Spoiler Episode #5: "Boo"

Compilation of Dark Angel - S2 Spoilers provided by RAMS

Ext. Alley--Night

Max emerges to find a very nervous Joshua shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

MAX: You mind telling me what's so damn important it couldn't wait.

Joshua ushers her over to a dumpster beside which lies the inert body of a large man. This is SALLY, ordinary except for the fact that his body is face down, and his head is face up, eyes wide open. In other words, his head is on backwards.

MAX: (CONT'D) Is he dead?

SALLY: Do I look like I'm dead? Do I sound like I'm dead? Criminy, I thought you said she was an X5.


MAX: What happened?

SALLY: All you need to know doll-face is I had an accident. And being a Manticore alum myself, I can't exactly beat feet to the emergency room like this now, can I?

MAX: You're a nomlie?

SALLY: An anomaly? Hell, no! I'm exactly what they wanted -- designed with cartilage instead of bone. Good news is no fractures on the battlefield. Bad news is I get bent outta shape sometimes.

MAX: I guess.

SALLY: Well don't just stand there gawking like a couple of chuckleheads. Do something.

MAX: Like what?

SALLY: I thought X5's were engineered to be officers, problem solvers...Sheesh...just give Bowser a hand so I can be on my way.

MAX: Ok...I'll immobilize the upper body while you rotate his head back into position.

They maneuver him into a sitting position. Max gets him in a bear-hug from behind. Joshua straddles him from the front and gets him in a head-lock. Joshua tries snapping his head back into place, but no luck.

MAX: (CONT'D) I'll move his shoulders this way, you move his head the other way.

SALLY: And put your back into it, dog breath, I don't have all night.

MAX: On three...one, two, three...

And Joshua torques his head with such force it snaps right off in his hands. Max screams. Joshua screams.

SALLY: Look what you did. Now I gotta have my head surgically re-attached and I happen to keloid...Beautiful.

Max just stands there looking at the disgruntled head that Joshua holds in his hands.

MAX: This is not happening.

SALLY: What's a matter? You never seen a soldier whose body parts are self-sustaining and regenerative? I can take a direct mortar hit and survive.

JOSHUA: (NODS GRAVELY) Starfish. Starfish in his cocktail.

Just then, further up the alley, a car screeches around the corner. Some Halloween revelers toss a string of firecrackers out the window and the vehicle speeds off. The head screeches --

SALLY: Incoming...

And with that, the headless body scrambles to its feet and takes off down the alley.

MAX: Hey...get back here.

Joshua shoves the head into Max's hands and takes off after the body, but it easily outdistances him, leaps over a wall and disappears.

MAX: (CONT'D) (TO THE HEAD)What the hell did you do that for?

SALLY: Oh, yeah, like it's my fault you two are a couple of idiots.

Just then Rafer emerges through the back door into the alley. Max tosses the head to Joshua who hides it behind his back.


MAX: Here are the rules, under no circumstances do I want that guy finding out he’s rolling with a bunch of freaks.

SALLY: I got a hot flash for you, Max. There’s a little bit more at stake here than rockin’ your boyfriend’s world.

Max throws her a look.

SALLY: Word gets out there’s a headless transgenic on the loose, it’ll be panic city. None of us will be safe.

Dieter, who’s begun fidgeting, tosses back more coffee. Katarina takes the pot away from him.

MAX: (to the head in the bag) Do you have any idea where your body might’ve gone?

SALLY: Not a clue.

MAX: Think.

SALLY: Excuse me if I’m a little light-headed, no thanks to you…I was supposed to meet somebody…somewhere…

MAX: Who?

SALLY: A girl I think …Yeah…great. Set of hooters, nice round bubble butt.

MAX: Let’s skip the anatomy lesson.

SALLY: It’s all coming back to me now. We were supposed to hook up.

MAX: Where?

SALLY: At a party up on Queen Anne, next to Kerry Park…I’m sure that’s where I musta went.

MAX: Figures the little head’s still calling the shots.


MAX: You know…just another day in a broken world.

RAFER: Listen, I traded shifts with a buddy of mine. There’s a party tonight at Crash.

MAX: Yeah, I heard.

RAFER: Was wondering if you were gonna go.

MAX: Thinking on it.

RAFER: So…Maybe I’ll catch you there.

MAX: Yeah, maybe…

He turns to go. Off Max, who can’t help being a little pleased –



Max and Original Cindy glide up to a stoplight on their bicycles.

