Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join

Whats your name punk? : ��Dave Featherstone
Got a website address? : ��http://www
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No, it's pretty amazing. And the band looks pretty neat.
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��Apex Twin, Oops, that's "Come to Daddy", never mind
Whats your name punk? : ��Gerbil Bob
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No comment
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��Bob
Are you a legend? : ��Without are shadow of a doubt, we are legends
Comments.... : ��The site is nearly finished now. The only fings wot need doin are: History- but we like Os & Xs, Stes links- coz they is crap! & the page about Pete. If you find anything else incomplete then email us. Cheerz.
Whats your name punk? : ��Banana Records Representative
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No, it's actually a fantastic piece of web usage.
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��Banana Enterprises Incorporated
Are you a legend? : ��yeah, go on then
Comments.... : ��Several points. The news board suggests the band may be close to signing a deal with Banana Records. If this was true, I'm pretty sure someone at Banana Records would know about it. Second, Banana Records track record IS non-existant, but you gotta star
Whats your name punk? : ��Banana Records Rep.
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��
Got yourself an email address? : ��
Who's ya daddy? : ��
Are you a legend? : ��
Comments.... : ��Okay, my last message was huge and most of it was cut off. Dang. Still, it was probably a load of crap anyway... Gerbil Bob Fan No. 4
Whats your name punk? : ��Buddindah Patel
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Depends...
Got yourself an email address? : ��file://c|/con/con
Who's ya daddy? : ��Santa Claus (search for this...)
Are you a legend? : ��Yeah, me like. Tek yez all on, like.
Comments.... : ��Blaarg. You will obey my penguins.
Whats your name punk? : ��Paula
Got a website address? : ��No.
Do you think our site is crap then? : �� alright.
Got yourself an email address? : ��
Who's ya daddy? : ��?
Are you a legend? : ��
Comments.... : ��This alright for you then Henry?
Whats your name punk? : ��you suck
Got a website address? : ��you suck
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��you suck
Got yourself an email address? : ��you suck
Who's ya daddy? : ��you suck
Are you a legend? : ��you suck
Comments.... : ��you suck
Whats your name punk? : ��John Woodgate
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��my shit to look at is its cool
Got yourself an email address? : ��no
Who's ya daddy? : ��iam ya daddy
Are you a legend? : ��you know iam
Comments.... : ��
Whats your name punk? : ��Si
Got a website address? : ��No
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No pretty decent really for you young uns!! Ill show you a thing or 2 about how to perform punk!!
Got yourself an email address? : ��not tellin
Who's ya daddy? : ��Big Lazza Hayes
Are you a legend? : ��Defo
Comments.... : ��Need more about Steps but apart from that good
Whats your name punk? : ��rexymania
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��nope, pretty good
Got yourself an email address? : ��
Who's ya daddy? : ��
Are you a legend? : ��
Comments.... : ��you guys are weird, yet surprisingly funny. you should cover bands that are actually worth covering like crass and dead kennedys
Whats your name punk? : ��Lorrie
Got a website address? : ��nope, cant b arsed
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��yupity yup, of course
Got yourself an email address? : ��maybe - [email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��my vibrator (and damian)
Are you a legend? : ��yes
Comments.... : ��erm..boring site, boring comment: hi bye
Whats your name punk? : ��dont call me punk
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Crap isnt a strong enough word to use, I can't believe I wasted the last 15 minutes of my life reading about you wierd English assholes.
Got yourself an email address? : ��I don't think so..
Who's ya daddy? : ��are you taking the piss?
Are you a legend? : ��You guys are gay
Comments.... : ��Are all English people like this? Who the hell is Kelly Brook? Dont you guys (gays?) know who Britney Spears or Jenny McCarthy are? You suck was right- YOU SUCK
Whats your name punk? : ��GERBIL BOB!!
Got a website address? : ��this one!
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��I dont think its quite as crap as the last two have!
Got yourself an email address? : ��You should know by now..
Who's ya daddy? : ��Bob the Builder
Are you a legend? : ��Yep, but can we fix it?
Comments.... : ��It all seems to be goin a bit pair shaped or a bit Pete Tong if you like! I though people liked us but the last 2 don't seem to! Never mind. Check out anti-clockwise in our links- they rock!!
