'BIG' LEE JAMES - Guitar.

               Full name: 
Lee James Maughan
Instruments played:
Guitar mainly, though Lee has been known to dabble around with other instruments and musical implements from time to time.
Musical background:
Lee first came into contact with the playing side of music at an early age. He was bought a microphone and keyboard, quickly learned the recorder, and also played bongos for the primary school choir. At the time, the seeds were being sown for his future rock tastes - Queen was a favourite of his and he was also fond of R.E.M. and Nirvana (imagine that, an 8-year old moshing away to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' - none of this bubblegum pop for the then 'Not so big geezer'!)
Following on from this, he was bought an electric drum kit for his birthday and eventually formed his group - RFLMD. Though the tape is currently missing, a single recording from the band, 'Mirrors' was made, and Lee can still remember all the words. 
'Too embarrasing to repeat here but still, pretty good considering how old I was'. A second song was written but the band soon drifted apart. 
A couple of years later, Lee, who was fairly adequate but totaly uninterested in playing the keyboard at school ('it was all the crap songs they made us play'), stumbled upon the guitar, and after learning the first few chords from 'Wonderwall' he never looked back. 
'I began picking up chords, starting to really get into it' says Lee. 'I could just sit there for hours and play the same chord sequence over and over again but I was really enjoying it'. 
Eventually, Lee went on to form the immensley popular Desert Landscape and began to write his own songs. 'Absolute crap they were, but hell, they sounded good at the time and I did write some half decent lines'. 
Following on from this, Lee decided he wanted something new. Sick of playing the same Britpop chord sequences he had for the last couple of years, Lee decided it was time for something new.
'And that's where Henry (the band's drummer) introduced me to punk. It was Green Day at first. Then NOFX. 
'Then Blink-182 came along and I went punk/rock crazy! Now I'm listening to stuff like The Ataris and Foo Fighters regularly and it's bloody fantastic'!
And that leads us to the present day with the Big Man recently joining Gerbil-Bob.
'Well, I love playing punk these days, and it's kind of a follow on from Counterfeit (the band he used to play in with Henry before deciding they sounded like a metal band). We always wanted to be in a punk band, playing silly songs and having a laugh. And for once, H got a band together which actually has potential, so I was thrilled to be asked to join. I'm looking forward to jamming, but I'm pissing myself at the prospect of doing a few gigs, that's my ambition really. I'd love to get huge as a band but it's so unlikely that's gonna happen, so my goal for now would be to get a few gigs'.
In his spare time, Lee has been working on a an album called 'Batman & Robin' under the name 'DJ James'. It contains dance, trance, hip-hop, rave and other assorted shite like that. Still, please check out the DJ James webpage in the Banana Records section of The Banana Complex. :o)
Favourite band(s):
Ohh, so many! Oasis, Nirvana, R.E.M., Blink-182, The Beatles
A little further down the line - Green Day, Foo Fighters, Stereophonics, The Ataris
And special mentions to Puppet Show, Desert Landscape, RFLMD, Counterfeit and, of course, Gerbil-Bob!!
Favourite songs(s):
The Jam - 'Going Underground', Sleeper - 'What Do I Do Now?', Oasis - 'Listen Up', Blink182 - 'Dammit' and so many others!
Musical Hero:
Noel Gallagher
Favourite celebrity:
Toughie that one, hmmm...Tom Green is funny, I'd like to bump into him in the streets.
Drinking - though that's more of an addiction...music (listening to and playing - which really helps when you're in a band), hmmmmm...football, TV, usual crap, you know the stuff. (Nudge nudge, wink wink).

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