ORIGINAL CINDY: So what’d hot boy want?

MAX: To get together later.

ORIGINAL CINDY: Like a date?

MAX: More like…hanging out tonight at a mutually agreed upon public place.

ORIGINAL CINDY: You tell him you don’t “do” Halloween?

MAX: As a matter of fact I said …maybe.

ORIGINAL CINDY: Maybe. This is a sign of mental health.

A BUM strolls over to them

BUM: I ever tell you ladies the one about the minister, the priest, and the rabbi?

ORIGINAL CINDY: Every day, Murray. Every day.

The bum moves off.

ORIGINAL CINDY: I still haven’t decided what to do for a costume.

MAX: What are the choices?

ORIGINAL CINDY: Either Sno-ho and the seven little men. Or Rick James.

MAX: Tough decision.

ORIGINAL CINDY I’m leaning towards superfreak, but it all depends on how much activator I got left.

MAX: Hey, you mind if we stop by Joshua’s on the way home? Been a while since I checked on him.

ORIGINAL CINDY: And being part doggy dog, you never know what kinda trouble he mighta gotten himself into.

Off which –



JOSHUA stands, peering longingly out the window. He watches the PEDESTRIANS, moving past, many dressed in COSTUMES, bringing a wistful expression to Joshua’s face.

After a moment, he hears a knock at his door. He turns, listens, wondering if his ears are deceiving him. No, there it is again. Another knock. He ventures to the door. Cautious. Hesitant. He sniffs the door, listens, then after a moment, he opens the door –


REVEALING three Trick or Treaters, about 10 years old. TRINA, a girl with an axe in her head, takes one look at Joshua and lets out a blood curdling shriek. The CAMERA PUSHES IN on his mouth until it fills the screen which goes black.




As the CAMERA PULLS BACK out of the blackness of Joshua’s mouth to reveal Joshua also screaming bloody murder. Max and Original Cindy arrive in the middle of this scream fest.

MAX: Whoa…whoa…whoa…

The girl abruptly stops screaming and smiles sweetly.

TRINA: Trick or Treat. Did I scare you?

Joshua nods. Original Cindy pats his arm, comforting.

ORIGINAL CINDY: That’s why they call it Halloween, boo.

POOKIE: (to Joshua) Cool costume, mister. So you got candy? ‘Cuz me and my crew here got a carton of eggs.

MAX: Here’s five bucks, beat it.

They head off . Max turns to Joshua.

MAX: (CONT’D) You alright?

Joshua manages a nod.


Original Cindy enters ahead of Max and Joshua. Looks around --

ORIGINAL CINDY: Used to live in a crib kinda like this. With a Dominican sista. Name was Veronica…Aye mommie.

MAX: Listen, Joshua, we can’t stay too long…We’re going out tonight.

JOSHUA: (smiles, an idea forming) “Cool costume, mister.”

MAX: Huh?

JOSHUA: Joshua and Max outside. With up here people.

MAX: Oh no…

JOSHUA: Oh, yes.

MAX: No!

JOSHUA: (also more emphatic) Yes.

MAX: You want to end up in a cage?

JOSHUA: Lived in a cage…down there cage. Basement.


MAX: Hey.


MAX: Original Cindy, say hi to Rafer.


RAFER: These are for you.

He hands her the flowers. As she finds a makeshift vase for them.

MAX: That’s really sweet…but weren’t we s’posed to hook up at Crash?

RAFER: Yeah…But my mother really wants to meet you.

MAX: Your mother?

RAFER: She’s expecting us. And she’s not someone who likes to be kept waiting.

Rafer takes her by the hand and they head off


Dark and hung with scarves and beads. A small table sits in the center of the room with a CRYSTAL BALL upon it. Max and Rafer enter and are greeted warmly by Rafer’s mother, SERENA.

SERENA: Rafer…And this must be Max.

MAX: Nice to meet you.

SERENA: He’s told me so much about you. And I said – (pinching her cheek) I must meet this special girl.

MAX: Oh, I’m not so special. Honest.

SERENA: Come, let me tell your fortune. (a wink to Rafer) Maybe I have grandchildren in my future eh?

MAX: My fortune? I don’t know about –

But Serena hustles Max to the table and sits her down. Max looks at Rafer, who smiles encouragingly. Serena sits opposite Max and gazes into the crystal ball. Max is still trying to play it casual.