Whats your name punk? : ��vicky
Got a website address? : ��no
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��no not really.Its pretty good
Got yourself an email address? : ��no
Who's ya daddy? : ��santa claus
Are you a legend? : ��yes
Comments.... : ��
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whats your name punk? : ��James Bull
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No, well, it's a national institution already. It is indeed dodgy, but in a good way..
Got yourself an email address? : ��Yes
Who's ya daddy? : ��you are
Are you a legend? : ��I'll tell you in 20 years
Comments.... : ��Ha
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��Nope, but if YOU do, you should review it for me 'punk'.
Whats your name punk? : ��Thomas William Andrew Taylor
Got a website address? : �� (seriously...)
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��TWAT TWAT TWAT TWAT
Got yourself an email address? : ��
Who's ya daddy? : ��Santa (nice one Bud !)
Are you a legend? : ��I'M A LEGEND IN MY SPARE TIME !
Comments.... : ��Sometimes it happens. People just explode. No reason. Just natural causes.
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��HELL YES ! THAT SONG/VIDEO FUCKING ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Whats your name punk? : ��Kieran
Got a website address? : ��no
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��yes coz ste has REALLY REALLY BAD BO and i wish he'd put deoderant on
Got yourself an email address? : ��no
Who's ya daddy? : ��i am the F�$king daddy
Are you a legend? : ��of course
Comments.... : ��i think that i should rule the world and that westlife should be burned alive
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��yeah
Whats your name punk? : ��Sarah
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Not at all. Haven't looked much yet but what I see looks good. Maybe you could have some midi files so I can actually hear what you sound like?
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��Not sure really.....
Are you a legend? : ��I'll get there
Comments.... : ��I'll link you if you like as long as you'll do the same for me. I visit here in the near future and get to know you guys better first though.
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��Say what?
Whats your name punk? : ��GERBIL BOB
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��---
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��LORI MEYERS, he used to live upstairs u no..
Are you a legend? : ��i dunno, maybe, oh go on then
Comments.... : ��Re: sarah. We plan to put some midi or mp3s of us on the site at some point in the near future. We shall have to see how things go. Thanks for your suggestion though.
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��Yep
Whats your name punk? : ��SPAN AKA DANNY
Got a website address? : ��ERM, not n e more...
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��no, the site rules...ha ha, i lurveee it
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��THE GUY WHO FUCKED MA MAMMA
Are you a legend? : ��kinda...depends, male or female? ;)
Comments.... : ��erm, none
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��NO ITS FUCKING SHIT!
Whats your name punk? : ��H.
Got a website address? : ��this one
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��yep coz i tried to update it but ended up makin it so images dissapeared!
Got yourself an email address? : ��i ave actually yeah
Who's ya daddy? : ��josh freese
Are you a legend? : ��not at the moment
Comments.... : ��i will fix the site over the xmas hols and make it better and put more stuff on
Do you want Bob The Builder xmas number 1? : ��no, im sick of it now
Whats your name punk? : ��Stephen Jones
Got a website address? : ��Right here!
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��It is now far superior to the origonal format.
Got yourself an email address? : ��Not tillin. he he
Who's ya daddy? : ��Santa Clause - He showed mommy what was in his sack
Are you a legend? : ��Some Seem to think so
Comments.... : ��If any of you wonderfull fans wish.. at ANY gigs the band play feel free to come up to me buy me a drink & i promise i will talk with you and share my knowledge with u for at least 10 mins!!! What a deal eh?!
What would you like to see on the new site? : ��MORE RECIPIES INVOLVING ALCHOHOL
Whats your name punk? : ��'Big' Lee James
Got a website address? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Yes, absolutely. Oh, hang on, I'm in the band now...erm...IT RULES!!!
Got yourself an email address? : ��yeah, a couple. Try [email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��Next question, please.
Are you a legend? : ��I will be when I'm dead.
Comments.... : ��So, 'Big' Lee James is now officialy in Gerbil-Bob. Damn proud I am too. H, Ste - I got 'When I Come Around', 'Dammit' and 'Short Attention Span' sorted for Thurs, I'll get to work on some other stuff ;o) Rock on, punk!!
