz.
Chris Askew
(C) copyright 2000 Chris Askew
This is a recording of a song by a punk band that Henry and Ste used
to be in. Another poor quality
recording but a much better song
than Casual Attitude! Chris Askew has formed a new band called "Longshot" and they are really good so if you get
the chance, go and see them! This band played one gig before splitting.
February 2000
Counterfeit were:
Henry Carden (Gerbil Bob drummer), Guitar & keyboards
Lee Maughan (Gerbil Bob guitarist), Guitar
James Bull (Obsidian Machina drummer), Drums
Written by Henry Carden.(C) copyright 2000 Henry Carden
A legend of a cheesy metal song! Henry wrote this before he even knew how to play guitar, so its not too bad considering. Probably the best Counterfeit song musically although the Medley more entertaining.
February 2000
Counterfeit were:
Henry Carden (Gerbil Bob drummer), Guitar & keyboards
Lee Maughan (Gerbil Bob guitarist), Guitar
James Bull (Obsidian Machina drummer), Drums
Written by Rainbow, Nirvana and Blur! Arranged by Henry Carden and Lee Maughan.
Smells Like Teen Spirit, Song 2, Since You've been gone and the haribo song!!.
February 2000
Counterfeit were:
Henry Carden (Gerbil Bob drummer), Guitar & keyboards
Lee Maughan (Gerbil Bob guitarist), Guitar
James Bull (Obsidian Machina drummer), Drums
Written by Henry Carden.(C) copyright 2000 Henry Carden
Henry plays possibly the worst guitar solo ever towards the end of this song! Another cheesy metal song!

Email: [email protected]


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