MAX: (CONT’D) You know, in this light I can really see the family resemblance.

SERENA: (suddenly all business) Max…is not your name.

MAX: You two have the same nose.

SERENA: Your name is …

MAX: Gueverra…Max Gueverra.


MAX: Says so right here on my sector pass.

SERENA: This world is a liar. Truth lives in the realm of the spirits…You have no name…only a number.

MAX: You must be channeling the backwards phone directory there…I bet if you look next to that number you’ll see my name. Max Gueverra.

SERENA: I see only secrets. Dark secrets. Wrapped in mystery. Shrouded in illusion. You are not what you seem.

MAX: Guess you busted me on my push-up bra.

SERENA: You are running from something…running from you past.

MAX: I was gawky in high school.

SERENA: But no matter where you run. There is danger. I see danger all around. Then I see nothing except a face…

She goes ashen.

MAX: Who’s face? Is it a guy?

Ashen, Serena can only shake her head, no.

MAX: (CONT’D) A girl then…She has blonde hair, right?

SERENA: It is neither man nor woman. It is the face of …(stands)…Death.

She is overcome. As Rafer hustles her out of the room

RAFER: Mom, are you OK? Let’s get you some water.

MAX: Great first impression.

As she looks past the crystal ball, she sees Joshua outside the window trying to get her attention. Max goes to the window.

MAX: (CONT’D) I thought I told you to stay home.

JOSHUA: Max and Joshua outside.

MAX: This is not a good time.

Rafer sticks his head in from the other room. Joshua ducks out of sight. Max catches hold of the window curtain.

MAX: (CONT’D) You don’t see fabric like this anymore.

RAFER: My mom’s OK…Sometimes she gets a little carried away. But she really likes you.

MAX: That’s great.

SERENA: (O.C.) (calls) Rafer…My son…

RAFER: Be right back.

Rafer ducks back out. Joshua pops back into view.

14 Ext. Alley--Night

Max emerges to find a very nervous Joshua shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

MAX: You mind telling me what's so damn important it couldn't wait.

Joshua ushers her over to a dumpster beside which lies the inert body of a large man. This is SALLY, ordinary except for the fact that his body is face down, and his head is face up, eyes wide open. In other words, his head is on backwards.

MAX: (CONT'D) Is he dead?

SALLY: Do I look like I'm dead? Do I sound like I'm dead? Criminy, I thought you said she was an X5.


MAX: What happened?

SALLY: All you need to know doll-face is I had an accident. And being a Manticore alum myself, I can't exactly beat feet to the emergency room like this now, can I?

MAX: You're a nomlie?

SALLY: An anomaly? Hell, no! I'm exactly what they wanted -- designed with cartilage instead of bone. Good news is no fractures on the battlefield. Bad news is I get bent outta shape sometimes.

MAX: I guess.

SALLY: Well don't just stand there gawking like a couple of chuckleheads. Do something.

MAX: Like what?

SALLY: I thought X5's were engineered to be officers, problem solvers...Sheesh...just give Bowser a hand so I can be on my way.

MAX: Ok...I'll immobilize the upper body while you rotate his head back into position.

They maneuver him into a sitting position. Max gets him in a bear-hug from behind. Joshua straddles him from the front and gets him in a head-lock. Joshua tries snapping his head back into place, but no luck.

MAX: (CONT'D) I'll move his shoulders this way, you move his head the other way.

SALLY: And put your back into it, dog breath, I don't have all night.

MAX: On three...one, two, three...

And Joshua torques his head with such force it snaps right off in his hands. Max screams. Joshua screams.

SALLY: Look what you did. Now I gotta have my head surgically re-attached and I happen to keloid...Beautiful.

Max just stands there looking at the disgruntled head that Joshua holds in his hands.

MAX: This is not happening.

SALLY: What's a matter? You never seen a soldier whose body parts are self-sustaining and regenerative? I can take a direct mortar hit and survive.

JOSHUA: (NODS GRAVELY) Starfish. Starfish in his cocktail.

Just then, further up the alley, a car screeches around the corner. Some Halloween revelers toss a string of firecrackers out the window and the vehicle speeds off. The head screeches --

SALLY: Incoming...

And with that, the headless body scrambles to its feet and takes off down the alley.

MAX: Hey...get back here.

Joshua shoves the head into Max's hands and takes off after the body, but it easily outdistances him, leaps over a wall and disappears.