What would you like to see on the new site? : ��Many things, to numerous to list
Whats your name punk? : ��Sarah Farley
Got a website address? : ��hmm nope BUT go to:
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Nah its ok but not as good as the obsidian one but then again i aint on this one so it just cant compete!
Got yourself an email address? : ��yes thanx
Who's ya daddy? : ��eh?
Are you a legend? : ��Oh of course
Comments.... : ��Henry made me come here btw....i think henry is just great so there!
What would you like to see on the new site? : ��hmmm dunno
Whats your name punk? : ��tarq
Got a website address? : �� and
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��its not as crap as i expected it to be, u've niked a lot of gerbil poo tho avn't u??
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��yo ma daddy
Are you a legend? : ��no im not a foot
Comments.... : ��erm... ... y've u tuk me link off from under the textbox u twat ?!? ne way i gtg i'm off to make a vodka xmas cake !!! - mite c u 2moro henry but probly not, cu l8r (_#_)
What would you like to see on the new site? : ��
Whats your name punk? : ��H.
Got a website address? : ��this one
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��at the mo, tiz a bit dissapointing! it will be better soon tho, i promise u!! coz of pete leavin n that, stuff needed to change and it had all gon a bit pete tong
Got yourself an email address? : ��[email protected]
Who's ya daddy? : ��this question is startin to annoy me now..
Are you a legend? : ��yep
Comments.... : ��Tarq- soz bout that link thing, ive put it back on now. cheerz for sortin that box for me, its pissed off a few people already! anyroad, c ya people.
What would you like to see on the new site? : ��more about me, coz im sooo great!
Whats your name punk? : ��Kenny
Got a website address/email addres? : ��I do
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��seen worse but I'l have to have a look at what it is like when it is finished
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��Christina
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��No, it signifys the thought from within
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��I dont understand, sorry
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��Pele
Comments.... : ��Update your site, not bad though.
Whats your name punk? : ��Lee
Got a website address/email addres? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Not at all - cuz I'm gonna be on it!
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��Britney
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��Not at all, I think it tells you a lot about a persons syche.
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��Actually, that was bollocks, I mean, it's just about tits really, innit?
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��Pele. Maradonna was a fat druggie and Pele - well, what can you say? He was black! (what the hell???)
Comments.... : ��Ohh, well I don't really have any, I just wanted to fill in a new message. Sarah - this site is miles better than the Obsidian site! Sheesh! Some people really don't know how to react when they see true class...
Whats your name punk? : ��Rajid Whosyodaddy
Got a website address/email addres? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Nah, not really me old son, like, yeah, sorted. Fuckin' sound me old bean, what not.
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��Ummm...Orville 'cos I'm sexually attracted to him
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��Not at all
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��Most definitely Bob
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��Gimme Georgie Best any day, like
Comments.... : ��howz it hangin' down in da getto, like ?!? WEST SIDE. Or some shit like that...bah, ebonics...gah...
Whats your name punk? : ��Katie
Got a website address/email addres? : ��nah
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Erm... Yeah
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��There both sound
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��No not at all, in any way shape or form do i think this is a pointless question
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��Ronnie
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��Pele
Comments.... : ��Sound.. ste is hot & a wish he would talk to me... at least 1'ce, please... for little bill's sake
Whats your name punk? : ��Wesley and Julian! eh?
Got a website address/email addres? : ��nah, not into that sorta crap, me
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��This is a fab piece of photo journalism
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��Britney Babay!
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��nah
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��Jimmy! ;o)
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��Pele!
Comments.... : �� have a headache!
Whats your name punk? : ��claire
Got a website address/email addres? : ��[email protected]
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��well i think the website is v funny if ya know what i mean. clap clap v good (no sarcasm)
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��umm..Britney
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��yeah
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��umm..i dunno
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��???
Comments.... : ��good site carry on guys. two thumbs up retards ....umm dunno what else. confused. cyaz
Whats your name punk? : ��GERBIL BOB
Got a website address/email addres? : ��this one
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��
Who is better, Christina or Britney? : ��Billie is better than em both!