MAX: (CONT'D) (TO THE HEAD)What the hell did you do that for?

SALLY: Oh, yeah, like it's my fault you two are a couple of idiots.

Just then Rafer emerges through the back door into the alley. Max tosses the head to Joshua who hides it behind his back.

MAX: (CONT’D) …I don’t want to hear a peep outta you while we’re in there tryin’ to figure out what our next move is.

SALLY: You can’t leave me out here all alone

MAX: Watch me

She starts to go

SALLY: It’s a big city out there…and I’m your best and only shot at finding the rest of me.

Max considers the logic of this for a moment, then gets out of the car.


Two diminutive TRICK or TREATERS approach. Max yanks the bag of candy away from one of the kids who bursts into tears. She dumps the contents into the other one’s bag then –

MAX: Scram, before I take all your candy.

The two kids take off running. Max plops the head into the bag and goes into –


Despite the All-American décor, most of the people seated inside are wearing kilts. Max crosses to a booth where Joshua and Rafer sit opposite a reptilian ‘nomlie and a first generation, half-cat, sporting claws and covered with fur. The reptile is wearing a football helmet, and the cat has on Capri slacks, a white shirt and a large hat which she wears at a rakish angle.

RAFER: Hey, are you guys from Germany too?

They stare at him blankly.

MAX: Yeah, um, this is…(re: reptile man) Dieter – and …Katarina.

KATARINA: Call me Kat.

Max gives her a look – don’t be flirting with my date.

RAFER: (re: Joshua) I thought his costume was great – but you guys are tight. (to Dieter) What’re you supposed to be? Some kind of desert acclimated combat soldier?

DIETER: (shakes his head) Football player…wide receiver.

Rafer nods. Okay…turns to Kat with a questioning look.

KATARINA: Audrey Hepburn.

DIETER pours a container of sugar down his gullet, then gulps a pot of coffee. KATARINA looks up from the pitcher of half and half she’s been lapping at and gives him a warning look.

KATARINA: (CONT'D) Caffeine…

Dieter ignored her. Grabs a cup out of someone’s hand and downs it. A WAITRESS, blond and hard-bitten, approaches.

WAITRESS: Tonight’s special is Haggis.

MAX: Not sure I know what that is.

WAITRESS: Heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep minced with suet, onions, and oatmeal, boiled in the animal’s stomach, comes with French fries or cole slaw.

Max and Rafer share a disgusted look.


KATARINA: I’ll have the haggis.

The Waitress looks at Dieter.

DIETER: I’ll have the haggis.

MAX: Nothing for me, thanks.

RAFER: Just water.

WAITRESS: Haggis, haggis, and haggis. One water. And one nothing.

She moves off. Rafer looks around. Katarina recognizes that look.

KATARINA: (points) Sand box is over there.

Rafer gest up, goes. Max waits ‘til he’s gone.

MAX: Here are the rules, under no circumstances do I want that guy finding out he’s rolling with a bunch of freaks.

SALLY: I got a hot flash for you, Max. There’s a little bit more at stake here than rockin’ your boyfriend’s world.

MAX: He’s not my boyfriend.

KATARINA: (interested) No…?

Max throws her a look.

SALLY: Word gets out there’s a headless transgenic on the loose, it’ll be panic city. None of us will be safe.

JOSHUA: True enough.

Dieter, who’s begun fidgeting, tosses back more coffee. Katarina takes the pot away from him.

MAX: (to the head in the bag) Do you have any idea where your body might’ve gone?

SALLY: Not a clue.

MAX: Think.

SALLY: Excuse me if I’m a little light-headed, no thanks to you…I was supposed to meet somebody…somewhere…

MAX: Who?

SALLY: A girl I think …Yeah…great. Set of hooters, nice round bubble butt.

MAX: Let’s skip the anatomy lesson.

SALLY: It’s all coming back to me now. We were supposed to hook up.

MAX: Where?

SALLY: At a party up on Queen Anne, next to Kerry Park…I’m sure that’s where I musta went.

MAX: Figures the little head’s still calling the shots.

Max shuts the bag. Looks around. Her eyes widen –


is sitting in a booth, reading Sketchy’s copy of the Weekly World News. Max ducks her head, tries to hide behind a menu, but he sees her. Starts to come over.

MAX: (CONT’D) We gotta blaze.

JOSHUA: (disappointed) Blaze now? Before haggis?