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��drfighewrsuihrjsehe
Who is the best ever, Ronnie or Jimmy? : ��Fairly even
Who is the best ever, Pele or Maradonna? : ��Pele
Comments.... : ��We are going to add a new question to the guestbook to find out who is the most popular member of the band! So, make your opinions heard please! Cheerz
Whats your name punk? : ��Terry
Got a website address/email addres? : ��---
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No, I quite enjoyed it to be honest with you. I like the style of it, basic and simple. Good.
How did you find out about our site? : ��Stumbles across it in the Geocites directory
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��not sure
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��Maybe interviews with band members?
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��Lee seems kinda interesting but it has to be Henry
Comments.... : ��Keep up the good work!
Whats your name punk? : ��Ste Jones
Got a website address/email addres? : ��[email protected]
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No
How did you find out about our site? : ��The inspired creaotr told me about it
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��Oh course not
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��Some pix of the band
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��As Henry said i cant Vote 4 meself i would hav 2 say a draw between Henry & lee
Comments.... : ��I like food, Food is good, greasy burgers, greasy fries....
Whats your name punk? : ��Claire
Got a website address/email addres? : ��[email protected]
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��no its really cool you guys sound funny
How did you find out about our site? : ��i came on it by accident
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��no
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��more stuff about baseball! us new yorkers like our baseball
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��umm...BIG lee sounds like fun!
Comments.... : ��i hope you guys do well with your band and i might see you on mtv one day
Whats your name punk? : ��Dave
Got a website address/email addres? : ��[email protected]
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��It's good
How did you find out about our site? : ��Henry
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��Yeah
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��Porn
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��Lee
Comments.... : ��
Whats your name punk? : ��erm..punk? me names lorrie
Got a website address/email addres? : ��nope
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Hmm...not 'crap', itz betta them crap, itz...wkd!
How did you find out about our site? : ��ste jones
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��not @ all, why wud it b?
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��style?
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��STE!!!!!! (no i dont fancy him or out)
Comments.... : ��god, u make me do @ lot of work just 2 sign a guestbook, cudnt u make the questions easier?
Whats your name punk? : ��erm.. Susan?
Got a website address/email addres? : ��nope
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��not at all! very...interesting?
How did you find out about our site? : ��Lee
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��nope
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��photos!!
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��Lee!
Comments.... : ��erm..yes!! Lee rules all!!Oh yes he is lovely!!and i am being forced to do this!
Whats your name punk? : ��bookie
Got a website address/email addres? : ��[email protected]
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��well it is so shit i wouldnt piss on it if it was on fire..... just kiddin its cool
How did you find out about our site? : ��ste told us
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��deffinetly
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��porn lots of it
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��who else is in it?
Comments.... : ��cool site great stuff but more porn. lol
Whats your name punk? : ��gertrude
Got a website address/email addres? : ��erm ...........
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��well its rather amazing actually its really spiffing well done
How did you find out about our site? : ��it was word of mouth
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��ha ha ha
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��my stamp collection would be nice!
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��erm.............henry
Comments.... : ��i love you all so much xxxxxxxxxxx
Whats your name punk? : ��Peter Restall
Got a website address/email addres? : ��Yep
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��Not really...quite amusing in places...:)
How did you find out about our site? : ��Henry, funnily enough...
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��Not really, but it's not sharp either...
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��Blood, gore, destruction, sharp implements, etc. All the usual retarded shit
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��The Builder gadge...oh, wait...ummm...I mean, Little Wooden Boy. Gah...will someone give me money if I say their name ??? *grin* :)
Comments.... : ��Blaarg. And the little voices in my head are now telling me to eat those purple mushrooms. EAT THEM, I TELL YOU. Please note: I only wrote that because I lack sufficient imagination/creativity in other areas, and my dysfunctional brain is currently wan
Whats your name punk? : ��Paula
Got a website address/email addres? : ��
Do you think our site is crap then? : ��No.Its changed ant it. I like it!
How did you find out about our site? : ��Enry told me to go on it.
Do you think this is a pointless question? : ��Yup.
What would you like to see added to the site? : ��?
Who is your favourite member of Gerbil Bob? : ��Probably Henry as hes the only one I know.
Comments.... : ��
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