Normal steps up, the paper now folded under his arm. He gives Katarina a smile.

NORMAL: Max, I see you’re spending time with a higher class of people than usual. (extends his hand to Katarina) Reagan Ronald’s the name.

KATARINA: Call me Kat.

NORMAL: Charmed…

They shake hands. Normal immediately begins to sneeze.

NORMAL: (CONT’D) Sorry, I’m allergic to cats. Not that you’re really a cat, of course. But that just demonstrates the power of the human mind (taps his temple) I see a cat and I sneeze. (and he does) See…

As Rafer returns from the john, stepping up to the table –

SALLY: I can’t breathe in here --


RAFER: What are you looking for here?

MAX: (forgetting her scavenger hunt story) What are we looking for here?

RAFER: Scavenger hunt…you’re supposed to get whatever’s on the list……waffle iron, a ukulele, stuffed moose head or whatever.

MAX: It’s not even like that. We’re playing by German rules.

They go.



Max, Joshua, Dieter, and Katarina enter, look around. Max indicates for them to fan out. A GUY strolls over, puts the moves on Max.

GUY: No costume, no party…but for you maybe I can make an exception.

MAX: I’m actually a short bald fat man in drag.

GUY: You clean up good.

He leans in.

MAX: Down boy…You seen a pretty redhead with a nice butt and a tall guy with no head?

GUY: They’re upstairs. (waves to someone) Can I offer you an adult beverage?

MAX: Where?

But by the time he looks back, she’s gone.



MAX: I’ll explain later. Have you seen the rest of this guy?


Max is about to expand on her question when she spots something across the room –


Logan and Asha huddled together, making out. Furious, Max shoves the bag at Original Cindy.

MAX: Keep him busy, huh? I’ll be right back.

ORIGINAL CINDY: Me? Girlfriend, I don’t know how to keep a man busy even when he’s all…put together.

SALLY: (O.S.) Gimme a shot. I’ll rock your world.


Max moves off. Joshua, Katarina and Dieter intercept her, blocking her view of Logan and Asha. Dieter is guzzling from a bottle of Tequilla.

KATARINA: The body is in a back room.

DIETER: With the hottie.

JOSHUA: Getting their swerve on.

MAX: (bypassing them) Yeah, whatever. I got a situation here.



Max approaches the hot and heavy couple. They sure look like Logan and Asha.

MAX: (CONT’D) Thought you were busy tracking down a hit man.

He turns. It’s not Logan. His GIRLFRIEND gives Max a look.

GIRLFRIEND: Can we help you?

MAX: Um, yeah…you seen a headless body around?

GIRLFRIEND: Back room.

MAX: Right…I knew that.

She heads back to the group.



Max and the others race up the stairs. There’s a commotion coming from one of the bedrooms. Joshua tries the door, but it’s locked. He throws his shoulder against it, blowing the door off it’s hinges.


The headless body is in bed with a PRETTY REDHEAD. As the door crashes in he bounds out of bed and dives “head first” out the window. Max rushes to the window.


The body commandeers a passing motorcycle and takes off.


THE GIRL looks up at the crowd that’s suddenly entered.

GIRL: Who are you people?

Joshua growls at her appreciatively. She gives him a come hither look.

GIRL: (CONT'D) Cool costume…

Joshua takes a step forward but Max hooks his arm and pulls him out the door.

MAX: Let’s go. Keep it moving.



The Body is having a grope-feet with a PRETTY REDHEAD on one of the sofas. Max, Dieter, Katarina and Joshua stand in the doorway. Max turns to the others.

MAX: Nice and quiet now. Don’t startle him.

KATARINA: On little cat feet

As they start forward we hear –.

SKETCHY: (O.S.) Max!!

Everyone whirls around to see Sketchy approaching with Rafer. At the same time, the Body spots Max and the others and leaps to its feet. Grabs a high powered rifle he’d stashed nearby.


As Max et al. pile inside.

MAX: That guy who just took off on the motorcycle?

RAFER: Yeah…


As a COP strolls up to the driver’s side window –

COP: Where’s the fire, cowboy?

JOSHUA: No fire cowboy.

COP: Wise guy, huh?

RAFER: (sharp) Joshua…(then) He didn’t mean anything, officer. He’s a German exchange student.

COP: You licensed to drive this ambulance?

RAFER: I’m a paramedic.

COP: Out of the car.


The cop looks Rafer up and down.

RAFER: No sir.

COP: Let’s see you walk in a straight line.

Rafer complies. But the cop whacks Rafer in the back of the knees with his baton and he crumples.

COP: (CONT’D) You just bought yourself a DUI, cowboy.

Rafer starts to protest

COP: (CONT’D) You wanna go for resisting arrest too?

Which silences Rafer

COP: (CONT’D) Hands on the roof where I can see em, feet apart. Stay there while I run your plates.

RAFER: (to his passengers) We’re screwed.

MAX: (through the window) He’s just looking to get paid. Slide him a coupla bills and we’re outta here.

RAFER: I don’t think that’ll help…

MAX: What are you talking about?

RAFER: See the ambulance is more or less stolen…Just for the evening.

MAX: Lemme handle it.



COP: (into police radio) License plate alpha-romeo-tango-five-niner-zero.

RADIO: (V.O.) Stand by.

Suddenly, Max sits up behind the cop, and catches him in a sleeper grip. The cop slumps over. She’s about to exit the car when the following is broadcast on the police radio --

DISPATCHER: (V.O) Attention all units. Reports of a robbery at Alamo Firearms, 357 Mercer. Suspect is male, described as headless and now heavily armed. Proceed with caution.

Off Max, realizing this whole thing just got lost more serious




MAX: (CONT’D) Okay, start talking. Why would your body need a weapon?

SALLY: Seattle’s a rough town. Maybe I wanted some personal protection.

MAX: You’re lying, I’m gonna pull your eyes out and shove ‘em down your throat.

SALLY: You try it, and I’ll bite your fingers off.

JOSHUA: (to the others) Pretty Wack…

Max hears something on the radio. Reaches over to turn it up.

SALLY: You’ll never get it out of me.

Max reaches in and pinches his nose closed. Covers his mouth with her other hand. Sally’s muffled protests indicate he’ll talk, and she lets him go.


Fine, fine – I’m in town on a mission, alright?

MAX: A mission.

SALLY: (spelling it out) An assassination. For Manticore. Sheesh…..

MAX: (losing it) Manticore?!? Manticore’s gone. You bodyless creep.

SALLY: I take pride in my work. And Mr. Lempkin expects the job to be done.

MAX: Pierpont Lempkin is in bed with Manticore?

SALLY: Doh! I can’t believe I said that!!!!

MAX: Wait a minute. How can your body complete a mission without the rest of it tagging along?

SALLY: Muscle memory. I trained for months to do this job.

MAX: Who’s the target?

SALLY: Uh-uh – I’ve already said too much. Anything more would compromise the operation.


-- and she clocks him, hard in the midsection as –


Joshua and Dieter appear. Lift Father McAllister off his feet and quickly hustle him backstage, as the stunned group looks on, then quickly follows, leaving the stage empty.


Max and the Body duke it out. Without a head, all she can give him are body blows, which he absorbs easily. Fed up, she points behind him.

MAX: Look out!

The Body hesitates, and Max delivers a final upward knee to the only sensitive area he’s got. The Body staggers back, crashes through the railing and lands with a THUD on the floor below.



Present are Father McAllister, his entourage mutters angrily, Max and the ‘nomilies.

MCALLISTER: This was all some kind of Halloween fraternity prank?

MAX: Correct. (gestures to the body) That man was intending to egg you as part of some pagan initiation ritual. Fortunately, the student council caught wind of it and we put a stop to his wicked scheme.

MCALLISTER: Bless you my children.

MAX: Thank you, your worship.

Normal and Sketchy, dressed as urban commandos, enter with a phalanx of riot police. Normal points.

NORMAL: There they are, officers. Now do your duty.

SKETCHY: Max, get away from them. They’re monsters

The COPS move forward to “arrest” the ‘nomlies. One slaps a set of cuffs onto Joshua. He looks at Max, confused.


MAX: Wait a minute, (grabs the cop’s arm) They weren’t hurting anybody.

COP: And whadda you know about it? You one of them?

A long moment. Joshua looks back at her, beseeching.

MAX: No. I’m not one of them.

COP: Then move along and mind your own business.


on Max’s face. Her eyes fill with tears. She’s just betrayed her family.

MAX: (V.O) All I wanted was a normal night out…


Max looking out at the city –

MAX: (V.O) But I guess for a girl like me that’s just too much to ask. And the thing of it is –





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